Henry Hitt

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1770-1774 - Virginia (Fauquier Co.)
          Death: 23 Aug 1830 - Laurens Co., South Carolina ( at age 60)
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Lazarus Hitt (Bef 1755-1823)
         Mother: Eve (      -1819)

Spouses and Children
1. *Elizabeth Stephens Ball (Abt 1772 - 1851)
                1. Jesse Hitt (1797-1864)
                2. Elizabeth Hitt (1801-1826)
                3. William Hitt (Abt 1805-1861)
                4. Henry Hitt (Abt 1810-1875)
                5. Benjamin L. Hitt (Abt 1813-1865)
                6. Martin Hitt (Abt 1815-1892)


<pre>1800 Laurens Co., South Carolina
Henry Hitt 20010 -- 00010; no slaves
male female
2 <10
1 26-44 1
>45 </pre>

He is in the sequence Curtis Carnal, 5x, Henry Hitt, 9x, John Pearson, Thomas Hitt, 8x, Drury Sims, 10x, Robert Holingworth, 5x, Abner Hitt, 3x, Peter Hitt, Lazarus Hitt.

<pre>1810 Laurens Co., South Carolina
Henry Hitt 21010 -- 00110; 1 slave
male female
2 <10
1 10-15
16-25 1
1 26-44 1
>45 </pre>

He is in the sequence Curtis Cearnal, Larkin Hitt, x, Benja Hitt Sen'r, 5x, David Hitt, Henry Hitt, x, Lewis Ball.

<pre>1820 Laurens Co., South Carolina
Henry Hitt 210201 --- 10001; 6 in agriculture; 3 slaves
male female
2 <10 1
1 10-16
2 16-26
1 >45 1 </pre>

<pre>1830 Laurens Co., South Carolina
Henry Hitt Revd. 00111001 -- 0000001; 8 slaves
male female
< 5
1 10-15
1 15-20
1 20-30
40-50 1
1 50-60
70-80 </pre>

He is in the sequence Henry Hitt Revd., x, Drury Sims, x, Lewis Ball, Elizabeth Hitt.

<pre>1840 Laurens Co., South Carolina
Elizabeth S. Hitt 00001 -- 000010101; 6 in agriculture; 14 slaves
male female
< 5
1 20-30 1
40-50 1
60-70 1
70-80 </pre>

She is in the sequence William Hitt Rev., 4x, Jesse Hitt, Lewis Ball, Joseph Ball, Benj. Hitt, 2x, Henry Ball, 2x, Elizabeth S. Hitt. William, Jesse, and Benjamin are brothers. Elizabeth is their mother and Lewis Ball is their uncle.

<pre>1850 Laurens Co., South Carolina
Elizabeth Hitt 78 F Va $4000 Farmer
Mary Roosin 54 F SC </pre>

Her son Jesse Hitt lives at 282/282. In the Slave Schedule (Aug 14) Elizabeth S. Hitt is the owner of 20 slaves.


Bethabara Baptist Church Minutes 1801-1881 (Laurens Co., SC; LDS microfilm 22728):

page 23: "The records of the Church from 1795 up to 1805 seems to have been irregularly kept and are entirely lost with the exception of one meeting

"July 25, 1801 -- According to request the presbytery viz John Waller and David Lilly met at Bethabara Church and ordained Henry Hitt a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

The next date in the minutes is June 8, 1805.

From page 3 to page 8 there is a list of male members and on pages 9-21 a list of female members. It seems likely that the first parts of the two lists were created in 1805 when the church began to keep a careful written record of its affairs. Each name occupies the left part of one line. To the right of the name in different handwriting are comments like "Died 1839" or "Recv'd by Experience Sept 12, 1832".

The first entry in the list of male members is "Henry Hitt -- Died Aug 23th, 1830".

Henry Hitt was the pastor of the church from sometime before 1805 until his death and from 1805 onward he was routinely authorized year after year to represent the church at the association, sometimes alone and sometimes with other brethren. He was of course active in church affairs.

