Thomas Lockett

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 
          Death: Abt May 1686 - Henrico Co., Virginia
 Cause of Death: 

Spouses and Children
1. *Margaret Osborne (       - Abt Jun 1708)
       Marriage: Abt 1667
                1. Thomas Lockett II (      -1745/1746)
                2. Benjamin Lockett (Abt 1669-After 1731)
                3. James Lockett (Abt 1675-Abt 1709)
                4. Susan Lockett (      -      )
                5. Elizabeth Lockett (      -1708)
                6. Mary Lockett (      -      )


Jewel Davis Scarborough has written 4 books entitled SOUTHERN KITH AND KIN about the ancestors of her family. All 4 were privately printed in Abilene, Texas in the 1950's. Volume 1, "The Locketts" was published in 1951. Most of this book concerns Thomas Lockett III, grandson of Thomas Lockett I, and his descendents. I have only looked carefully at the first 4 chapters dealing with Thomas Lockett I and his children. These chapters appear to have been carefully researched.

The first Thomas Lockett may have been an immigrant or he may have been born in Virginia. He was in Henrico Co. by 1667. In November of that year Thomas Osborne gave to Thomas Lockett a tract of land that he (Osborne) had been granted as a consequence of having sponsored an immigrant (probably an indentured servant). Family tradition is that Thomas Lockett married Margaret Osborne, and this was probably a wedding gift. Thomas Lockett lived south of the James River in what is now Chesterfield County. He died there between March 27, 1686, when he wrote his will, and June 1, 1686, when it was proved. He appears to have been married less than 20 years, and he had only 6 known children, so he probably died relatively young. His widow lived until 1708.

In 1683 Thomas purchased a tract of land on the Appomattox River, which he later bequeathed to his eldest son Benjamin. There is no record that any land was patented to Thomas and SKK (SOUTHERN KITH AND KIN) says that the patent records are complete. He must have purchased other land because he bequeathed the plantation that he lived on to his sons Thomas and James, to be divided between them.

After the deed of gift in 1667 mentioned above the first mention of Thomas Lockett in the public records of Henrico Co. occurs in 1677, when Thomas and Margaret Lockett are witnesses to an affidavit. From 1677 to his death in 1686, Thomas is mentioned at least 30 times in the public records of Henrico Co., sometimes with his wife. He is frequently a member of a jury and is sometimes the foreman. See below for details.

The first Thomas Lockett lived in Henrico Co. in that part which subsequently became Chesterfield. His eldest son Benjamin remained in Chesterfield, but his son Thomas moved westward into Goochland in what became, after his death, Cumberland, and still later Powhatan. Thomas Lockett III lived in Cumberland in the portion which became Powhatan.

Henrico Co. was established in 1634 as one of the original 8 counties in Virginia. It has given rise to 10 modern counties. In 1728 most of Henrico became Goochland (all but modern Henrico and Chesterfield). Goochland extended westward to the Blue Ridge Mountains. In 1749 that part of Henrico south of the James River became Chesterfield. In 1744 the western part of Goochland became Albemarle (modern Albemarle, Buckingham, Amherst, Nelson, Fluvanna), and in 1749 that part of Goochland south of the James River became Cumberland. Finally in 1777 the eastern part of Cumberland became Powhatan. Chesterfield, Cumberland, and Powhatan lie between the James River (north of them) and the Appomattox River (south of them ). Amelia Co. and Prince Edward Co. are south of the Appomattox River.


In Chapter II of SOUTHERN KITH AND KIN, Volume 1, on pages 23-27 there is "a complete list of all references to Thomas Lockett, First, in the Records of Henrico County, Virginia". Another source of information is "Henrico County, Virginia Deeds 1677-1705" (Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1986). I have found most of the documents mentioned in these two books in microfilm copies of the original handwritten documents. The original records are not indexed, and it would be extremely time-consuming to search each page for occurrences of certain names. I haven't done that. If the two mentioned authors didn't find some document, I have not seen it. My description of the documents that I have seen is not always identical to that of SOUTHERN KITH AND KIN (SKK) or Benjamin B. Weisiger (BBW). A list of references to Thomas Lockett follows. 'HNP' indicates that I found the document. The first original source, designated by 'S1', is LDS microfilm 31763, item 1, "Henrico County, Virginia Record Book No. 1, 1677-1692". The second original source, designated by 'S2', is LDS microfilm 31763, item 2, "Henrico County, Virginia Record Book No. 2, 1678-93". S2 is a handwritten copy of an earlier record book. The first page number refers to the copy; the second to the original book.

