Joseph Ashbrook
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: 1802 - Chesterfield Co., Virginia Burial: Cause of Death:
Spouses and Children
1. *Susannah Lockett ( - ) Marriage: Children: 1. Mary Ashbrook ( - ) 2. Elizabeth Ashbrook ( - ) 3. Sarah Ashbrook ( - ) 4. Nancy Ashbrook ( - ) 5. Susannah Ashbrook ( - ) 6. James Ashbrook ( - )
Land tax records are available from 1791 onward. Personal property tax records are available from 1786 onward. In both lists Joseph Ashbrook appears for the last time in 1802.
Acres Value Tax
1791 388 £166 10/4 £2 10/-
1792 388 £166 10/4 £2 10/-
1793 388 £166 10/4 £2 10/-
1794 388 £166 10/4 £2 10/-
1795 388 £166 10/4 £2 10/-
1796 388 £166 10/4 £2 10/-
1797 488 £220 5/4 £3 6/8
1798 488 $697 $2.64
1799 illegible
1800 illegible
1801 291 $320 $3.02
1802 291 $320 $1.98
1) white tithables (1786 white males over 21; 1791 & later white males over 16)
2) whites between 16 & 21 (1786 only)
3) black tithables (in 1790 and later blacks over 16)
4) blacks above 12 & under 16
5) total blacks (1786 only)
6) horses (horses, mares, colts, mules; 'horse' often means 'gelding')
7) cattle (1786 only)
8) tax
wh wh bl bl bl ho c'tle tax
1786 1 2 4 9 6 23
1788 3 4 6
1790 2 2 1 3
1791 2 3 1 5
1792 2 3 1 4
1793 3 3 1 6
1794 3 4 4
1795 3 4 1 4
1796 3 4 2 5
1797 3 5 1 3
1798 2 4 1 2 $1.93
1799 2 6 5 $3.24
1800 2 5 1 5 $3.24
1801 2 5 5 $2.80
1802 1 5 4 $2.68
Chesterfield Co., Virginia Order Book No. 3, pg 117 (LDS microfilm 30909):
March Court 1761 (Friday, March 6) -- "Ordered that Joseph Ashbrooke be Guardian to Margaret Locket and Winfred Locket Orphans thereupon the said Joseph gave Bond as the Law requires"
Chesterfield Co. Order Book No. 3, pg 246:
August Court 1762 (Friday, August 6) -- Joseph Ashbrook, guardian of Winefred and Margaret Locket, orphans, presents his account current to the court.
Chesterfield Co. Order Book No. 4, pg 101:
September Court 1767 (Friday, September 4) -- Joseph Ashbrooke, guardian of Winfred and Margaret Lockett, orphans, presents his account current to the court.
Chesterfield Co., Virginia Will Book No. 5, pg 565 (DGS 7644376 at, image 294/907):
Last will and testament of Joseph Ashbrook written September 15, 1801.
Daughter Mary Lockett -- "I give to my Daughter Mary Lockett one negroe girl named Giney also one Bed and furniture that I had before given also one negroe Boy named Frank to her and Heirs forever."
Daughter Susannah Lockett -- "I give to my daughter Susannah Lockett one negroe Girl named Silah & also one Bed and furniture that I had before given also one negroe Boy named _____ to her and her Heirs forever."
Daughter Elizabeth Baugh -- one Negro girl named _____; one bed and furniture already given; one Negro boy named ______
Daughter Sarah Gates -- one Negro girl named Lucy; one bed already given; ____ and her son Anderson
Daughter Nancy Bailey -- one Negro girl named _____; one bed, one side saddle, one chest that formerly belonged to her mother
Grandsons Henry Bailey and John Bailey -- one Negro girl named Susannah
"Son and law" Joseph Baugh -- one Negro girl named Jessey; one bed already given
Son James Ashbrook -- "I do lend to my son James Ashbrook all the land I am possessed with during his life and after his death I do give it to his lawful begotten male Heirs if any and . . ."; 5 Negroes; various livestock
Executors -- Wm. Findley, James Ashbrooke, James Gates
Witnesses -- John Smith, Arch'd Lafrade, Peter Franklin
Chesterfield Co. Order Book No. 14, pg 351 (LDS microfilm 30914):
September Court 1802 (Monday, September 13) -- The last will and testament of Jos. Ashbrooke, deceased, was proved by the oaths of John Smith and Peter Franklin.
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