Archibald Lockett
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: Abt 1777 Burial: Cause of Death:
Father: Benjamin Lockett ( -1793) Mother:
We do not know the birth year of any of the 7 children of Benjamin Lockett, Jr., but we have evidence about the order in which they were born.
On December 5, 1766 Benjamin Lockett, Senior of Chesterfield Co. doth give unto his son Archibald Lockett one Negro girl named Sarah and her increase, but Archibald is not to be in possession of said Negro during the life of Benjamin and his wife. (Chesterfield Co. Deed Records 5/398)
Archibald Lockett was a soldier in the War of Independence and died while he was in military service, probably in 1777. In 1807 an application was made for bounty land based on his military service. The applicant was probably his nephew Edmund Lockett. He is mentioned in one of the documents submitted in support of the application. The following description of the contents of the Archibald Lockett file and the description of the program is from the website of the Library of Virginia.
Rank: Soldier.
Service: Army.
Date: 1807.
Other Format -- Available on microfilm. Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, reels 1-29.
Biog./Hist. Note -- The act of the General Assembly passed on June 22, 1779, which established the Virginia Land Office, also provided for the rewarding of lands promised as bounty for specified Revolutionary War military service. The purpose of the bounty land system was to encourage longer military service. In order to qualify for bounty land, a soldier had to serve at least three (3) years continuously in the State or Continental line. Militia service did not count. Servicemen submitted various documents such as affidavits of commanding officers and fellow soldiers and discharge papers in order to substantiate their service record. When the claim was proved, the Governor's Office issued a certificate to the register of the Land Office authorizing him to issue a warrant. The first warrant was issued in 1782 and the last in 1876 as heirs of warrantees continued to seek lands for additional service. Land awarded as bounty was in the present-day states of Ohio and Kentucky.
Related Work -- The papers accumulated as proof of service are now part of the records of the Executive Dept. Office of the Governor (RG#3) and are called 'Bounty Warrants' if approved and 'Rejected Claims' if disapproved. These records are housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.
NoteAffidavit: of William Logwood as to heir.
Affidavit: Mary Watkins, as to heir, Chesterfield County.
Affidavit: Miller Woodson as to handwriting.
Affidavit: W. Wilcox as to handwriting.
Affidavit: John Hatcher as to handwriting.
Affidavit: Libby Mosby as to handwriting.
Certificate: William Cunningham, late Captain.
Certificate: Joseph Scott, late Captain, & Arch. Denholm, late Captain.
System Number: 001097225
The following documents mentioned above in support of the application for bounty land can be found on LDS microfilm 29835. They do not say specifically in whose benefit the application is being made. These documents are 1) an affidavit of Mary Watkins, Archibald's sister, 2) an affidavit of William Logwood, brother of Archibald's sister-in-law, Mary Logwood, and 3) a statement by Archibald's commanding officer submitted by Edmund Lockett. That #3 was submitted by Edmund Lockett suggests to me that he was to be the beneficiary of the land grant.
The Affidavit of Mary Watkins formerly Mary Lockett this affient Saith that she is one of the reputed children of Benjamin Lockett dec'd and that there were Six others reputed to be the children of the said Benj'n dec'd (to wit) Wennefred, Richard, Benjamin, Francis, Charles and Archebald, that Archeb'd about the commencement of the war between the younited States of America and great Britan enlisted and went into the army, from which he never has returned as this affent knows of but has been informed oftentimes that her Brother Archebald died in the service (which information this affient verry believes) and that her Brother Richard Lockett was reputed to be the eldest son of her farther, and that her brother Richard has since deceased as she has been informed and verryly believes and has left ten children (to wit) Mabel, David, Edmund, Daniel, Jeremiah, Josiah, Rodah, William, Jesse and Archibald which are the reputed children and Legatees of the said Richard Lockett and further _____ that her brother Richard Lockett obtained a negroe woman and some other prop [last 4 words marked out] left _____ said bro Archebald Lockett, which he claimed ______at law many years before the death of ______ farther (to wit) Benjamin Lockett, and further _____ not.
Mary Watkins
Chesterfield County to wit
This day Mary Watkins personally appeared before me a Magistrate for said County and made oath to the within affidavit
Given under my hand this 21st May 1807
Arch'd Wooldridge
The Affidavit of Wm. Logwood in his Sextieth year saith that he (this affient) was well acquainted in the family of Benjamin Lockett deceased who had seven children reputed to be his (to wit) Winnefred Richard Benjamin, Francis, Charles Mary and Archebald of which, Richard Lockett was reputed to be the oldest son and heir at Law, and obtained a negroe woman that belonged to Archebald Lockett who died in the service of the united States in time of the war with great Brittan, the said Richard obtained said negroe in the lifetime of his said farther Benjamin Lockett the said Rich'd is since deceased and has left ten children reputed to be his (to wit) Mabel, David, Edmund, Daniel, Jeremiah, Josiah, William, Rodah, Jesse and Archebald which are the heirs and Legatees of the said Richard Lockett, dec'd
21st May 1807 William Logwood
Chesterfield County to wit
This day William Logwood made oath before me a Magistrate for this County to the within affidavit. Given under My hand this 21st day of May 1807.
Arch'd Wooldridge
Cumberland county April 22nd 1807
Be it remembered that on the day & year aforesaid Edmund Lockett presented to me a certificate with the signature of Wm. Cuningham in the following words, to wit "I do hereby certify that Archibald Lockett inlisted a soldier in the Continental Army and in my Company in the first Regiment in August 1776 for the term of three years and died in the service in the year 1777
William Cuningham
December 25th 1779
Micajah Linklear
There are 4 affidavits in which the affiant says that he believes the handwriting in the certificate to be of that William Cunningham who was a captain in the 1st Virginia Regiment.
The following document on LDS microfilm 1889201 indicates that the application for bounty land was successful:
Archibald Lockett Pvt CL LO5180
The representative of Archibald Lockett is entitled to the proportion of land allowed a private of the continental line for three years served.
Samuel Coleman
Council Chamber
June 5, 1870
Wm. H. Cabell
Laid off June 5th 1807 -- In virtue of the above record a warrant for 100 acres in the name of the representative of Arch'd Lockett.
Edm'd Lockett
Edw'd Davis
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