Thomas Franklin Brown
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 25 Aug 1910 - Honey Grove, Fannin Co., Texas Christening: Death: 18 May 1930 - Plainview, Texas ( at age 19) 2 Burial: in Lubbock, Lubbock Co., Texas Cause of Death:
Father: Henry Wyatt Brown (1875-1953) 1 Mother: Mary Evelyn Parker (1875-1955) 3
According to Aunt Dimice, he was killed in a motorcycle accident.
Thomas Franklin Brown, white, male, single
Died: May 18, 1930, 10 p.m., aged 19 yrs, 8 mo, 24 days
Place of death: Plainview Sanitarium, Plainview, Hale Co., Texas
Residence: Lubbock, Texas
Occupation: Line-man/Texas Utilities Co.
Born: August 25, 1910, Honey Grove, Texas
Father: H. W. Brown, born Georgia
Mother: Martha Mary Parker, born Kentucky
Informant: Mrs. H. W. Brown, 1623 16th St., Lubbock, Texas
Cause of death: Brain injury/automobile accident in Plainview
Burial: Lubbock, Texas, May 20, 1930
Clipping, probably from the newspaper in Lubbock:
Motorcycle Club Is Formed Here
Members of the recently organized Lubbock Motorcycle club made another of their week-end trips last night to Southland. The club is composed of motorcylce riders of the city who make special week-end trips over various portions of the South Plains. The club members will spend today in touring various parts of the hills near Southland.
Members of the club are: G. C. Hill, president; Henry Antic, road captain; Alvin Risinger, Blondy Wiggins, Rutus Sullivan, Arthur Chase, Harold Biffa, W. L. Pearson, Glen Chase, Roy Gibson, Jane Mabry, Vernon and Leonard Haley, J. E. Young, O. J. Studeman, Thomas Brown, Desmond Abbitt and Ben Otchison, mascot.
The Plainview Evening Herald, Monday, May 19, 1930:
Lubbock Youth Killed In Motor Accident Sunday
Motorcycle And Auto Collide at 8th-Broadway
Thomas Franklin Brown, of Lubbock, aged 19, died at the Plainview Sanitarium at 10 o'clock last night as the result of injuries he sustained when the motorcycle he was riding collided with an automobile driven by Buck Lindsay. The accident occurred at noon and the youth never regained consciousness.
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brown, of Lubbock, reached his bedside at 2 o'clock.
Lindsay was going north on Broadway and the Lubbock youth was riding east on Eighth. As the signal lights were not on at the time neither stopped at the street intersection. Seeing the boy was going to strike his car, Lindsay swerved to the right, his car struck the signal light post, threw him out of his car and injured his back.
The Lubbock boy received a basal skull fracture when his head struck the concrete curb.
The body was taken to Lubbock this afternoon for burial tomorrow. Besides his parents, the deceased is survived by two brothers and a sister. He was an employee of the Texas Utilities Company at Lubbock and had come to Plainview with a number of other Lubbock boys on motorcycles. The others were a short distance behind and saw the accident.
1 Maggie Parker, Descendents of M. E. Parker and Kate Grinstead, about 1942; unpublished.
2 "Find-a-Grave," Memorial # 7620495.
H. Neal Parker, Visit to Cemetery, Anderson, Grimes Co., Texas, abt 1983.
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