Marshall Emory Parker
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth Date: 7 Jan 1841 - Wayne Co., Kentucky Christening: Death: 9 Jan 1923 - Navasota, Grimes Co., Texas ( at age 82) 4 Burial: in Oakwood Cem., Honey Grove, Fannin Co., Texas Cause of Death:
Father: Lewis Parker (1798-1863) 5 6 Mother: Matilda DeForest Lockett (1803-1867) 5 6
Spouses and Children
1. *Catharine Grinstead (30 Jan 1842 - 10 Jan 1928) 1 3 Marriage: 7 Jan 1863 - Madison Co., Kentucky 1 7 8 Children: 1. Dimice Parker (1865-1885) 2. Lewis Parker (1867-1955) 3. John Harrison Parker (1869-1951) 4. Eliza Lockett Parker (1870-1954) 5. Robert Lincoln Parker (1872-1940) 6. Mary Evelyn Parker (1875-1955) 7. Maggie DeForest Parker (1877-1951) 8. Marshall Eddy Parker (1879-1961)
<pre>1870 Andrew Co., Mo, Rochester Township, p.o. Whitesville; July 29; pg 6
Marshall Parker 29 MW Ky $2000/$550 Carpinter
Kate " 28 FW Ky Keeping House
Denice " 4 FW Ky At Home
Lewis " 2 MW Ky At Home
John H. " 8/12 Sept MW Mo At Home </pre>
Marshall's sister Louisa Buster lives at 26/28, and his brother Lewis Parker at 27/29.
<pre>1880 Pulaski Co., Ky, Somerset Pct. No. 1, ED 87; June 4; pg 5
M. E. Parker 40 Ky NY Ky Carpenter
Catherine " 38 wife Ky Ky Ky Keeping house
Dinsie " 14 dau Ky Ky Ky A
Lewis " 13 son Ky Ky Ky A
Henry " 10 son Ky Ky Ky ARW
Eliza " 9 dau Ky Ky Ky
Robert " 7 son Ky Ky Ky
Mary " 5 dau Ky Ky Ky
Maggie " 3 dau Ky Ky Ky
Edwin " 1 son Ky Ky Ky </pre>
Catherine's uncle M. D. Grinstead lives at 45/46, and M. E.'s brother E. F. Parker lives at 37/38. A = "attended school within the census year", R= "cannot read", W = "cannot write".
<pre>1900 Fannin Co., Tx, Pct. 5, Honey Grove, ward 1, ED 76; June 1; sheet 1
16/16 West Main St.
Marshal E. Parker 59 Jan 1841 M37 Ky Oh Ky Carpenter
Kate " wife 58 Jan 1842 M37/8/7 Ky Va Ky
John H. " son 30 Sep 1869 S Mo Ky Ky Mgr Lumberyard
Eliza Rhew dau 29 Nov 1870 M0/0/0 Mo Ky Ky
Columbus " son-in-law 30 Oct 1869 M0 Tx Tn Tn Insurance Agent
Maggie D. Parker dau 22 Oct 1877 S Ky Ky Ky </pre>
Marshall owns a house free of a mortgage and all can read and write.
In 1920 Marshall and Kate are living in the household of their youngest son in Austin, Travis Co., Texas.
The following discharge is on page 98 of Book 22 of the Deed Records of Pulaski Co. It appears to be signed by J. W. Henderson, a major in the 45th Ky Inf and witnessed by Isaac L. Hardgrove [Capt Com. d g. Co, I, 49. Ky.]
Know Ye that Marshall E. Parker a Sergeant of Captain Isaac S Hardgrove Company, I, 49th Regement of Kentucky Volunteer ['Infantry' marked out] who was enrolled on the seventeenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty three to serve one year or during the war, is hereby Discharged from the service of the United States this 26th day of December 1864, at Lexington Kentucky by reason of Expiration of Term of service. (No objection to his being reenlisted is know to exist) Said Marshall E. Parker was born in Wayne County State of Kentucky, is twenty three years of age, five feet eight inches high, fair complexion, Blue eyes, Brown hair, and by occupation, when enrolled a farmer. Given at Lexington Ky. this Twenty sixth day of December 1864.
"Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kentucky 1861-1866",
Vol 2, pg 502 -- Roll of Company I, 49th Kentucky Volunteer Mounted Infantry:
Marshall E. Parker, 1st sergeant, enrolled August 17, 1863, mustered in September 19, 1863 at Camp Nelson, Ky for 1 year, mustered out December 26, 1864 at Lexington, Ky.
See Vol 2, pg 505 for summary of regiment's action.
On page 1578 in The Kentucky Land Grants, Part 2, by Willard Rouse Jillson in the section "Grants in County Court Orders" we find
M. E. Parker 150 acres Bk 106/pg 521 15 Jun 1881 Pulaski Cooper's Creek
This means that on June 15, 1881 150 acres were surveyed for M. E. Parker. Three months earlier 200 acres were surveyed for his older brother J. W. F. Parker probably on the same watercourse (Cooper's Delight).
On September 26, 1882 M. E. Parker and Kate Parker, his wife, sold to J. W. F. Parker for $400 their one-eleventh part of an undivided tract on Pitman's Creek in Pulaski Co. It is described by metes and bounds and is the same property purchased by their father July 6, 1848. (Bk 34, pg 138)
On June 18, 1888 M. E. Parker and Kate Parker, his wife, sold to C. L. Parker for $1 and other consideration understood between the parties 2 tracts, one described by metes and bounds on Martin's Creek and the other, also described by metes and bounds, on Cooper's Creek, a tributary of the South Fork of the Cumberland River. (Bk 38, pg 310)
1) On October 20, 1885 M. E. Parker purchased 2 acres within Honey Grove (within a 320 acre survey in the name of Samuel Erwin) for $200 (Fannin County Deed Records 37/432).
The property is on the north side of West Main Street, which is the highway to Bonham, the county seat. I have a photograph of M. E. Parker seated on the front porch of his house, which he probably built himself. The style is typical of houses built around 1900. On the basis of the picture and the suppositon that it was his house in Honey Grove, I located it in the spring of 1999. It is 1112 West Main. It was severely dilapidated but occupied. I saw it again in the summer of 2005. It was unoccupied and the woman who lived next door said that her son, the owner, intended to demolish it the following winter. Neal Parker, 3/2006.
2) On February 17, 1913 M. E. Parker and Kate Parker, his wife, sold the 2 acre property (132/152).
3) On April 9, 1913 M. E. Parker purchased for $1050 a 7.18 acre tract on the outskirts of Alvin, Brazoria County, Texas (119/584). The property is adjacent to the G. C. and S. F. railroad.
4) On August 16, 1913 M. E. Parker and Kate Parker of Brazoria County sold a tract of about 1.2 acres to the Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe RR for $300 (123/343).
5) On October 9, 1916 M. E. Parker and Kate Parker, his wife, of Lubbock County, Texas sold the remainder of their 7.18 acre tract to Oscar V. Rogers for $800 (136/486).
M. E. and Kate were old when they left Honey Grove. According to my Aunt Dimice, all of the children opposed the move except Lewis. She said that there was a terrible storm which caused a lot of damage and that their youngest son Ed came and got them after the storm. There was in fact a severe hurricane which passed through that area in 1915. They apparently lived for a time with their daughter Mary in Lubbock before they went to Anderson to live with their youngest son. They lived in Anderson until their deaths. There were 2 reunions in Anderson after the death of M. E. in 1923 and before Kate's death in 1928. They occurred in 1926 and in 1927. I have a picture of each.
I went to Alvin about 5 years ago. The property is very close to the center of town, and the property description mentions several named streets. Those streets have disappeared (or never existed), and it appeared to me that the railroad had taken over the whole area for a juntion. Neal Parker, 3/2006.
M. E. Parker, Sr.
Place of death: Navasota, Grimes Co., Texas
Age: 82 years 0 months 2 days
Born: Jan 7, 1841 in Kentucky
Father: Louis Parker, born in New York
Mother: don't know
Informant: Dr. M. E. Parker, Navasota, Texas
Burial: Honey Grove, Texas; Jan 11
Died: Jan 9, 1923 4:30 am
Cause: acute malaria Contributing factor: senility
Dr. S. J. Emory attended the deceased from Jan 7 to Jan 8 and signed the death certificate.
Parker in America, pg 458 (J. W. F. Parker, May 1904)
Marshall E. married Miss Kate Grinstead, of Madison Co., Ky., and they live in Honey Grove, Texas. They have seven children. He too is a house-smith.
