Patrick Carnal
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: 1728 - Essex Co., Virginia Burial: Cause of Death:
Father: Anthony Carnal ( -1707) Mother:
Spouses and Children
Children: 1. Moses Carnal ( -Abt 1773) 2. Ruth Carnal ( - ) 3. James Carnal (After 1712-1781) 4. John Carnal (After 1712-1780/1784)
Patrick Carnall bought 50 acres in Essex Co. in 1708, but he apparently already owned land there in St. Ann's Parish because the description in a 1707 deed refers to "Pattrick Kernal's land". His land appears to have been north of a swampy area along Occupatia Creek. We don't know when Patrick Carnall came to Essex Co. Record abstracts from 1692 to 1695, order book abstracts from 1695 to 1702 and deed abstracts from 1695 to 1703 contain no reference to any Carnall. Essex Co. was created in 1692 from Rappahannock Co., which ceased to exist. In a series of abstracts of Old Rappahannock Co. records by Ruth and Sam Spiracio (1656-1692) there is no reference to any Carnall. Patrick might have been a son of the Anthony Carnall who died in Essex Co. in 1707.
Patrick Carnall died in 1728. In two deeds subsequent to his death the descriptions refer to "Patrick Carnal's land" and to "Patrick Kernall's line". I suspect that even though Patrick was dead and thus no longer the owner, the land was still thought of as belonging to him. Possibly, however, those references are to another Patrick Carnall.
The first 3 of the following abstracts are from ESSEX COUNTY, VIRGINIA RECORDS (John Frederick Dorman, 1963). The rest, unless otherwise noted, are from a series of Essex County abstracts by Ruth and Sam Sparacio.
On October 10, 1707 Mr. Augustine Smith of St. Ann's Parish and Essex Co. sold to Henry Martin of the same place a tract of 93 acres in Essex Co. & St. Ann's Parish which is part of a patent of 2359 acres to Augustin Smith. The description refers to a corner of Beverley Park land and to Pattrick Kernal's land. (Essex Co. Deeds & Wills No. 13, 1707-11, pgs 31-32)
On June 10, 1708 John Ridgdaile, planter, of Essex Co. sold to Patrick Carnall, planter, of the same place for 3000 lbs of tobacco a tract of 50 acres upon Occupation Runn. The description mentions John Warin's land and Martin's land. Witnesses: James Graves, William Warren. (Essex Co. Deeds & Wills No. 13, 1707-11, pg 108)
On January 17, 1717/18 a sale to William Vawter of 50 acres on the north side of a swamp called Occupation says that the tract adjoins land of Patrick Carnel. (Essex Co. Deeds & Wills No. 15 1716-1718, pgs 159-61)
On July 17, 1718 a suit against Patrick Carnell is dismissed. (Essex Co. Order Book 1716-1723, pg 153)
On December 16, 1718 Samuel Ward acknowledges his deed to Patrick Carnell. (Essex Co. Order Book 1716-1723, pg 246)
August 17, 1720 grant of 250 acres to Robert Brooks in Essex Co.: beginning at mouth of the Ashen Br., next to land of Nicho. Copeland; to mouth of Cabbin Branch; to Patrick Kernall (CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS ABSTRACTS OF VIRGINIA LAND PATENTS AND GRANTS, Vol III, pg 222; Patent Book 11, pg 23)
On March 20, 1722 an action against Patrick Karnell is non-suited. (Essex Co. Order Book 1716-1723, pg 767)
On November 16, 1722 Richard Ballard of Essex Co. sold to Patrick Kernal of Essex Co. for 1550 lbs of tobacco & cask a tract of 25 acres on the north side of the main run of Occupacon Creek in Essex Co. Witnesses: Robt. Parker, Patrick Dunahoe. (Essex Co. Deed Book 17/108)
On November 20, 1722 Richard Ballord acknowledges his deed to Patrick Karnell (Essex Co. Order Book 1716-1723, pg 708)
On September 14/15 1724 a tract was sold "beginning at the mouth of a Banch of Occupatia Run called Ashen Branch . . . to the mouth of the Cabine Branch thence North up the main run of Occupatia . . . the beginning tree of Patrick Kernals' line . . .". (Essex Co. Deed Book 17/405-09)
On March 11/12 1725 Edward Rouzee sold to Samuel Haws 250 acres "beginning at the mouth of a branch called the Ashen Branch and running then south to the outside line next to the land of Nicholas Copeland and thence with the said line south to the mouth of the Cabbin Branch and thence northwest up the main run to a gum by the run the beginning tree of Patrick Kernall and thence with the side of Kernall's line south to the main run and thence up the said run to the mouth of the Ashen Branch". (Essex Co. Deed Book 18/161-64)
On May 19, 1726 William Vawter, planter, of the parish of St. Anne in Essex Co. sold to Patrick Kernall of the same parish and county for £16 10s, current money of Virginia, a tract of 50 acres in St. Anne's Parish. (Essex Co. Deed Book 18/222-23)
