William Lockett
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: 1796 - Chesterfield Co., Virginia Burial: Cause of Death:
Father: William Lockett ( -1757) Mother: Jane Pride ( -1757/1761)
Spouses and Children
1. *Martha Russell ( - ) Marriage: Bef 1766 Children: 1. daughter Lockett ( -Bef 1794) 2. Mary Lockett ( - ) 3. Jane Lockett ( - ) 4. Elizabeth Lockett ( - ) 5. Anne Lockett ( - ) 6. Phebe Lockett ( -Abt 1811) 7. Edith Lockett ( - )
1783 Chesterfield Co., Virginia
William Lockett -- 14 white, 0 black
In September 1785 William Lockett and his wife Martha sold 265 acres in Amelia Co. What was her maiden name? The will of John Russell in Chesterfield Co. dated October 27, 1766 (Will Book No. 2, pg 171) leaves 1 shilling to his daughter Martha Lockett and a cow and calf to his daughter Amee Lockett. It seems likely that William's wife was Martha Russell.
Land tax records are available from 1791 onward. Personal property tax records are available from 1786 onward.
Acres Value Tax
1791 366 £157 1/6 £2 7/1
1792 356 £157 1/6 £2 7/1
1793 355.5 £152 11/6 £2 5/5
1794 355.5 £152 11/6 £2 5/9
1795 355.5 £152 11/6 £2 5/9
1796 355.5 £152 11/6 £2 5/9
1) white tithables (1786 white males over 21; 1791 & later white males over 16)
2) black tithables (in 1790 and later blacks over 16)
3) blacks above 12 & under 16
4) total blacks (1786 only)
5) horses (horses, mares, colts, mules; 'horse' often means 'gelding')
6) cattle (1786 only)
wh bl bl bl ho c'tl
1786 1 1 1 4 14
1788 1 1 1 4
1790 2 3
1791 2 3
1792 2 2
1793 4 3 3 4
1794 2 4
1795 2 1 4
1796 1 1 4
The 120 acres that William Lockett bought in 1755 before the death of his father and the tract of 308 acres that he mortgaged in 1767 are similar as to adjoining property owners and West Branch. The 120 acres may be part of the 308 acre tract. It seems likely that part of the latter tract is what William inherited from his father. Between 1767 and 1792 William sold two tracts (60 acres and 10.5 acres) and bought three (64, 10, and 44 acres). He died about 1796.
On September 5, 1755 Francis Flournoy of Chesterfield Co. sells to William Lockett, Junior of the same place for £30 a tract of 120 acres in Chesterfield Co. It begins at a corner white oak in the West Branch of Dry Creek and adjoins Clay, Hill, and Walthall. (Chesterfield Co. Deed Records 2/325)
On August 14, 1767 Wm. Lockett of Chesterfield Co. conveys in trust to Alex'r Stewart of Henrico Co. to secure a debt of £25 a tract in Chesterfield Co. on the north side of West Branch containing by estimation 308 acres, being all of the plantation of which Wm. Lockett now lives. It adjoins Edward Hill, Walthall, James Hill and Richard Lockett. West Branch is part of the boundary. (5/508)
On January 10, 1769 William Lockett and Alexander Stewart of Chesterfield Co. sell to Henry Cheatham of the same place for £40 a tract of 60 acres by estimation in Chesterfield Co. on the west branch of Dry Creek bounded by Hill's line, Lockett's line and West Branch. (6/16) The metes and bounds description indicates that it is part of the tract in 2/325.
