Elmsley P. Blount
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Abt 1827 - Tennessee Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death:
Spouses and Children
1. Rhoda Hinkle (Abt 1826 - Abt 1855) 1 Marriage: Abt 1849 2 2. *Mary A. Hinkle (Abt 1836 - ) Marriage: 11 Nov 1880 - Hardin Co., Tennessee 3 4
<pre>1850 Hardin Co., Tennessee, 4th Civil District; Sept 12; pg 397
Elmsley P.Blount 23 MW Tn Laborer
Rhoda " 24 FW Tn </pre>
He is not in the Slave Schedule.
<pre>1880 Hardin Co., Tennessee, 3rd Civil District, ED 43; June 11; pg 11
E. P. Blount 53 wid Tn Tn Tn Keeper of Poor house
R. L. " 18 son sng Tn Tn Tn Works on Farm
Wm. H. " 13 son sng Tn Tn Tn Works on Farm
Zilpha Rickman 26? dau wid Tn Tn Tn Keeping House
R. P. " ? g-son Tn Tn Tn </pre>
There are additionally 3 residents of the poor house in his household.
On November 11, 1880 E. P. Blount married the younger sister, Mary Hinkle, of his deceased first wife, Rhoda Hinkle. In 1900 a Mary Blount (65, Nov 1834, Tn Tn Tn) is an inmate in the poor house of Smith Co., Tennessee. She may or may not be Mary Hinkle.
E. P. Blount is on a roster of Company G of the 1st Confederate Cavalry Regiment, as given by J. M. Porterfield in June 1880. ("Hardin Countians in the 19th Century", compiled by Tony Hays). There are no dates on his gravestone in Big Hill Cemetery. What is on it is "CO G 1 Tenn Cav CSA" ("Cemeteries of Hardin County Tennessee" by Albert Brown, 1991)
1 Edgar D. Byler III, "Modified Register for Jesse Hinkle," unpublished.
2 Shirley Drury Patterson, Hinkle/Patterson Families of Hardin Co., Tennessee, Hardin County Historian, Vol 1, No 3, July-Dec 1997, pg 43. Repository: Clayton Library, Houston, Texas.
3 Albert Brown, Index of Hardin Co. Marriages 1859-1887, 1994, Repository: Clayton Library, Houston, Texas.
Shirley Drury Patterson, Hinkle/Patterson Families of Hardin Co., Tennessee, Hardin County Historian, Vol 1, No 3, July-Dec 1997, pg 44. Repository: Clayton Library, Houston, Texas.
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