The last two mentioned sons [Lewis R. and Marshall E.] were soldiers of the Federal army in the 60's; Lewis in the 9th Iowa, and Marshall in the 49th Kentucky.
This document was given to me by Lavona Peterson shortly after the death of her aunt Bess Parker in June, 1999. Bess Parker was the second wife of Marshall Eddy Parker (Uncle Ed), and this document is relative to his family. It is a carbon copy on thin, low quality paper, which has been folded several times. The paper has begun to break at the folds. In making this copy I have tried to preserve the format and the content of the original document as closely as possible --- including mistakes. A row of dashes indicates a page break in the original.
I am not sure of its provenance, but I believe that it was done by Aunt Mag (Maggie DeForest Parker). I have 3 reasons for this conclusion. Certain omissions among the descendents of Lewis Parker, for example, make it highly unlikely that any member of his family could have prepared it. Similarly for most of his brothers and sisters. Only Aunt Mag and Uncle Bob had no children. Secondly, there is a row of asterisks above and below Maggie DeForest Parker. No other name in the document is set off in this way. Thirdly there is highly specific information about her husband, Joseph Roark Rhew (birthdate, marriage date, death date, place of death). Prior to seeing this document I had never found anybody in the family who knew very much at all about him. Franklin Parker, Uncle Ed's youngest son, who grew up in Anderson and knew Aunt Mag, knew almost nothing about her husband. It was known that he was the brother of Aunt Lida's husband, Columbus Rhew, and it was thought that he and Aunt Mag lived together only a very short period of time. As to when the document was prepared, it was done after June 11, 1941. That is my birthdate, which is the latest date to appear. Aunt Mamie, Uncle Ed's first wife, died June 27, 1942 and there is no mention of her death. I deduce that Aunt Mag prepared the ducument on the basis of information that she had collected, sometime after my birth and before Aunt Mamie's death. In the case of mistakes that I recognize, I have included a list of corrections at the end.
H. Neal Parker
5019 Floyd
Houston, Texas 77007
Name Date of Birth Place Date of Death Place Buried
Marshall Emory Parker Jan. 7, 1841 Wayne Co., Ky.Jan. 9, 1923 Navasota, Tex. Honey Grove, Tex.
Married Jan. 7, 1863 to
Kate Grinstead Jan. 30, 1842 Kentucky Jan. 10, 1928 Navasota, Tex. Honey Grove, Tex.
Dimice Parker Oct. 24, 1865 Kentucky Jan. 10, 1885 Honey Grove, Tex. Same
Lewis Parker Aug. 31, 1867 Kentucky
John Harrison Parker Sep. 9, 1869 Missouri
Eliza Lockett Parker Nov. 28, 1870 Missouri
Robert Lincoln Parker May 22, 1872 Missouri Nov. 24, 1940 Paragould, Ark. Paragould, Ark.
Mary Evelyn Parker Dec. 31, 1875 Kentucky (Louisville)
Maggie DeForest Parker Oct. 1, 1877 Kentucky
Marshall Eddy Parker July 13, 1879 Kentucky
Dimice Parker was not married
Robert married Ruby Zell Leonard Oct. 18, 1912. She was born Oct. 14, 1894 at Clinton, Arkansas.
They have no children.
Name Date of Birth Place
Lewis Parker Aug. 31, 1867 Missouri
Married Aug. 2, 1893
Jennie Hinkle Nov. 3, 1872 Wichita Falls, Tex.
Katie Parker March 3, 1894 Wichita Falls, Tex.
Nelle Parker Feb. 3, 1896 Wichita Falls, Tex.
Mattie Dimice Parker Oct. 18, 1898 Honey Grove, Texas
Maggie Lewis Parker 1900 Honey Grove, Texas
Robert Marshall Parker Dec. 30, 1904 Honey Grove, Texas
Melvin Earl Parker April 14, 1908 New Mexico
Walter Milford Parker Feb. 20, 1911 New Mexico
Billie Hinkle Parker Aug. 22, 1912 New Mexico
David Eugene Parker June 12, 1914 New Mexico
Following are Lewis and Jennie Hinkle Parker's Descendents. (There has been no death in this family)
Katie Parker married
July 21, 1915 to
Horace B. Blackburn Dec. 17, 1894
Lewis Parker Blackburn Dec. 26, 1919
Roberta Snow Blackburn Dec. 2, 1921
Virginia Martha Blackburn Oct. 20, 1926
Page 2 of Lewis Parker's Descendents.
