William Carnal

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Anthony Carnal (      -1707)

I have no evidence about who this William Carnall is related to. He might be a son of Anthony. The following 2 abstracts are from a series of Essex Co. abstracts by Ruth and Sam Sparacio.

On June 17/18 1731 William Karnall, planter, and Mary Karnall of the parish of St. Anns in Essex Co. sells to John Merritt, planter, of the same county and parish for £13 100 acres in the parish of St. Anns, where William Karnell & Mary Karnell, his wife, now live, commonly known as Mr. Kenny's Plantation. Witnesses: Robert Walsh, Robert Grissum, John Merritt. William and Mary Karnall are indebted to John Merritt in the sum of £150 sterling. This indenture will be void if William and Mary Karnall pay him that amount. (Essex Co. Deed Book 19/236-42)

On August 17, 1732 William Carnall & Mary, his wife, of the Parish of St. Anns in Essex Co. sold to John Merritt of the same place for £15, current money, a tract of 76 acres "whereon the said Wm. Carnall now dwells in the said parish and county". It is bounded by Joseph Munday and Edmund Bagge. The deed is signed William (X) Carnall and Mary (M) Carnall. The witnesses are Robert (R) Gresham, Charles Munday and John Merritt. (Essex Co. Deed Book 19/354-56) Note that on December 3/4 1731 Robert Gresham of St. Anns Parish sold the same tract to John Merritt for £10. It is described as "the plantation where Wm. Carnal now dwelleth".

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