Charles Lockett

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 
          Death: Abt 1790 - (Chesterfield Co., Virginia)
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Benjamin Lockett (      -1793)

Spouses and Children
1. *Susanna (       - 1806)
                1. Samuel Lockett (Bef 1780-      )
                2. Charles Lockett (Bef 1782-      )
                3. Susannah Lockett (      -      )
                4. Jemima Lockett (      -      )
                5. Mary Lockett (Abt 1787-      )


We do not know the birth year of any of the 7 children of Benjamin Lockett, Jr., but we have evidence about the order in which they were born.


1783 Chesterfield Co., Virginia
Charles Lockett -- 6 white, 8 black


When Charles Lockett died in about 1790 he was relatively young. He may have died in an accident as he died intestate. He first purchased land 19 years earlier in November 1771. He bought 157 acres on the south side of Dry Creek from his cousin Abraham Lockett. He did not keep it long. In February 1773 he sold it to his brother Francis Lockett for the same price that he paid for it --- £1/acre. In the meantime in August 1772 he had bought for £65 from Francis a tract of 110 acres adjoining his father Benjamin Lockett and his brother Richard Lockett. He did not keep it long, selling it for £110 in March 1774. In November 1774 Charles bought 113 acres on the north side of Dry Creek for £20 from his father. The price suggests that it was mostly a gift. Just 2 months later in February 1775 Charles owed his brother Francis £100 and he mortgaged to Francis the 113 acres, on which his father was then living. Charles and his father may have continued to live on that tract. In any event Charles finally sold it to Francis for £169 in December 1786. In June 1784 Charles purchased a tract of 197 acres near Falling Creek from William Trabue. In 1787 he sold a small part of it. He was living on the remaining 190 acres when he mortgaged it to Francis in November 1789. He was in debt to William Trabue for £195 10s, and Francis was the surety. After Charles's death in December 1791 it was sold at public auction, and Francis bought it for £190. He sold it to Daniel Trabue in 1798.

It appears that Charles Lockett was chronically in debt and that he was heavily dependent on his more prosperous brother Francis.


Land tax records are available from 1791 onward. Neither Charles nor his widow are ever in the land tax records. Personal property tax records are available from 1786 onward. Susannah Lockett is present for the last time in 1806.

1) white tithables (1786 white males over 21; 1791 & later white males over 16)
2) whites between 16 & 21 (1786 only)
3) black tithables (in 1790 and later blacks over 16)
4) blacks above 12 & under 16
5) total blacks (1786 only)
6) horses (horses, mares, colts, mules; 'horse' often means 'gelding')
7) cattle (1786 only)
8) tax

wh wh bl bl bl ho c'tle tax
1786 1 0 3 9 2 2 Charles Lockett
1788 1 3 2 8 Charles Lockett
1790 0 2 2 Charles Lockett's Estate
1791 0 1 1 1 Sukey Lockett
1792 0 1 1 1 Sukey Lockett
1793 0 1 1 1 Suckey Lockett
1794 0 3 1 Sukey Lockett
1795 0 2 1 1 Sukey Lockett
1796 0 2 Sukey Lockett
1797 0 1 1 Susanna Lockett
1798 0 3 $1.05 Susannah Lockett
1799 0 1 .44 Susannah Lockett
1800 0 1 .44 Susanna Lockett
1801 1 1 .44 Susanna Lockett
1803 0 2 .88 Susannah Lockett
1804 0 2 .88 Susannah Lockett
1805 0 3 1.32 Susanna Lockett
1806 0 3 1.32 Susanna Lockett


On December 5, 1766 Benjamin Lockett, Sen'r of Chesterfield Co. doth give unto his son Charles Lockett one Negro boy named Gary, but Charles shall not be in possession of the said Negro boy til the decease of the said Benjamin Lockett and his wife. (Chesterfield Co. Deed Records 5/399)

On November 22, 1771 Abraham Lockett of Chesterfield Co. sells to Charles Lockett of the same place for £157 a tract in Chesterfield Co. of 157 acres, more or less. It begins at a corner on the western side of Mierey Branch on the edge of Dry Creek Swamp. The meanders of Dry Creek are one on the boundaries. It adjoins property of Jesse Russell, Baugh and Peter Farmer. (6/454)

On August 6, 1772 Francis Locket of Chesterfield Co. sells to Charles Locket of the same place for £65 a tract of 110 acres by estimation in Chesterfield Co. adjoining lands of Benjamin Lockett, Richard Lockett, James Hill and Wm. Akin. (7/236)

On February 5, 1773 Charles Lockett of Chesterfield Co. sells to Francis Lockett of the same place for £157 a tract in Chesterfield Co. on the south side of Dry Creek adjoining lands of Jessey Russell, John Baugh and John Farmer containing 157 acres, more or less. (7/30) See 6/454.