August 10, 1805: "In conference we delligated the brethren Henry Hitt John Sadler & Drewry Sims to go to the association"

July 9, 1814: "In conference delegated the brethren Henry Hitt John Sadler and Drewry Sims to look into an evil report about brother Gabriel and make their report of the same to our next meeting"

March 13, 1824: "In conformity with a petition from the Beeverdam church requesting help in the ordination of Mr. Cresman brother Henry Hitt was deligated to assist in that business"

October 9, 1830: "Having lost Elder, Brother Henry Hitt as our pastor application was made to Elder, Brother Joseph Babb and the messengers Lewis and George Ball returned an answer that with the help of the Lord he would supply us as pastor."


See "Laurens District Estate Record", Book F (1826-34, LDS microfilm 1029296), pgs 282, 289:

pg 282: On September 27, 1830 the court grants letters of administration on the estate of Henry Hitt, dec'd, to William Hitt.

pg 282: Henry Hitt's will is dated March 3, 1828. His wife is Elizabeth Sevens [hard to read] Hitt. His 3 youngest sons are Benjamin, Henery and Marten. He has 2 other sons William and Jesse. After his wife's death or remarriage his personal property is to be sold and $500 of the money so obtained is to be distributed among the 4 children (Mary, Elizabeth, Susannah and Rainey) of his daughter Elizabeth Hollingsworth. The executors are Lewis Ball and his 2 sons William Hitt and Jesse Hitt. The witnesses are Marten Ball, Williss Ball and Peter H. Boyd. It appears that part of his land adjoins the land of John Hitt.

pg 289: Very brief appraisement of property. Total value is $2926.25 including 8 Negroes $1530.

Probate records for William Hitt are also in Box 36, Package 12 (image 176/1254) of Laurens Co. Estate Papers. They can be seen online at familysearch.org.

Henry Hitt's will (images 178-79) is long and complicated.

South Carolina
Laurence District
In the name of God amen Being Sum what afflicted in Body but of Sound mind and memory praised be god for his Mercies And knowing that it is appointed for all mankind to die and Believing the time of my Desolution is not fare distant I bequeath my Estate which it hath pleased God to give me As follows 1st I Recomend my Soul into the hands of almighty God who gave me also I Recomend my body to the dust Neatly to be Enterred at the Expence of my Executors Secondly I give and Bequeath to my wife Elizabeth Stevens Hitt all my personal Estate dureing her Natureal Life or widowhood Consisting of Negroes Horses and other Stock household and kitchen furniture and plantation tools after paying all my Just Debts fanerel Espences And the prbating this will, my Wish allso is that my Aforesaid ______ sabeth Should give my three youngest Sons Henry ____min and Martin Hitts a feather bead apeace to be as good as my other Sons ware when they Received theirn to be given when they Com to the age of twenty one or day of Marriage, thirdly I now give and Bequeath the Land whereon I now Live Containing three hundred and Ninty acres more or less that is to say I give and bequeath all my Land on the north Side of the Creek where I now Live to my beloved wife Elisabeth Hitt to hold for her Suport if She does not marry until my son Benjamin Hitt Comes to the age of twenty one or day of marriage then my will is that said tract of Land where I now Live be divided as follows begining at the mouth of Drean uppon the Creek at a forked buckeye Corner from there up the drean betwene my two plantations to an old hicry Corner from this Corner to the Back line Joining McWilliams Land in a direction So as to Equally divid the Land and I will And bequeath unto my Son Benjamin Hitt that part Joining Lewis Ball and Abram Hollings Worth which is his at day of mariage or twenty one, the other part whare I now Live, I will and Bequeath unto my Son Martin Hitt at the death or Marriage of my aforesaid wife, the ballance of Said tract of Land Lying on the South East Side of Said Creek Joining Watts Isac Grants and thomas Saulmon I will and bequeath unto my Son Jesse Hitt, I also will and bequeath one other tract or parcel of Land which I Baught of Bejamin Hitt Called the Crawson tract Containing two hundred And Sixty two acres more or less unto my two Sons William Hitt and Henry Hitt to be Divided betwene them as follows Begining at a pine Called the Bullock Corner and then to the back lin on Zimare Carters Land in a direction So as to Equally divide the Land betwene them and I give and bequeath that part unto my son William Whare he now lives the other part Joining Grant and John Hitt I will and bequeath unto my Son Henry Hitt, My will is that after the Death or mariag of my aforesaid wife Elisabeth that my Executors do Expose all my personal property to Sail and from the mony ariseing from the Same that they giv the Sum of five hundred dollars to my daughter Elisabeths Hollings Worths Children namly Mary Elisabeth Susanah and John Rayny Hollngs Worths to be equally divided betwen them as they Com to the age of twenty one in order to make them Equal with my sons for Land, I also giv my two Sons William and Henry one hundred dollars Apeace to mak them Equal with the Rest in Land, and if there Should be a ballance of my Estate my will is that it Should be Equally Divided betwen all my Lawful Heirs, Lastly I nominate and appoint my sons Jesse Hitt and William Hitt and Lewis Ball my Soul Executors to Carry this my will into Execution, a[nd] I do acknowledg this to be my Last will and testiment and hereby Disannul All others wills by me made, to be nul and void Sined Sealed and acknowledged before us this the third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty Eight Signed Sealed and acknowledged in presents of us

