Edmund Logwood

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: England
          Death: 1775 - Chesterfield Co., Virginia
 Cause of Death: 

Spouses and Children
1. *Jane Eke (       - Bef 1775)
                1. Mary Logwood (      -Abt 1805)
                2. Thomas Logwood (1740-1821)
                3. Edmund Logwood (      -Abt 1800)
                4. William Logwood (      -After 1810)
                5. Archibald Logwood (      -Abt 1784)
                6. Elizabeth Logwood (      -      )
                7. Edith Logwood (Abt 1755-Abt 1826)
                8. Sarah Logwood (      -      )
                9. Mildred Logwood (      -      )


Our Kin (Mary Denham Ackerly & Lula Eastman Jeter Parker, 1930) is a thick volume containing genealogical accounts of various early settlers in Bedford Co., Virginia. The following is on page 216. Error corrections are in square brackets.

Edmund Logwood and his wife, Jane (Eke) Logwood, came from England and settled in Chesterfield County, Virginia, where he died in 1775. His will, made January 13, 1773 [1775], and recorded in Chesterfield County (Will Book No. 2, page 295), mentions children: Thomas, Edmund, William, Archibald, Mary Lockett, Elizabeth Chasteen, Edith Hatcher, Sarah, and Milly. His wife is not mentioned, so she evidently died before her husband.

His children married as follows:

(1) Thomas; married (first) Ann Aiken; (second) Mrs. Martha Minnis. (See forward.)
(2) Edmund; married Mary Dandridge of Powhatan County and settled in Bedford County before the Revolutionary War.
(3) William; married Jane Walker of Chesterfield County.
(4) Archibald; married Nancy Friend of Chesterfield County.
(5) Mary; married Edmund [Richard] Lockett of Chesterfield County.
(6) Elizabeth; married ________ Chastain, a Huguenot of Manakin Town, Virginia.
(7) Edith; married Rev. Jeremiah Hatcher. (See Hatcher family.)
(8) Sarah.
(9) Mildred; married William Woolridge of Chesterfield County.


On February 4, 1756 Philip Turpin of Chesterfield Co. and George Renyer Turner, late of the same county, sell to Edmond Logwood of the same place for £30 two tracts, one of 125 acres by estimation and the other of 42 acres. They are contiguous and are on both sides of Mison's Branch. They adjoin lands of Edmond Logwood, George Hancock, Josiah Hatcher, Godfree Hill and Edward Hill. (Chesterfield Co., Virginia Deed Records 3/63)

On December 31, 1765 Peter Akin of Meclenburgh Co. and Edmond Logwood of Chesterfield Co. come to an agreement. Peter Akin conveys to Edmond Logwood all of the estate of James Hill to which he is entitled either by gift, legacy or right of dower. Edmond Logwood will pay Peter Akin £12 17s 6d by next January 10. Further Edmond Logwood agrees to give the whole estate to Ann Akin, daughter of Peter, and to Thomas Logwood, son of Edmond, and he agrees to give them a Negro boy named Matt and £37 on their marriage. (5/306)


It is commonly stated that Edmund Logwood married Jane Eke. I have been unable to find any documentary evidence from the period. Benjamin B. Weisiger III has compiled 3 volumes of abstracts from the order books of Henrico Co. from 1677 to 1750. I can find no mention of persons named 'Eke'.


Chesterfield Co. Order Book No. 1, pg 49 (LDS microfilm 30908):

June 1, 1750 -- "Ordered That Edmund Logwood do have the following hands to work on the road over which he is surveyor viz. Wm. Trent, Jacob Flournoy & Wm. Harrison"


The following is on page 185 of Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia 1737-81 (Benjamin Weisiger III, 1977). It suggests that Thomas was Edmund's father and that Edmund was born in Virginia or immigrated to Virginia as a child with his parents. On the other hand Thomas might be Edmund's brother. I have been unable to find a facsimile copy of this record.

June Court 1742 -- Will of Thomas Logwood presented by Edmund Logwood and proved by oath of Robert Ashurst and John Wooldridge.


In the following will on page 295 in Chesterfield Co., Virginia Will Book No. 2 some periods function as commas. In most cases the words in brackets are completely or mostly missing from the microfilm copy (LDS 30871), primarily because of tight binding.

In the name of God amen. I Edmund Logwood of Chesterfield County and manchester parish being at this time in perfect health and of sound memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and form here following. that is to say.

I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Logwood one negroe boy named Matt now in his possession to him and his heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath to my son Edmund Logwood one negroe man named Joe to him and his heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath to my son William Logwood one negroe man named Captain to him and his heirs forever but in case my said son William should die without lawful heir then the said negroe Captain to be sould to the highest bidder and the Proceeds to be equally divided between my five Daughters, that is to say. Mary Lockett, Elizabeth Chasteen, Edith Hatcher, Sarah Logwood and Milley Logwood.

