Mary "Polly" Reese

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1770
          Death: After 1840
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Hugh Reese (1742-1825)
         Mother: Sarah (      -Bef 1794)

Spouses and Children
1. *Jacob Burkhalter (1760-1770 - After 1840)

In his will (13 Nov 1823) Hugh Rees mentions his daughter Mary Burkahalter. The following deed shows that her husband was Jacob Burkhalter.

11 Feb 1804; Jacob Burkhalter and Polly, his wife, to Benjamin Reese, both of Warren Co.; $300; 100 acres, more or less, in Warren Co. on the south side of Big Brier Creek (Warren Co., Georgia Deed Records, B259, image 509/707)

The following transactions involve Polly's father Hugh Reese.

6 Jan 1797; Hugh Rees of Warren Co. and Elizabeth Rees, his wife, to Jacob Buckhalter of Warren Co.; 50 pounds sterling; 210 acres. more or less, bounded by the old line path, southeastwardly by Wm. Davie's land, and on all other sides by land belonging to Benjamin Rees; part of a large survey run for Governor James Wright and sold by confiscation, deeded to John Garrott 13 Sep 1785, and sold to Benjamin Reese 29 Jun 1786 (A569, image 318/707) [Hugh bought this tract from his brother Benjamin in 1791]

29 May 1801; Hugh Reese and Elizabeth, his wife, to Jacob Birkhalter, all of Warren Co.; $600; 147 acres, more or less, in Warren Co. on the waters of Goldings Creek, being the land on which Jeremiah Birkhalter now lives (B11, image 378/707) [Hugh bought this tract from Jeremiah 9 Feb 1801]

4 May 1804; Hugh Reese of Warren Co. to his beloved daughter Polly Burkhalter; love, favour, and affection; one Negro girl named Nan (B296, image 529/707)

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