Edmund Logwood
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: Christening: Death: Abt 1800 - (Bedford Co., Virginia) Burial: Cause of Death:
Father: Edmund Logwood ( -1775) Mother: Jane Eke ( -Bef 1775)
1783 Powhatan Co., Virginia
Edmond Logwood -- 6 white, 34 black
On September 12, 1781 Robert Cowan for himself and as lawful attorney for William Parker sells to Edmond Logwood of Powhatan Co. for £50 ("Fifty Sterling") a tract of 800 acres in Bedford Co. on the south side of Goose Creek and on both sides of Enoch's Creek. (Bedford Co. Deed Records 7/89) On the same date Robert Cowan and Elizabeth, his wife, of Bedford Co. sell to Edmund Logwood of Powhatan Co. for £1200 specie a tract of 1800 acres by estimation in Bedford Co. on the north side of Goose Creek. (7/205)
On January 14, 1794 Edmund Logwood of Powhatan Co. appoints Christopher Clark of Bedford Co. as his attorney to collect rents from Callohill Mennis and if the rent is not paid to take appropriate measures. (9/339)
On October 18, 1798 Edmund Logwood of Powhatan Co. sells to Richard Hobson of Bedford Co for £742 4/5 a tract of 668 acres on both sides of Wolf Creek, a north branch of Gooch Creek. (11/80) On June 20, 1799 two justices of Powhatan Co. report that they have examined Mary Logwood, Edmund's wife, alone, in the absence of her husband, and that she has relinquished her dower rights. (11/81)
On several occasions Thomas Logwood of Bedford Co. and Edmund Lockett of Chesterfield Co., executors of the last will and testament of Edmund Logwood, dec'd, of Powhatan Co. sell land in Bedford Co. in accordance with instructions in the will. In the earlier deeds they are joined by Mary Logwood, widow and relict of Edmund Logwood, dec'd. In one deed dated October 26, 1801 the land being sold is a tract of 1132 acres on the north side of Goose Creek and on the waters of Wolf Creek, being the balance of a tract of 1800 acres purchased from Robert Cowan, of which the decedent sold 668 acres in his lifetime. The sales take place over a substantial period of time. Another deed is dated May 23, 1814. (Bedford Co. Deed Records 11/459, 11/464, 12/306, 13/556, 14/141, 14/341, 14/394)
Land tax records are available from 1782 onward. Edmond Logwood's Estate is not in the list in 1815 and later. The third through fifth columns are value per acre, total value, and tax.
1782 1800 acres 1/8 £150 Edmund Logwood
1783 alterations only
1784 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmund Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1785 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmund Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1786 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmund Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1787 illegible
1789 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmond Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1790 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmond Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1791 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmond Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1792 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmond Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1793 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmond Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1794 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmond Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1795 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmond Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1796 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmund Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1797 1800 acres 4/7 £412 10/- £6 3/9 Edmond Logwood
800 acres 1/6 £60 18/-
1798 1800 acres $ .77 $1386 $5.26 Edmund Logwood
800 acres .25 200 .76
1799 1800 acres .77 1386 5.26 Edmund Logwood
800 acres .25 200 .76
1801 1132 acres .77 871.64 3.31 Edmund Logwood
800 acres .25 200 .76
1802 800 acres .25 200 .96 Edmund Logwood Est
1803 800 acres .25 200 .96 Edmund Logwood's Estate
1804 800 acres .25 200 .96 Edmund Logwood's Estate
1805 800 acres .25 200 .96 Edmund Logwood's Estate
1806 800 acres .25 200 .96 Edmund Logwood's Estate
1807 800 acres .25 200 .96 Edmond Logwood's Estate
1808 no tax in Virginia
1809 530 acres .25 132.50 .64 Edmond Logwood's Est
1810 530 acres .25 132.50 .64 Edmond Logwood's Est
1811 340 acres .25 85 .46 Edmond Logwood's Est
1812 340 acres .25 85 .46 Edmond Logwood's Est Boor Auger
1813 340 acres .25 85 .53 Edmund Logwood Estate Bore Auger
1814 illegible
Personal property tax records are available from 1782 onward. Categories in the tax lists vary significantly from year to year, which complicates comparison and presentation of data.
Between 1782 and 1790 the first column in the tax list is labelled 'white males over 21'. After 1803 the first column is 'white males over 16'. Between 1791 and 1802 the term 'white tithe' is used. I feel confident that it refers to white males over 16. See the following article concerning the concept of 'tithe' and 'tithable':
The columns below are
1) Wo21 -- White males over 21
2) Wo16 -- White males over 16/white tithes
3) Wint -- White males above 16 and under 21
4) Bo16 -- Blacks over 16
5) Bu16 -- Blacks under 16
6) Bint -- Blacks over 12 and under 16 but in 1815 over 9 and under 12
7) Bo12 -- Blacks over 12
8) Btot -- Total blacks
9) Hors -- Horses, mares, colts, mules
10) Catl --- Cattle
Wo21 Wint Bu16 Bo12 Hors
Wo16 Bo16 Bint Btot Catl
1782 0 0 3 3 2 23 Edmund Logwood
1783 0 7 1 8 2 27 Edmund Logwood
1784 1 5 1 6 2 18 Edmund Logwood
1785 1 5 1 6 3 19 Edmund Logwood
Land tax records are available from 1791 onward. I have not seen the records for 1811 and later. From 1791 through 1798 Edmund Logwood owns one town lot. 1799 and 1800 are illegible. From 1801 through 1810 his estate is the owner of the town lot. Personal property tax records are available from 1786 onward, but Edmund Logwood never appears there.
Chesterfield Co. Order Book No. 5, pg 10, July Court 1771 (LDS microfilm 30910):
"Peter Clarke making choice of Edm'd Logwood jun'r for his guardian the s'd Edm'd gave Bond."
Logwood, Edmund. grantee.
Land grant 14 May 1787.
Location: Fayette County (Ky.).
Description: 10,000 acres on the waters of Ohio and Little Sandy or Twelve Mile Creek adjoining John Craigs 1000 acres survey at the mouth of Little Sandy.
Source: Land Office Grants No. 11, 1787, p. 114 (Reel 77).
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