Sarah Elizabeth Wade
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth Date: 6 Apr 1834 - Illinois (Adams Co.) Christening: Death: 28 Oct 1912 - Wray, Yuma Co., Colorado ( at age 78) 1 Burial: in Grandview Cem., Wray, Yuma Co., Colorado Cause of Death:
Father: Elliott P. Wade (Abt 1809-1850/1860) Mother: Margaret Hinds (Abt 1804-1850/1860)
Spouses and Children
1. *Lewis R. Parker (20 Apr 1838 - 19 Jul 1906) Marriage: 22 Apr 1857 - Wayne Co., Kentucky 2 Children: 1. Capitola B. Parker (1859-1900) 2. Samuel Wade Parker (1861-1930) 3. John L. Parker (1865-1927) 4. Mary Francis Parker (1867-1924) 5. Crittenden E. Parker (1872-1959) 6. Alvin Pearson Parker (1874-1940)
Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection:
Wray Rattler (Wray, Yuma County), 31 Oct 1912, page 3:
Gone to Her Rest
Mrs. L. R. Parker died at her home in Wray last Monday morning from the effects of a paralytic stroke. She was stricken about six weeks ago and her relatives and friends had little hopes of her recovery. She grew gradually weaker and weaker until her vitality was exhausted, and then quietly passed away.
The funeral services were held in the M. E. Church Tuesday afternoon, and were conducted by the pastor, F. W. Irnboden, assisted by Rev. C. L. Harrington of Vernon.
The pastor used as his text 2 Timothy 4: 6 to 8 and spoke briefly of a victorious Christian life.
The congregation joined with the choir in singing some of the old church hymns: Faith of Our Fathers, How Firm A Foundation and Sweet By and By. As a special selection, Mrs. E. M. Hedrick and Mrs. T. B. Groves sang "Saved By Grace."
After the services the funeral procession made its way to the Grand View Cemetery, where the body was laid to rest.
Sallie E. Wade was born in Adams County, Illinois, April 6, 1834. At the age of about sixteen years she was bereft of her parents and then went to Kentucky and made her home with an uncle. In her Kentucky home, on April 22, 1857 she was married to L. R. Parker who preceded her to the better land in July, 1906. To this union were born 9 children, five of whom are living, as follows: Samuel and John L. Parker of California, Mrs. Mary Jones, Miss Crittie Parker and Alvin Parker of this community.
After her marriage to Mr. Parker the family lived for a few years in Adams County, Illinois, then moved to Kentucky and Missouri. In 1886 the family came to Yuma county, Colo., and settled in Wray and the neighboring vicinity. Since the death of her husband she, with her daughter, Crittie, have been living in the home place in Wray.
Mother Parker has been in poor health for several years past, and about seven weeks ago was stricken with paralysis from which she did not rally but failed slowly in health until Monday morning at seven o'clock when she peacefully and quietly passed to her eternal rest, at the age of 78 years, 6 mo., 22 days.
All of the children, with the exception of John, have been attending faithfully the bedside of their mother and giving unto her their loving ministries during her last days.
Mother Parker was converted in her girlhood days, united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, became the wife of a Methodist preacher and for over 62 years has been a faithful and true disciple of her Lord. She loved her church as her chief joy, to do her heavenly Father's will was her pleasure, and to attend the worship and service of God in the sanctuary was her great delight. She was indeed a Mother in Israel.
"Servant of God, well done;
Thy glorious warfare's past;
The battle's fought, the race is run
And thou art crowned at last.
Card of Thanks
We wish in this way to express to our many friends our deep appreciation of their many loving ministries so kindly tendered to us and our dear mother, during the days of her last illness.
Your services of love will always be remembered with feelings of sincere gratitude and thankfulness.
1 "Find-a-Grave," Memorial # 43644392.
June Baldwin Bork, "Wayne Co., Ky. Marriages & Vital Records 1801--1860," pg 79. Repository: Clayton Library, Houston, Texas.
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