Jonathan Cole

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1844 - Tennessee
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Henry Cole (1819-1871) 1
         Mother: Serena Hinkle (Abt 1822-Abt 1863) 1

SOURCE: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas (The Goodspeed Publishing Co., Chicago, 1889)

Jonathan Cole, an enterprising resident of Prairie Township, Franklin County, was born in Wayne County, Tenn., January 18, 1844. His parents, Henry and Serena (Hinkle) Cole, had ten children, six of whom are now living, viz.: James, Thomas, Price, Jonathan, Mary, wife of J. A. Mosely, and Tennie C., who married W. M. Lafevers. The paternal grandfather of our subject removed from North Carolina to Wayne County, Tenn., about 1825; he was an extensive farmer, and died in 1869, at an advanced age. Henry Cole was born in North Carolina in 1819, and removed to Tennessee with his parents when a child; in 1846 he located on a farm in Izard County, Ark., where he lived until his death, which occurred in 1871; he was a very prominent man, and held several public offices, serving as county judge and probate judge several years; he was also an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was a member of the A. F. & A. M. The mother of our subject was a native of Tennessee, was born in 1823, and was a daughter of William Hinkle, an enterprising farmer, who located in Izard County, Ark., in 1846. Mrs. Cole died in 1863. Jonathan Cole was reared and received his education in Izard County, Ark. In 1865 he married Rosanna Cole, a native of Hardin County, Tenn., who was born in 1849, and was a daughter of W. C. Cole, a prominent farmer of Izard County. Of the fourteen children born to this union, seven are now living, viz.: Maggie L., James E., Jesse H., Millard M., Conrad C., Fred J. and Olan L. Those deceased are Joseph W., Flora E., Thomas M., Charles, Henry and two infants unnamed. The mother died December 5, 1887; she was a loving mother, and a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is deeply mourned by the family and a large circle of friends who knew her but to love her. After his marriage Mr. Cole located on a farm in Izard County, where he lived until 1877, when he sold out and removed to his present farm in Franklin County, which consists of 275 acres, 150 acres of which he has under good cultivation. He is an industrious and enterprising farmer, and also owns and operates a saw-mill, a cotton-gin and a corn-mill. During the late war Mr. Cole served in Company F, Twenty-seventh Arkansas Regiment, Confederate Army. He is an active worker in the Methodist Episcopal Church and Sunday-school, and takes a deep interest in all educational and public enterprises. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and his political sympathies are with the Democratic party.


1 Edgar D. Byler III, "Modified Register for Jesse Hinkle," unpublished.

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