Thomas Walton

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1661 - Byberry Parish, Gloucestershire, England
    Christening: 28 Oct 1661 - Idlicote, Warwickshire, England 1
          Death: 4 Feb 1758 -  ( about age 97)
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: William Walton (1629-      )
         Mother: Alice Martin (      -1662)

Spouses and Children
1. *Priscilla Hunn (       - Bef 1736)
       Marriage: 1690 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
                1. Caleb Walton (After 1690-      )
                2. John Walton (After 1690-      )
                3. Joseph Walton (After 1690-Abt 1733)
                4. James Walton (After 1690-Bef 1745)
                5. Mary Walton (After 1690-      )
                6. David Walton (After 1690-1768)
                7. Thomas Walton (Abt 1693-1777)

2. Elizabeth Eastburn (16 Mar 1696 - 6 May 1777)
       Marriage: 26 Apr 1736 - Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania

The following, slightly reformatted to improve readability, is from Byberry Waltons (Norman Walton Swayne, 1958), pg 6-9. See map on page 8.

3 THOMAS WALTON (2), born about 1658, died 2.4.1758, son of 1 William Walton & Alice Martin of Oxhill, County of Warwick, England, married 1st probably very early in 1690 Priscilla Hunn, daughter of Priscilla, who as widow Hunn had before 1687 married George Bowers, then of Kent Co., Del. Thomas married early in 1736, possibly 2nd, Elizabeth Eastburn, born 1.16.1695, died probably 5.6.1777, daughter of John Eastburn & Elizabeth Jones of Southampton Twp, Bucks Co., Pa. Both marriages are from meeting records. Abington Mtg says 24th of 12th mo 1689 Thomas to Phila. in order to proceed on in Marriage with Prissilla Hunn of Phila.; Phila. Mtg says 12.29.1689 Thomas to marry Priscilla Hun. Abington Mtg says 2.26.1736 Thomas Wa1ton & Elizabeth Eastburn having declared intentions before two meetings, are at liberty to accomplish their marriage. This later marriage is in the Eastburn Gen., which names Elizabeth Eastburn's parents. The History of Byberry and Moreland says Thomas died aged about 100. Isaac Comly's obituary notes say Thomas 1st died as above, also Thomas died 2.27.1758, which does not seem to fit any other known Thomas. The supposed death of the later wife also is from these notes, which, however, call her Elizabeth daughter of Thomas.

The History of Byberry and Moreland says Thomas settled back of Smithfield, later Somerton, on Horsham Road in Moreland Twp, which was later in Montgomery Co. Judging from deeds it was about 1708 when he moved there from Byberry. Nov. 16, 1708 he rec'd from Bartholomew Longstreth and Richard Taylor for 350 pounds, 300 acres in Moreland Twp, and Oct. 14, 1709 he deeded to Daniel Walton for 140 pounds the 100 acres in Byberry Twp by the Moreland line, Andrew Griscom, Richard Collett, Nathaniel Walton and the said Daniel Walton, rec'd by Thomas 10.1.1688 from Thomas Fairman for ten pounds. He made his mark, as in other deeds.

From the 300 acres above, Thomas deeded three parts and probably at least one more part: May 10, 1717 Thomas Walton & Prisilla his wife deeded to Thomas Walton Junr their son Batchlour for 70 pounds, 100 acres, part of the 300, by Caleb Walton, John Jones and Garret Winekoops, subject to yearly quitrent; this was acknowledged by Thomas March 31, 1747 in presence of John Town and Joseph Walton and recorded in Phila. June 18, 1765. March 29, 1740 Thomas Walton Senier of Moreland deeded to John Walton of same for 50 pounds, 25 acres of the above 300, by John Jones, Philip Wincope and Thomas Walton Jr, under proportionate part of the yearly quitrent to the Chief Lord of the Fee; no wife signed; the receipt was for 60 pounds; this was acknowledged by Thomas March 31, 1747 and recorded in Phila. June 7, 1765. May 17, 1740 Thomas Walton of Moreland deeded to Tunies Titus of same, weaver, for 200 pounds, 100 acres of the 300, by Thomas Walton, John Jones and Thomas Walmsley, by a Chesnut tree in the road from Bibury to Horsham, under proportionable yearly quitrent; Tunes Tituis assumed one mortgage, amount not stated, held by the General Loan Office of the Province of Pennsilvania; no wife signed; a witness was John Walton. The will of Tunies Titus of Moreland, drawn Oct. 13, 1768, proved in Phila. Jan, 6, 1769, left wife Elizabeth his 122 acres so long as not married, named exrs wife, nephew Francis Titus son of brother John and Philip Wyncoop a Trusty Friend, 25 pounds entailed for use of Presbyterian congregation at Abington to support Gospel Ministry, 25 pounds to niece Olive Severns daughter of brother Jacob. Jan. 26, 1771 letters in the estate of Elizabeth Titus were issued in Phila. to Francis Titus.