On March 21, 1774 Charles Lockett of Chesterfield Co. sells to Wm. Akin of the same place for £110 a tract of 110 acres by estimation in Chesterfield Co. adjoining lands of Wm. Akin, Benj'n Lockett and John Hill. (7/395)

On November 11, 1774 Benj'n Lockett of Chesterfield Co. sells to Charles Lockett of the same place for £20 a tract of 113 acres, more or less, in Chesterfield Co. on the north side of Dry Creek adjoining Wm. Akin, Charles Lockett and Richard Lockett. (8/12)

On January 16, 1775 Charles Lockett of Henrico Co. conveys in trust to Francis Lockett of Chesterfield Co. the land and plantation whereon his father Benj'n Lockett now lives in Chesterfield Co. on the north side of Dry Creek containing 113 acres, more or less, and also one Negro boy named Gary now in the possession of the said Benja. Lockett. Charles Lockett owes £100 to Francis Lockett. (8/62)

On June 4, 1784 William Trabue of Chesterfield Co. sells to Charles Lockett of the same place for £300 a tract of 197 acres, more or less, in Chesterfield Co. bounded by William Hancock on the north, John Miles on the west, and by William Harris, Edward Jonston and Cornelius Elliott, being all that tract that John Hancock sold to Mary Lowel and that she sold to Francis Lockett. (10/371) See 11/358 and 12/37 below and 8/346 and 10/175 in the notes under Francis Lockett.

On December 14, 1786 Charles Lockett of Chesterfield Co. sells to Francis Lockett, Sen'r of the same place for £169 a tract of 113 acres, more or less, in Chesterfield Co. on the north side of Dry Creek adjoining lands of William Akin, Joseph Akin, Richard Lockett, and the said Francis Lockett. (11/277)

On August 31, 1787 Charles Lockett and Susanna, his wife, of Chesterfield Co. sell to Cornelius Elliott for £12 10s a tract of 6 1/4 acres, more or less, in Chesterfield Co. on the south side of Falling Creek. (11/358)

On November 19, 1789 Charles Lockett of Chesterfield Co. mortgages to Francis Lockett of the same place for £391 the following property: 1) a tract of 190 acres by estimation in Chesterfield Co. adjoining lands of the estate of William Trabue, Daniel Trabue, John Miles, the estate of Edward Johnston, David Morrsett, and Cornelius Elliott, it being the whole of the lands on which the said Charles Lockett now lives and 2) one Negro man slave by the name of Garey. Charles Lockett has executed 3 bonds unto William Trabue, now deceased, in the amount of £195 10s with Francis Lockett as security, and if Charles Lockett pays that amount with interest and costs this instrument to be void. (12/37)


Charles Lockett was alive on November 19, 1789 when he mortgaged to his brother Francis the 190 acre tract on which he was living. Charles Lockett is in the 1788 Chesterfield Co. personal tax list. The list for 1789 is missing and his estate is in the 1790 list. Presumably he died in 1790 or late 1789. He died intestate. On February 13, 1798 Francis Lockett sold the 190 acre tract (14/218). The deed states that Charles Lockett is deceased and it names his widow and three of their children.

Chesterfield Co. Order Book No. 8, pg 440 (LDS microfilm 30911):

June Court 1790 (Thursday, June 10) -- "Ordered that the Overseers of the Poor for District No. 2 do bind out as the Law directs Samuel Lockett & Charles Lockett Sons of Charles Lockett deceased."

Chesterfield Co. Order Book No. 10, pg 26 (LDS microfilm 30912):

December Court 1792 (Monday, December 10) -- "Ordered that the overseer of the poor for district No. 2 do bind out Susannah Lockett Jamima Lockett Mary Lockett and Charles Lockett orphans of Charles Lockett dec'd apprentices as the law directs."


Chesterfield Co. Order Book No. 8, pg 371 (LDS microfilm 30911):

February Court 1790 (Thursday, February 11) -- "Administration on Charles Lockett's Estate granted to Francis Lockett on his giving Bond as the Law directs the said Charles's Widow refusing to administer on the same."

Chesterfield Co. Will Book No. 4, pg 321 (LDS microfilm 30373):

Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Charles Lockett, dec'd; Edward Moseley, Tho's Railey, Cornelius Elliott, appraisers; undated:

There are 53 items. No total is given, but the sum of the individual values is £564 5s. There are 10 shoats, 4 sheep and 1 lamb, 2 cows and 1 calf, 8 pigs, 4 geese, 5 horses including 3 named horses worth £10 apiece, and various household items and tools in addition to the following:

Garey £100
Ned £65
Luce £60
Patt £60
Amey £50
Bell £45
Squire £35
Easter £30
Beck £25
1 waggon & gears £18

On September 11, 1797 the court approved the accounts of Francis Lockett, administrator of the estate of Charles Lockett, dec'd, and found that there was a balance of £15 12s 10p due to the administrator December 26, 1792 (Will Book 5/30).

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