On December 15, 1786 Richard Lockett of Bedford Co. sells to William Lockett of Chesterfield Co. for £160 a tract of 64 acres, more or less, in Chesterfield Co. and adjoining William Lockett, John Hill and Farmer. (11/251)
On March 21, 1787 John Farmer of Chesterfield Co. sells to William Lockett of the same place for £24 a tract of 10 acres, more or less, in Chesterfield Co. on the west side of Dry Creek adjoining lands of said Farmer and Lockett. (11/259)
On December 9, 1788 Francis Lockett and Mary, his wife, of Chesterfield Co. sell to William Lockett of the same place for £60 a tract of 44 acres by estimation in Chesterfield Co. which begins at a corner on William Lockett's line near Richard Lockett's old ______. It adjoins John Hill, Joseph Akin and James Akin, and Spring Branch is part of the boundary. (11/546)
On April 26, 1792 William Lockett of Chesterfield Co. sells to William Akin of the same place for £12 a tract of 10 1/2 acres in Chesterfield Co., more or less, adjoining William Akin, James Akin and Francis Lockett. (12/365)
Chesterfield County, Virginia Revolutionary War Service Claims (Ethel Courtney Clarke, 1937);
Francis Lockett, July 1780, bacon, 70 lb
Francis Lockett, July 1781, wheat, 600 bu
Richard Lockett, Sept 1781, beef 200 lb
William Lockett, Sept 1781, beef, 505 lb
Archibald Logwood, Nov 1781, beef, 175 lb
Chesterfield Co., Virginia Will Book No. 4, pg 591 (LDS microfilm 30873):
In the Name of God Amen I William Lockett of Chesterfield County Being in Tollerable good Health and of perfect mind and Memory praised be God do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following To wit --
Item. I give and bequeath to Joseph Akins four children he had by his first Wife Namely William, Ann, Joseph, and James A Negroe Woman by the name of Patt with her increase, which I have lent to Joseph Akin during his natural life to be equally Divided among them to them their Heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I lend to Josiah Lacy and Mary his wife The Land and plantation they now live on supposed to be Seventy five acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows Beginning at a corner gum on Major Jn'o Hill line thence down the Branch to the west Branch thence up the west branch to a corner tree on Cap't John Farmers line thence a strate line to a corner persimon tree on the said Hills line thence along the said Hills lie to the place begun During their natural lives and at their Deaths to descend to Joshua Lacy son of Josiah and Mary his wife to him his Heirs and assigns forever
Item. I leave to William Hill and Jane his wife the land and plantation they now live on including all the land I now possess below the land I have lent to Josiah Lacy and Mary his wife supposed to be one hundred and eleven acres be the same more or less During their natural lives and at their deaths to descend to William Hill son of William and Jane to him his Heirs and assigns forever
Item I give and bequeath to Elisha Baley son of James Baley and Elizabeth his wife a certain Tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Chesterfield supposed to be sixty eight acres and bounded by the lands of Major John Hill William Walthall Lawrence Fluorney and Elizabeth Cheatham to him his heirs and assigns forever
Item I gave and bequeath to my Daughter Phebe Lockett the Land and plantation I now live on supposed to be eighty one acres be the same more or less But if she should Die without a Lawful Heir the land before mentioned to descend to Thomas Briggs son of John Briggs and Ann his wife my will and desire is that my daughter Edith Lockett shall have her lifetime in the land and plantation I have gave to my Daughter Phebe Lockett that is to live in the Houses without Molestation ---
Item I give and bequeath to My three Daughters Anny Briggs Phebe Lockett and Edith Lockett one Feather bed and furniture and one Cow each Anne Briggs to take first Choice of Bed and Cow Phebe Second Choice and Edith third choice to them their Heirs and assigns forever
Item I give and bequeath to my grandson James Akin one feather bed and furniture and one Gun to him his Heirs and assigns forever
Item My will and desire is that all the rest of My Estate that I have not already give away after my Just debts is paid be equally Divided among my Daughters namely Mary Lacy Jane Hill Elizabeth Baley Anne Briggs Phebe Lockett and Edith Lockett to them their Heirs and assigns forever ---
Lastly I appoint and ordain Josiah Lacy and James Bailey Executors of this my last will and Testament made this third day of November in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand and seven Hundred and ninety four ---
William Lockett (seal)
Signed Sealed & Acknowledged
In presence of
R. Haskins jr
John Hill
Robert Hill
Chesterfield Co., Virginia Order Book No. 12, pg 22 (LDS microfilm 30913):
October Court 1796 (Monday, October 10) -- The last will and testament of William Lockett, dec'd, was proved by the oaths of Ro. Haskins, Robert Hill, and John Hill. Josiah Lacy and James Bailey came into court and refused to act as executors of the will.
February Court 1797, Order Book 12/95 -- John Hill was granted administration.
Chesterfield Co. Will Book No. 5, pg 334 (LDS 30874):
Appraisement of the Estate of William Lockett, dec'd, October 26, 1796:
29 items with a total value of £170 14s 3p. Four horses, 7 cows, 2 sheep, 24 pigs, household items, tools, no slaves.
On October 16, 1801 the court assessed the accounts of John Hill, administrator of the estate of William Lockett, and found a balance of £86 and what appears to be 6 3/4 shillings. (Will Book 5, pg 522)
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