Archibald Logwood

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 
          Death: Abt 1784 - Chesterfield Co., Virginia
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Edmund Logwood (      -1775)
         Mother: Jane Eke (      -Bef 1775)

Spouses and Children
1. *Ann Friend (       -       )
       Marriage: 15 May 1776 - Chesterfield Co., Virginia 1


1783 Chesterfield Co., Virginia
Arch'd Logwood -- 5 white, 7 black


On June 24, 1777 Robert Moseley of Chesterfield Co. sells to Archibald Logwood of the same place for £150 a tract of 100 acres, more or less, in Chesterfield Co. adjoining Henry Trent, John Powell and Alexander Trent. Tomahawk Branch is one of the boundaries. (Chesterfield Co. Deed Records 8/191)

On December 22, 1777 Sarah Welch of Chesterfield Co. sells to Archibald Logwood of the same place for £200 a tract of 100 acres in Chesterfield Co. It begins at John Powell's corner; thence to the run of Tamahawk Swamp and then up the meanders of said run. (8/218)

On August 20, 1778 Alexander Trent, Sr. of Chesterfield Co. sells to Archibald Logwood of the same place for £225 a tract of 129 acres, more or less, in Chesterfield Co. adjoining Archibald Logwood, Henry Trent, James Taylor, Anthony Taylor and Manchester glebe. (8/349)

On May 17, 1783 Archibald Logwood of Chesterfield Co. sells to Reubin Winfree of the same place for £336 a tract of 168 acres, more or less, in Manchester Parish in Chesterfield Co. adjoining lands of John Powell, Archibald Logwood, Henry Trent and Reubin Winfree, being part of 2 tracts that Logwood purchased of Robert Moseley and Mary and Sarah Welch. (10/226)

On March 19, 1784 Robert Wooldridge of Chesterfield Co. sells to Archibald Logwood of the same place for £300 a tract of 150 acres by estimation in Chesterfield Co. adjoining John Murchison, Edward Farley, William Burton, John Burton, and Arch. Logwood. (10/379)

On August 4, 1784 Archibald Logwood of Chesterfield Co. sells to Edmond Lockett of the same place for £280 two tracts containing 161 acres, more or less, the first bounded by the glebe, Sublet, Trent, Winfree, Powall, Taylor and Friend, and the second by Powall and Winfree, being part of a tract Logwood purchased of Salle Welch. (14/407)


Land tax records are available from 1791 onward. From 1791 until 1803 there is an entry for Archibald Logwood, Estate. From 1791 until 1802 the estate has 418 acres worth either £166 7/10 or $597. In 1803 the amount of land is 286 acres. Personal property tax records are available from 1786 onward, but Archibald Logwood never appears there.


Chesterfield County, Virginia Revolutionary War Service Claims (Ethel Courtney Clarke, 1937);

Francis Lockett, July 1780, bacon, 70 lb
Francis Lockett, July 1781, wheat, 600 bu
Richard Lockett, Sept 1781, beef 200 lb
William Lockett, Sept 1781, beef, 505 lb
Archibald Logwood, Nov 1781, beef, 175 lb


Chesterfield Co. Will Book No. 3, pg 445 (LDS microfilm 30872):

The last will and testament of Archibald Logwood is dated August 14, 1784. To his three children Phebe Logwood, Francis Osborne Logwood, and Ann Friend Logwood he leaves "all my lands and plantation on Swift Creek containing 518 acres, more or less", and 6 Negroes Bess, Isbel, Jack, Ciss, Kate and Tiller. He desires that his estate be kept together for the support and maintenance of his children until they marry or all of them come of age. Colo. Edward Friend, Edmund Logwood, William Logwood, Capt. Edward Moseley and Robert Haskins are the executors. The witnesses are Collins Goodwin, Larkin Pilkinton, William Worsham, and William Logwood.

Chesterfield Co. Order Book No. 7, pg 44 (LDS microfilm 30911):

October Court 1784 (October 1) -- The last will and testament of Archibald Logwood was proved by the oaths of Collins Gooding and Larking Pilkington. The executors named in the will were granted letters of administration.


Chesterfield Will Book No. 5, pg 203 (LDS microfilm 30374):

Undated inventory of the estate of Archibald Logwood, dec'd. No total value is given but the sum of individual values is about £654. The 72 items include household items and tools and the following:
6 Negroes £410
5 horses £52
14 cattle £29 15/-
1 yoke of steers & yoke £9
12 sheep £3
2 sows & pigs 1 boar £4 10/6
1 ox waggon £12
On pages 28-44 of Book No. 6 (LDS microfilm 30374) there is a very detailed report from Edward Friend, one of the executors of the estate. The court accepts it March 26, 1802. £1503 15/6.5 has been paid out; the credits amount to £1318 10/6.25; and the balance due the executor is £185 5/0.25.


1 Catherine Lindsay Knorr, "Chesterfield County, Virginia Marriage Bonds and Minister's Returns 1771-1815" (1958), pg 78. Repository: Clayton Genealogical Library, Houston, Texas.

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