On June 20/21 1726 Henry Martin sold to William Roane a tract of 93 acres in St. Ann's Parish in Essex Co., it being part of a tract of 2359 acres granted to Mr. Augustine Smith and sold by Smith to Martin in 1707 and beginning at 2 small corner red oaks being a corner of Beverley Park land standing near Beverley Park Path running thence along a line of the park land south to a corner red oak of to Patrick Karnall's land thence west adjoining to the said Karnall's land to a red oak in Mr. Francis Gouldman's line . . . (Essex Co. Deed Book 18/184-87)
On September 20, 1726 Wm. Vawter, through his attorney, acknowledges his deed to Patrick Kernell. (Essex Co. Order Book 1725-1729, pg 43)
On November 19, 1728 Moses Karnall, Thomas Ramsay, Patrick Donahoo and Edmond Conally acknowledge their bond in the sum of 400 pounds sterling for the said Moses's just & faithful administration of the Estate of Patrick Karnall, dec'd, which is ordered to be recorded. (Essex Co. Order Book 1725-1729, pg 267a)
On July 12 1734 Wm. Roane sold to Fancis Lafon a tract of 93 acres near Beverley Park adjoining Patrick Carnal's land (Essex Co. Deed Book 20/155-57)
On June 18, 1745 Samuel Haws sold to his son Isaac Haws a tract of 250 acres in Essex Co. "beginning at the mouth of a branch called Ashen Branch . . . to the mouth of Cabbin Branch . . . along Patrick Kernall's line". (Essex Co. Deed Book 23/257-59)
Patrick Carnall's undated will is on page 275a of Essex Co., Virginia Will Book 4. His son Moses is the executor and is presumably of age -- 21 or older. Since he is charged with the responsibility of bringing up the other children and providing them with sufficient schooling, it seems probable that they are all minors. James and John are specifically less than 16. The wording of the will suggests to me that there are more children than the 4 specifically named. If all but Moses are minors, he is probably about 21 and his father was relatively young when he died.
In the name of God Amen. I Patrick Carnall being very sick & weak calling to mind the mortality of my body do by these presents make this my last will revoking all former wills that shall appear hereafter I give & bequeath unto my son Moses Carnell all my Land that doth belong to me to him & the Heirs of his body Lawfully begotten but if at any time there should be no such heir then my Land to return to my next heir I give unto my daughter Ruth Carnell to Cows & one Gold ring w'ch was her Mothers It is my will & desire that all the Increase of my Negro woman named Kate that she shall have be equally divided amongst all my children excepting my son Moses it my desire that my son sons Jame & John Carnell shall be at age for their selves at the age of sixteen years old I give all the rest of my Estate to my son Moses Carnall to bring my children and and give them sufficient scouling I make & ordain my son Moses Carnall my Executor of this my last will & Testament In witness hereunto I set my hand & seal
Sign'd seal'd in the Prence of me
Thomas Ramsay
Hugh (H) Cary his mk his
Patrick W Carnell (seal)
At a court held for Essex County at Tapp'a on the 19th day of november 1728.
The above last will & Testament of Patrick Carnell decc'd being proved by the oath of the Exec'r therein named, as also by the oaths of all the witnesses thereto, is admitted to Record
N Beverley CCur
Also on November 19, 1728 Moses Kernell, Thomas Ramsay, Patrick Donahoo and Edmond Connally were held and firmly bound to 3 Essex Co. Justices in the sum of £400 for the faithful performance of Moses Kernell as executor of the estate of his father. Signed Moses (W) Karnell, Thomas Ramsay, The mark of Patric Donahoo, Edmund Connally.
On page 282 of Will Book 4 there is an inventory of the estate of Patrick Carnall admitted to record at a court for Essex Co. in Tapp'a December 17, 1728. The total value is £83 10/6, and it is signed by Moses Carnell, Exec.
The first 14 items are:
A parcel of Hoggs £3 5s
9 Hoggs £4 10s
17 sheep little & big £3 8s
9 head of cattle £13 10s
7 yearling cattle £2 16s
3 calves 12s
1 negro woman £20
1 bed & furniture £1 10s
1 bed & furniture 15s
1 parcel of old books 5s
1 old Trunk 1s
2 beds & furniture 15s
a parcel of new goods 9s
a parcel of old cloathes 10s
There are 27 more items, most worth less than £1, but including
1 servant man £6 10s
1 servant man £5
1 young horse brydle & sadle £3
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