Henry Hitt
Witness + Martin Ball
+ Willis Ball
Peter H. Boyd

The appraisal is dated November 10, 1830. The total value is $2933.25 including hogs ($70), cattle ($61), sheep ($24), geese ($8), horses ($200), waggon & plantation tools ($72), household and kitchen furniture ($314.25), 8 Negroes ($1530), a lot of corn wheat ($356.75), rough food ($77.37 1/2), cotton on hand ($116).

A sale took place November 25, 1851 after the death of Henry's widow Elizabeth Stevens Hitt. The executor of Henry's estate is still William Hitt. He is also the executor of his mother's estate, and a sale of that estate also took place on November 25.

At the sale of Henry's estate each of his 5 sons bought numerous items. They bought all the slaves and all the horses. Other relatives (Henry Hill, Harrison Fuller, David Owens, Willis Grant, David Whiteford, Aron Wells, Richard Owens, Abram Hollingsworth) bought a few items. There were 31 other buyers, who bought a few items. Total proceeds = $15267.37.

Martin Hitt: Negro man Elijah (waggoner) ($1000) -- $1139.82 1/2

Benjamin Hitt: Negro man Absalom (old) ($507) -- $601.56 1/2

Jesse Hitt: bay mare ($63), Negro boy Willy ($1000), Negro woman Jinny ($900), Negro boy Harry ($695), bay colt ($32) -- $2838.45

William Hitt: black horse ($96), Negro woman Phebe & child Alsey ($545), Negro girl Cornelia ($705), Negro boy Henry ($455), Negro girl Litha ($705), Negro boy Billy ($605) -- $3122.65

Henry Hitt: Negro woman Phebe & children Susan & Anthony ($1200), Negro man Anthony ($900), Negro man Frank ($900), Negro man Albert ($900), Negro woman Julia & child Louisa ($900), Negro boy Joseph ($535), Negro boy Richard ($600), Negro boy John ($505) -- $6520.18

Calculations on images 193 and 194 show the amount due each legatee. The share of each of the 6 children was $2361.10. Each of the 3 living children of Elizabeth Hollingsworth received one third of that amount plus one third of the $500 bequeathed to them in the will of their grandfather.


1 Earl J. Hitt, "http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com db: hitthaynie."

2 Beatrice Myers & Vada Phillips, "Benjamin Hitt and Nancy Curnal, their Antecedents and Descendants," 1987, pg 80. Repository: Orange Public Library, Orange, Texas.

3 Col. James Leland Bolt & Margaret Eltinge Bolt, Church Cemeteries Laurens County, South Carolina, 1983, Vol 1, pg 120. Repository: Clayton Library, Houston, Texas.

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