Item I give and bequeath to my son William Logwood who is now prosecuting his studies as a candidate for holy orders in the church of england, the land and plantation whereon I now live until such Time as he shall have finished his studies and be received as a [minister] in some parish. At which time my will and Intention is [that] the said Plantation shall be to my son Archibald Logwood to him and his heirs forever he paying to my sons Thomas, Edmund, and William Logwood the sum of fifty Pounds or in case of their Decease to their heirs and In case my said son William shall fail in accomplishing his studies and shall [not] be received into any Parish, then I give the said Plantation [to] him the said William and his heirs forever but in that [case] he should die without lawful heir then the plantation [to] be to my foresaid son Archibald and his heirs forever. he paying to my sons Thomas and Edmund Logwood the sum of seventy five pounds each. or in case of their Decease. to their heirs. and [in] case my said son Archibald should die without lawful heir that the said plantation shall be to my son Thomas Logwood to him and his heirs forever he paying to my son Edmund the sum of one hundred and twenty five pounds or in case of his Decease his heirs.

Item I give and bequeath to my son Archibald Logwood Two [negroes] that is to say Isbal and Jack, to him and his heirs forever but in [case] he should die without lawful heirs then my will is that the said negroes, Isbal and Jack be equally divided between my two sons Thomas Logwood and Edmund Logwwood.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Lockett the balance that is now due to me from her husband Richard Lockett, to her and her heirs forever. and my will farther is that my Executors hereafter named do out of the proceeds of my estate hereafter directed to be sold, purchase a slave not exceeding fifty five pounds in value and convert the wages or Service of the said slave to the use of my aforesaid Daughter Mary Lockett so that the money be not liable to any attachment or execution whatsoever obtained against her husband Richard Lockett, and I do hereby empower and _______ my Executors to devise give and bequeath on the Decease of the aforesaid Mary Lockett the negroe purchased by them and the Increase of the same if any among the heirs of the said Mary Lockett at their Discretion.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Chasteen one negroe woman named Judey. and fifty Pounds current money to be raised from the sale of my goods hereafter mentioned to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Salley Logwood one Feather bed with decent Furniture to the same togeather [sic] with such Sadle and bridle as she may have in use and be possessed of at the Time of my decease and one negroe woman named Sarah and her Increase to my said Daughter Salley and the heirs of her body [lawfully] begotten forever and in Default _________ Daughters Edith Hatcher and Milly Logwood to them and their lawfull heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Edith Hatcher a negro woman named Hannah and her Increase to her and her lawful heirs forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Milley Logwood [one] Feather Bed with decent Furniture to the same together with such sadle and Bridle as she may have in use and be possessed of at the time of my Decease and one Negroe boy named Charles to her and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten forever but in Default of such Issue then to my Daughter Salley Logwood and Mary Lockett to them and their lawful heirs forever

Item. I give and bequeath to my grandson Edmund Lockett one negro boy named James to him and his heirs forever propided [sic] his Father Richard Lockett lets him live under my Discretion and at my death under the care of my son Archibald Logwood.

Item. I give to my Executors all my estate except my lands and slaves to sell and dispose of the same in the best manner they can in order to discharge all my Just debts and Legacies before specified including the expences of my son William Logoood's Education for this present year, and I desire farther that if any balance should remain two thirds of the same may be paid to Milley Logwood and the other third to Salley Logwood.

Item [I] do hereby revoake and make void all former wills of whatsoever Tenor or date by me heretofore made and do publish this as my last will and Testament and constitute and appoint Edward Friend, Henry Hatcher and my sons Edmund Logwood Archibald Logwood and William Logwood Executors of this my last will and Testament and desire that if any differences or dispute should arise among my legatees so as in any wise to interfere with the full and faithful Execution of this my last will and Testament then that Edward Friend Henry Hatcher, and Archibald McRoberts do settle compromise and adjust the same that their [sic] be no going to law among those whom I would wish ever to be united in love In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this thirteenth day of January in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy five

Edmond Logwood (LS)
In presence of

Ambros Cobbs
Peter Clarke
Julius Hatcher
Thomas Sanderson
William Bowman

Chesterfield Co. Order Book No. 6, pg 84 (LDS microfilm 30910):

June Court 1775 (June 2) -- The last will and testament of Edmond Logwood, dec'd, was proved by the oaths of Ambrose Cobb and Peter Clark. Appraisers were appointed, and letters of administration were granted to Edm'd Logwood and Arch'd Logwood.


Chesterfield Co., Virginia Will Book No. 3, pg 202 (LDS microfilm 30872):

Appraisal of the estate of Edmund Logwood, July 13, 1776:
31 head of cattle £46 10s
17 sheep £6 15s
19 old hogs & some shotes £15
8 horses and mares £59
a Negro man Joe £60
a Negro woman Hannah £60
1 woman Judith £20
1 woman T______
a Negro man Captain £100
a Negro boy Charles £50
a Negro boy Jack £55
Sarah and child
4 beds and furniture £39
Some of the values are unreadable. Most of the remaining items are household items and tools. There are 80 items in all. No total value is given.

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