David Lockett

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Bef 1765
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Richard Lockett (Bef 1734-1795)
         Mother: Mary Logwood (      -Abt 1805)

Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Ashbrook (       -       )
       Marriage: 17 Nov 1783 - Chesterfield Co., Virginia 1
                1. Edmund A. Lockett (1790-      )


<pre>1810 Bedford Co., Virginia
David Lockett 20201 -- 02101; 3 slaves
male female
2 <10
10-15 2
2 16-25 1
1 >45 1 </pre>


On January 29, 1784 Daniel Elam of Chesterfield Co. sells to David Lockett of the same place for £150 a tract in Chesterfield Co. on the branches of Deep Creek containing by estimation 100 acres and bounded by George Robertson, Stephen Elam, Thomas Boles and William Sims. (Chesterfield Co. Deed Records 10/279)

On February 9, 1786 David Lockett and Mary, his wife, of Chesterfield Co. sell to Henry Bowles of the same place for £100 a tract of 100 acres, more or less, in Chesterfield Co. bounded by William Sims, Thomas Bowles and others. (11/152)

On November 1, 1794 Richard Lockett of Bedford Co. sells to David Lockett of the same place for £50 a tract of 80 acres, more or less, in Bedford Co. It begins at the mouth of a branch on the north side of Stony Fork, and the description mentions John Dawson's corner, Reuben Dollar's spring and Boyd's old line. (Bedford Co. Deed Records 9/456)

On February 22, 1797 David Lockett and Mary, his wife, of Bedford Co. sell to John Williams of the same place for £40 a tract of 100 acres, more or less, in Bedford Co. on the Stony Fork of Otter River on which he now lives and which he purchased of his father. For a description see the deed to David Lockett from his father. (10/444)

On March 31, 1809 David Lockett mortgages 2 Negroe slaves to secure a bond of £118 13/5 dated February 23, 1808. (13/469)


David Lockett is in the Chesterfield Personal Property Tax List only once -- in 1786 (the first year for which the tax list is available). He is a white tithable over 21 years of age. He has one horse, two head of cattle and no slaves. Land tax records are available form 1791, and David is present there from 1791 until 1803. He consistently owns 100 acres with a taxable value of £42 18/4 or $143 or $153. It may be that David moved to Bedford Co. in about 1787 but retained possession of his land in Chesterfield Co. until 1803.


Land tax records are available from 1782 onward. The third through fifth columns are value per acre, total value, and tax.

1795 80 acres 1/5 £5 10/6 1/8 David Lockett from Ri'rd Lockett
1796 80 acres 1/5 £5 10/6 1/8 David Lockett
1797 80 acres 1/5 £5 10/6 1/8 David Lockett
1798 David Lockett to John Williams 100 acres

Personal property tax records are available from 1782 onward. David Lockett is present for the last time in 1816. Categories in the tax lists vary significantly from year to year, which complicates comparison and presentation of data.

Between 1782 and 1790 the first column in the tax list is labelled 'white males over 21'. After 1803 the first column is 'white males over 16'. Between 1791 and 1802 the term 'white tithe' is used. I feel confident that it refers to white males over 16. See the following article concerning the concept of 'tithe' and 'tithable':


To simplify the presentation of data I am omitting 1) all tithes (1793-94) and 2) tax paid (1798-1803,1815-16.)

The columns below are
1) Wo21 -- White males over 21
2) Wo16 -- White males over 16/white tithes
3) Wint -- White males above 16 and under 21
4) Bo16 -- Blacks over 16
5) Bu16 -- Blacks under 16
6) Bint -- Blacks over 12 and under 16 but in 1815 over 9 and under 12
7) Bo12 -- Blacks over 12
8) Btot -- Total blacks
9) Hors -- Horses, mares, colts, mules
10) Catl --- Cattle

Wo21 Wint Bu16 Bo12 Hors
Wo16 Bo16 Bint Btot Catl

1789 1 0 0 0 1 David Lockett
1790 1 0 0 0 1 David Locket
1791 2 0 0 1 David Locket
1792 3 1 0 1 David Lockett
1793 0 2 David Lockett
1794 0 2 David Lockett
1795 1 0 0 5 David Lockett
1796 1 0 0 1 David Lockett
1797 1 0 0 2 David Lockett
1798 1 0 0 1 David Lockett
1799 1 0 1 1 David Lockett
1800 0 0 1 2 David Lockett
1801 1 0 0 2 David Lockett
1802 1 0 0 2 David Lockett
1803 2 1 1 4 David Lockett
1804 2 1 1 4 David Lockett
1805 2 1 1 4 David Lockett
1806 3 1 1 6 David Lockett
1807 3 1 1 5 David Lockett
1809 2 1 1 4 David Lockett
1810 2 1 0 4 David Lockett
1811 2 1 0 4 David Lockett
1812 2 0 0 2 David Locket
1813 2 0 0 2 David Lockett Sen
1814 2 0 0 3 David Lockett
1815 1 0 0 3 11 David Lockett
1816 1 0 3 David Lockett


David Lockett and Mary Ashbrook were second cousins.



David died in Wythe Co. in 1825.


1 Catherine Lindsay Knorr, "Chesterfield County, Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister's Returns 1771-1815" (1958), pg 78. Repository: Clayton Genealogical Library, Houston, Texas.

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