From the above deeds it appears that Thomas' 1708 purchase was a rectangle 100 by 480 perches, lying along the NE border of Moreland Twp next Southampton Twp, Bucks Co., bounded all along the NE side by John Jones, on the SE by John Brock, on the SW by Moreland, George Bursons and Thomas Perry, on the NW by John Swift, that Thomas deeded some of it to Caleb by 1717, 100 acres of it to son Thomas Jr in 1717, 25 acres of it to son John in 1740, and 100 acres of it to Tunies Titus in that same year.

Abington Mtg says 6.27.1716 "At this meeting Thomas Walton appeared and Seemed to be Some what Sorry that he had Indulged his Children and that for ye future he hopes to be more carefull & desires friends to pass it by." This is the usual lingo for liquor at a wedding, perhaps Caleb's. 27 of 11 mo 1728/9 Thomas acknowledged to the same meeting that he was sorry for having executed a warrant against a Friend. This could be either 3 Thomas or his son. In 1721 there were two Thomas Waltons among subscribers for maintaining the poor of Byberry Preparative Mtg.

The History of Byberry and Moreland says Thomas left several children. The Gilbert Cope Collection, a miscellaneous mass of notes with regard to many families, several times makes the statement that William Walton who married Elizabeth Wells and became ancestor of hundreds of Waltons was son of the first Thomas. In one place Cope says "Thomas born . . . died 2.4.1758 married 1689 or 1690 Priscilla Hunn of Phila. had at least a son William who married Elizabeth Wells." In two other places he says "William Walton son of Thomas from England married Elizabeth Wells." Gilbert Cope was an experienced, careful, accurate man. However, the source of his information on this point was not indicated and has not been discovered. It seems likely this William was son of Thomas' son James, and after death of his father 20 James, perhaps when his mother married again in 1745, lived with his grandfather 3 Thomas, which may have started an erroneous tradition. Concerning this doubt, the following evidence appears: At the time of the later marriage mentioned above, 3 Thomas was about 77 and his new wife Elizabeth Eastburn a 41 years old spinster from a neighboring farm. The will of Elizabeth's mother, drawn June 10, 1739, said Elizabeth was wife of Thomas Walton and left her 28 pounds, but if she die without issue before the end of four years son John may keep the unpaid balance except five shillings to Thomas Walton. Also to daughter Elizabeth Walton a little oak desk. In 1755 this same Elizabeth Walton was willed five pounds by her uncle Robert Eastburn and in l774, 30 pounds by her brother John Eastburn. 24 May 1746 Thomas Walton of Mannor of Moreland, County of Phila, Yeoman, & wife Elizabeth, with other heirs of John Eastburn the elder, for divers good causes and considerations released to eldest son John Eastburn of Southampton Twp, clockmaker, 206 acres, and to son Thomas Eastburn of same 100 acres. As to the possibility of 16 Thomas having been the one who married Elizabeth Eastburn, the 1777 will of 54 Nathaniel Walton, drawn the same year as the death of 16 Thomas, said he expected to inherit, as eldest son of the eldest brother of 16 Thomas. The existence then of William and of several of William's children would have prevented such expectation, had William been son of 16 Thomas. This confirms the History of Byberry and Moreland statement that 16 Thomas was not married. It seems just possible William was son of 3 Thomas by a wife who came between Priscilla and Elizabeth. Besides Thomas, John and James, known to have been sons of 3 Thomas, four others, Caleb, Joseph, Mary and David, are believed to have been his children, from their times, places and connections, since it is believed we have complete lists of children of Thomas' three brothers, and no other contemporary nearby Walton family has been found, save one in Phila. in which the name soon became extinct. Below these seven are Elizabeth and William, possible but considered not probable:

16 Thomas b ab 1693 d 1777
17 Caleb, alive 1734
18 John, alive 1740
19 Joseph d ab 1733 m 1730 Marey Coney or Marcy Corry
20 James d before 1745 m 1730 Mary Jeanes
21 Mary prob. m 1733 Michael Hilton
22 David d 1768
23 Elizabeth d 5.6.1777, more likely widow of 3 Thomas
24. William b ab 1735 d ab 1783 m by 1758 Elizabeth We11s. More likely grandson. Hereafter mentioned only as 61 William son of 20 James


"Bishop's transcripts for Idlicote", film # 246664, Item 1 at (Baptisms, marriages and burials, 1611-1640, 1660-1700. Most pages are out of order and many are missing.) -- image35/513

1661 Thomas Walton the sonn of William Walton & Alice his wife was baptized October the 28

Unlike many of the images in the collection the writing on image 35 is easy to read, and the page is labeled "Idlycote countie of War_ & Diocese of Wor_". The following 2 death records are in 1662:

1662 Alice Martine the wife of William Martin was buryed August the 19th
1662 Alice Walton the wife of William Walton was buryed Septimb'r 25

It seems likely that Alice Walton is Thomas's mother and that Alice Martin is his grandmother.

In GoogleMaps Idlicote is about 2 miles S60W of Oxhill.

Idlicote is a small settlement and civil parish in the English county of Warwickshire, about 3 miles north-east of Shipston-on-Stour and 8 miles south-east of Stratford-on-Avon. Wikipedia


1 "," Bishop's transcripts for Idlicote, film # 246664, Item 1 (Baptisms, marriages and burials, 1611-1640, 1660-1700. Most pages are out of order and many are missing.) -- image35/513.

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