5 Nov 1667, 24 Dec 1683 --
These presents witnesseth yt [that] I Tho Osborn do assign all my right of the transportation of Al__ Wood unto Tho Lockett or Ass [assigns] Witness my hand this 5th of IX [November] 1667
Thomas Osborne
Teste Tho (his T mark) Bottom

Bristol1 pish [parish] 27 Jan___ 1672. Recorded & Certificate granted.

I assign this w'in mentioned right unto Tho Burton being proved according to _____. Witness my hand ye 24th of X [December] 1683.
Tho Lockett
Recorded this first day of Feb'y A'd 1683.

According to SKK this is the only recorded connection between the Lockett and Osborne families in the Henrico records. (S1, pg 265; SKK,HNP)

3 Jan 1677 -- Tho: Lockett and Margret (M-her mark) Lockett, witnesses to affidavit of Robert Sharp. (S1, pg 24; SKK; I could not find this document.)

2 Aug 1677 -- Agreement between Tho: Lockett and John (IB) Baugh concerning the boundary between them: "begining at a black Oak on Appamattock River side & Soe extending by a line of Mark'd trees untill it comes to a great mark'd Corner pine tree, & thence along the head of the land of ye sd Lockett by a line of Mark'd trees down a bottom till it comes to Peircy's to ye Creek & hereunto we have sett our hands & Seals this 2d August 1677". "Recorded this first day of Feb'y A'd 1683 (at request of both ye aforesd partys in open Court)" (S1, pg 262; SKK,BBW,HNP)

May 15, 1678 -- Tho: Lockett on jury for division of land between Mr. George Worsham and John Wilson. (S2, pg 48; SKK; I did not find this document.)

29 May 1679 -- Tho: Lockett, Peter Feild and Henr: Randolph are witnesses to an agreement between Wm. Puckett, John Puckett, Thomas Puckett and Richard Womecke. (S1, pg 90; SKK,HNP)

1679 -- "An account of the Henrico County tythables ordered by this ____ Court to fit out men horse armor __ according to ______." There are 8 groups of men each associated with a number, which may indicate the number of tithables in his household. Tho: Lockett has 1. The numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 are common. One individual has 20. The sum for each group is 44. This item is undated but follows one dated April 1679 and precedes another dated June 1679. (S1, pgs 102-03; SKK,HNP)

29 Sep 1679 -- John Pleasants appoints Thomas Lockett of Henrico County, planter, his lawful attorney. Date given as "22d of 7th month 1679". (S1, pg 107; SKK,HNP)

30 Mar 1680 -- Tho: Lockett witnesses a deed. (S1, pg 131; BBW,HNP)

1 Aug 1680 -- Tho: Lockett, witnesses a deed from James Baugh of Henrico County & Bristoll Parish to Peter Ashbrooke of the same place. (S1, pg 135; SKK,BBW,HNP)

12 Jan 1680/1681 -- Tho Lockett is one of 12 jurors trying the case of Mr. Feild, plaintiff and guardian to Henry Randolph's orphan, vs Rob't Man and Eben Bellange, defendants. (S1, pg 162; SKK,BBW,HNP)

1681 -- "Thomas Lockett's marke which (at his request) is ordered to be recorded, is (on his cattle and hoggs the swallow forke on the right ear, his horses & mares being marked on ye near buttocke, thus (000) called three round O's." This entry is undated but follows a court order dated 23 Apr 1681 and precedes an item dated 1 Jun 1681. The middle 'O' in the mark is in fact raised above the outer two O's. (S1, pg 167; SKK,HNP)

29 Jan 1680/1681 -- Thomas Lewis of New York appoints Mr. Tho: Lockett his attorney. (SKK says that this is the only place in the Henrico County records where 'Mr.' precedes the name of Thomas Lockett.) (S1, pg 167; SKK,HNP)

1 Jun 1681 -- Tho: Lockett acknowledges a deed given by Thomas Lewis to Peter Feild. "Acknowledged in Hen'o County Court the 1st day of June 1681 by Tho: Lockett Attorney of the said Tho: Lewis". (S1, pg 168; SKK,BBW,HNP)

20 Oct 1681 -- Tho Lockett is one of 12 jurors who establish the dividing line between Mr. Randolph and Mr. Walthall. The date might be Oct 20, Oct 24, or Oct 29. (S1, pg 213; SKK,HNP)

