François Creely

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 16 May 1790 - Kaskaskia, Illinois
    Christening: 16 May 1790 - Kaskaskia, Illinois 1
         Burial: 21 Feb 1871 - Florissant, St. Louis Co., Missouri 2
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Jean Baptiste Crelis (Abt 1758-1833)
         Mother: Elisabeth Bienvenu dit Delisle (Abt 1761-1852)

Spouses and Children
1. *Marie Josette Laurin (12 Jul 1792 - Between 1850 and 1860)
       Marriage: 4 Feb 1812 - Florissant, St. Louis Co., Missouri 3
                1. François Creely (1809-1813)
                2. Catherine Creely (1811-1882)
                3. Marie Elizabeth Creely (1813-1894)
                4. Aurore Creely (1816-1876)
                5. François Creely (1818-1899)
                6. Cécile Creely (1820-1898)
                7. Antoine Creely (1822-1898)
                8. John B. "Baptiste" Creely (1825-      )
                9. Michel Creely (1827-1834)
                10. Thérèse Creely (1829-1883)
                11. Edward Creely (1833-1903)
                12. Michael Creely (1835-1892)


<pre>1830 St. Louis Co., Missouri, St. Ferdinand Township; pg 292
Francis Creely 0210001 -- 002001; 1 slave
male female
< 5
2 5-10
1 10-15 2
30-40 1
1 40-50
50-60 </pre>

He is in the sequence Joseph Menard, Baptiste Creely, 3x, Peter Piant, 3x, Francis Creely, Michael Creely. Baptiste is his father, Michael is his brother, and the other two are brothers-in-law.

<pre>1850 St. Louis Co., Missouri, District 82; Aug 16
Francis Creely 60 M Il $-- Farmer
Rosette " 58 F Mo
Edward " 18 M Mo Farmer
Michael " 15 M Mo
Oro Laury 18 F Mo </pre>

He is not in the Slave Schedule. Two sisters Oro Manard and Cecele Dubruel live at 929/929 and 930/930 respectively. His brother-in-law Peter Piant lives at 928/928. His mother lives with Oro Manard.

In 1860 Francis Creely (68, M, Mo, $--/$--, farm hand) is living in St. Ferdinand Township in St. Louis Co., Missouri in the household of his son Edward Cleary (27, farmer).

In 1870 Frank Creeley (78, Mo) is living in Saint Ferdinand Township in St. Louis Co., Missouri in the household of his son Michell Creeley.


François Crelis and Josette Laurain were married February 4, 1812. The wording of the marriage record is normal. The baptismal records of their two oldest children, born before the marriage date, say that their parents were legally married.

St. Ferdinand's Parish Births, Marriages, Burials 31 to 37 (Florissant, Mo), Early U.S. French Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1695-1954, image 65/150:

L'an mil huit cent douze le quatre fevrier moi soussigné ai reçu consentement mutual de françois Creli natif de Caskaskias fils de Baptiste Creli et d'Elisabeth Delisle et domicilié en cette paroisse d'une part, et de Josette Laurin natif de St. Louis fille légitime de Baptiste Laurin, et de Hyacinte fortin domicilié en cette paroisse. ne setant trouvé aucun empechement qui ont venu entre connaissance je les ai marié selon les regles de la Ste. Eglise Catholique appostolique et Romaine en presence des témoins Soussignes
Marie Joseph Durand, prêtre missionaire
marque + Francois Creli
marque + Josette Laurin
Batiste + Creli
Hyacinte + Dehitre
Auguste A Chouteau
Dominique froupart
Jan Baptiste tison

Translation: In the year 1812 on February the 4th, I, the undersigned, received the mutual consent of François Creli, a native of Caskaskias, son of Baptiste Creli and Elisabeth Delisle, and a resident of this parish on the one hand, and Josette Laurin, a native of St. Louis, legitimate daughter of Baptiste Laurin and Hyacinte Fortin, living in this parish. Not having found any hindrance that has come into knowledge, I have married them according to the rules of the Holy Catholic Church, Apostolic and Roman, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses. Marie Joseph Durand, Missionary Priest


Find-a-Grave Memorial # 118286046:

The Herald and Mail, 17 Mar 1871

Francis Creely, a native, and for 80 years and 9 months, a resident of St. Louis county, Mo., fell dead on the floor the other night, while dancing at his grand-daughter's wedding. He leaves a small family of 123 children, grand-children and great grand children to mourn his untimely end.


1 Marthe Faribault Beauregard, La population des forts français d'Amérique (XVIIIe siècle), 1984, Vol 2, pg 123. Repository: Clayton Library, Houston, Texas.

2 St. Ferdinand's Parish Register of Marriages and Burials 1822-76 (Florissant, Mo), Early U.S. French Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1695-1954, image 176/178. Repository:

3 St. Ferdinand's Parish Births, Marriages, Burials 31 to 37 (Florissant, Mo), Early U.S. French Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1695-1954, image 65/150. Repository:

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