20 Oct 1681 -- Tho: Lockett and Margrett Lockett are witnesses to a conveyance from John Baugh of the County of Henrico in the Parish of Bristoll to Robert ________. (S1, pg 223; SKK,BBW,HNP)

13 Dec 1681 -- Tho and Margret Lockett are witnesses to a gift of "one yearling heifer and one young Sow" from Thomas Burton to his son John. Date is given as "this 13th of X 1681". (S1, pg 265; SKK,BBW,HNP)

13 Dec 1681 -- Tho: and Margaret Lockett are witnesses to a gift of "one young Cow Calfe & one young Sow" from Thomas Burton to his son Abraham. Date is given as "this 13th of X 1681". (S1, pg 265; SKK,BBW,HNP)

February 1, 1682 -- Tho Lockett on a jury to decide suit of Tho: Shippy vs. Edward Hatcher and John Davis concerning a mare carried out and lost on a trading journey among Indians. Jury finds for plaintiff. (S2, pg 43/136; SKK,HNP)

1 Aug 1682 -- The will of Richard Ward is proved in court August 1, 1682 by the oaths of Thomas Lockett and the other witness to the will. (S1, pg 221; SKK,HNP)

April 1, l683 -- Thomas Lockett foreman of the jury; suit of William Dodson vs. Peter Rowlett concerning a mare alleged by the plaintiff to be his and taken up by defendant; suit dismissed with costs. (S2, pg 47/138; SKK,HNP)

April 1, 1683 -- Thomas Lockett, foreman of the jury; suit of James Ekin vs. Jno. Willson, Jun'r, churchwarden of Bristol parish, concerning seizing tobacco for parish levy. Jury finds for the plaintiff. (S2, pg 49/139; SKK,HNP)

2 Apr 1683 -- William Farrar and Priscilla, his wife (late Priscilla Baugh), convey to Thomas Lockett a tract "lying on appamatock River between the spring and the deep bottome (formerly given and granted by Mr. William Baugh unto Will: Baugh his grand Child (since deceased) as by deed dated sixth December 1668 may so appear, and since _______ and confirmed the guift by the sd Mr. Baugh unto the aforesd Priscilla Baugh (sister to the sd William Baugh dec'd) as by Writeing recorded in Henrico County Court first of June 1674 may appear)". (S1, pg 230; SKK,BBW,HNP)

SKK says the following: "This is the only record either in the Henrico Records or the Patent Books of the Land Office of the acquisition of any land by Thomas Lockett, First. He had probably purchased land earlier, but no record of it remains. He did not patent any land, as there is a record of all patents. The tract purchased from Farrar was called Scotland Hills and was bequeathed to Benjamin Lockett; Thomas Lockett's home place (the earlier purchase) went to Thomas and James Lockett, Thomas getting the plantation, i.e., the home. (Since there are few Henrico records dating before 1677, and those dated earlier are recorded later, we may say that Thomas Lockett acquired his home place prior to 1677)."

2 Apr 1683 -- A proclamation impanelling the Grand Jury for Henrico County is read in court. Thomas Lockett is the foreman. (S1, pg 241; SKK,HNP)

April 1, 1684 -- Tho Lockett, foreman of the Grand Jury, petitions its discharge; ordered to continue until next court; sheriff ordered to impanel new Grand Jury to be sworn in at next court at which time present jury will be dismissed. (S2, pg 75/160; SKK,HNP)

August 1, 1684 -- Thomas Lockett among 4 men nominated to appraise estate of Richard Womeck, deceased. (S2, pg 82/164; SKK,HNP)

1 Jan l685 -- Thomas Lockett and John (IB) Baugh are witnesses to a deed of gift in which Thomas Burton of Henrico County in the Parish of Bristoll gives 100 acres of land to each of his four sons. On 1 Feb 1685 Thomas Lockett and John (IB) Baugh clarify a mistake in the previous deed. (S1, pgs 350-51; SKK,BBW,HNP)

28 Jan 1685 -- Tho Lockett is a witness to a statement of Samuell Morris in regard to Mrs. Anne Morris, relict of Mr. Rich'd Morris. (S1, pg 353; SKK,HNP)

February 1, 1685 -- Thomas Lockett among 4 men nominated to appraise estate of Thomas Burton, Sr., deceased. (S2, pg 126/205; SKK,HNP)

February 1, 1685 -- Tho Lockett, foreman of jury; suit of Sam'll Moody vs. Henry Farmer. (S2, pg 127-29/206-07; SKK,HNP)

February 1, 1685 -- Tho Lockett, foreman of the jury; suit of Capt. Will Randolph vs. Peter Harris. (S2, pg 129/207; SKK,HNP)

1 Feb 1685 -- Thomas Lockett of the County of Henrico & in the Parish of Bristoll declares "unto ye worshipfull Court of Henrico that Samuell Morris late of ye County of James City was Cozen to Mr. Rich'd Morris formerly of Bristoll p'ish". (S1, pg 352; SKK,HNP)

1 Jun 1686 -- Will of Thomas Lockett. (S1, pg 367; SKK,HNP)

1 Jun 1686 -- Margarett Lockett, relict of Thomas Lockett, dec'd, is granted authority to administer his estate. See also page 389. (S1, pg 368; SKK,HNP; S2, pg 133/211; SKK,HNP)

April 1, 1687 -- Will of William Baugh, possibly written in 1674, to which Thomas Lockett was a witness, presented in court; proved by another witness. (S1, pg 427; SKK,HNP)



"Family tradition and family records have always listed the wife of Thomas Lockett as Margaret Osborne, though no official record of this marriage has been found, nor have the Henrico Records shed any light on the subject. No marriage records have been found for Thomas Lockett and Margaret Osborne, the connection between the two families having been handed down by family records and word of mouth, which after all we have no reason to doubt. One member of the family says that she believes that the early Locketts were Quakers, and that some day we may find this record among the Quaker records. We do know that Thomas' son Benjamin Lockett married a Quaker, Winnifred Pride, and that several of the early members of the family intermarried with the Pleasants family, who were also Quakers. The first official record that has been found in Virginia, connecting the Lockett and Osborne family was the assignment by Thomas Osborne of his headright in the transportation of Alex Wood to Thomas Lockett, dated November 5th, 1667, recorded February 1st, 1683, (new Style Calendar, 1684). This record may be found in Henrico Record Book 1, page 265. This headright in transportation of a person to Colonial Virginia entitled the holder to fifty acres of land. Gifts of land to children, at the time of their marriage, was customary in Colonial Virginia, and such gifts were frequently given legally to the husband, hence we have every reason to believe that the marriage of Thomas Lockett and Margaret Osborne took place at about this time."


The will of Thomas Lockett, dated March 27, 1686 and proved June 1, 1686, is on page 367 of "Henrico County, Virginia Records 1677-92 Deeds, Wills, Etc." (LDS microfilm 31763). Also on June 1 his widow Margaret Lockett was authorized by the court to administer the estate.

I Thomas Lockett of the Parish of Bristoll in the County of Henrico being weak of Body but p'fect memory make & ordain my last will & testament in manner [and] Form Following.
___ I Comitt my Soul to Almighty God that Gave it and my body to be decently buryed at ye discretion of my wife, & She to be my Sole Executor of this my last will & testament:

Imp. I Give unto my eldest Son Benjamin Lockett all the land between ye Spring and the deep Bottom Joyning Peirce's to ye Creek called lately Scotland Hills & to his heirs forever.

Imp. I Give & bequeath unto James Lockett & Tho Lockett the Land I now live on to be divided. my Son Thomas the Plantation I now Live on & to his heirs forever Beginning at ye River & Soe By the Old tobaco [house] and up the Hill, thence takeing ye path as farr as ye Land goeth.

Imp. I Give & bequeath unto my Son James Lockett to his part and his heirs forever Beginning at the Lower landing Soe takeing a direct Course by the old tobacco house, being the north end next the Creek, & Soe to a Pohickory, a marked tree on the line; and to have its breadth to sh__ting hole, & along ye Creek to him and his heirs forever.

I Give to my eldest daughter Susein Lockett one young mare known by the name of Lilly Formerly Given w'th her increase; My desire is that ye Court of Henrico See this my last [will] and testament p'formed. Given under my hand & Seal this twenty Seventh March & in the [?] of our Reign March the 27th 1686.
Thomas Lockett
Signd & Seald in the p'sence
of us Samuell Morris
Henry Walthall
James Baugh

Further my will & pleasure is if my wife marryeth my three Sons to be at their own disposealls at Sixteen years of Age; and my daughters.

Henrico County, June 1, 1686

Proved in Court __ the oaths of Sam'l Morris, Hen Walthall & James Baugh, ye witnesses Subscribed, and Probate granted to Margt Relict & Executrix of ye sd deced't.
Teste Hen Randolph CC __ whom it is Recorded (exactly)

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