Name Date of Birth Place
Nellie Parker
Married May 5, 1915
James Albert Kinkead June 21, 1888 New Mexico (?)
Dorothy Nelle Kinkead Oct. 5, 1916 New Mexico
Howard Kohn Kinkead Feb. 27, 1918 New Mexico
Jennie Louise Kinkead Feb. 7, 1923 New Mexico
James Albert Kinkead April 12, 1928 New Mexico
Marshall Lewis Kinkead Aug. 26, 1921 New Mexico (3rd child)
Jo Ann Kinkead Dec. 24, 1931 New Mexico
Mattie Dimice Parker
Married Jan. 11, 1919
Dale Preston Warren Age and birth place not given (No children)
Maggie Lewis Parker
Married ?
William Pollard Date of birth and place not known. They have two children.
Billie Dale Pollard " "
Dimice Kate Pollard " "
Robert Marshall Parker
Married Oct 11, 1933
Allie Rae Collins Dec. 29, 1912
Horace Neal Parker June 11, 1941 New Mexico
Page 3 of Lewis Parker's Descendents
Name Date of Birth Place
Walter Milford Parker
Married May 23, 1934 to
Maurine Evans June 16, 1910
Margoria DimiceFeb. 17, 1935 New Mexico
Betty Jo Jan. 21, 1938 New Mexico
Eugene Earl June 4, 1939 New Mexico
Billie Hinkle Parker )
& ) Married but I do not have the data on them.
David Eugene Parker )
Dorothy Nelle Kinkead (Lewis' Gr.daughter)
Married Dec. 24, 1936 to
Clyde Andrews Oct. 3, 1913 New Mexico
One child:
James Dale Andrews Oct. 5, 1937 New Mexico
Name Date of Birth Place
John Harrison Parker
Married Feb. 22, 1907
Mattie Lee Spong Feb. 7, 1886 Rockwall Co., Texas
John Henry Parker Mar. 15, 1911 Rockwall, Texas
Sam Edward Parker Nov. 12, 1912 Hillsboro, Texas
John Henry Parker
Married but I do not have data (have no children)
Sam Edward Parker
Married Nov. 12, 1933 to
Geraldine Cox Oct. 22, 1914 Randolph, Texas
Sammy Lynn Parker Oct. 18, 1935 Kilgore, Texas
Name Date of Birth Place Date of Death Place Buried
Eliza Lockett Parker
Married Columbus Randolph
Rhew, (Jan. 5, 1900) Aug. 29, 1868 Mississippi Oct 28, 1929 Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas
Randolph Parker Rhew July 1, 1901 Honey Grove, Tx.
Mary Eliza DeForest Jan. 9, 1904 Honey Grove, Tx Mar. 27, 1907 Honey Grove, Tx Honey Grove, Tx
Marshall Emory Rhew June 19, 1907 Honey Grove, Tx.
Lyda Parker Rhew Dec. 6, 1910 Honey Grove, Tx. Mar. 17, 1932 Dallas, Tex Royse City, Tex.
Marshall Rhew married on Apr. 21, 1939 to
Mary Duskin Kenyon June 13, 1917 Gainesville, Gr.
Name Date of Birth Place Date of Death Place Buried
Mary Evelyn Parker
Married Jan. 16, 1900 to
Henry Wyatt Brown Jan. 21, 1875 Georgia
Henry Wyatt Brown Dec. 12, 1900 Gainesville, Texas May, 14, 1951 Houston, Tex Navasota, Texas
Mary Parker Brown Feb. 25, 1908 Honey Grove, Texas
Thomas Franklin Brown Aug. 25, 1910 Honey Grove, Texas May 18, 1930 Plainview, Tex Lubbock, Texas
Albert Brown Oct. 3, 1914 Honey Grove, Texas
Henry Wyatt Brown, Jr.
Married Aug. 8, 1931 to
Garnett Dowell No data on birth (February 27, 1902)
Garnett Dowell Brown May 19, 1940 Houston, Texas
Maggie DeForest Parker
Married Oct. 17, 1916 to
Joseph Roark Rhew May 31, 1866 Mississippi Apr. 16, 1937 Bonham, Tex. Ladonia, Texas
Marshall Eddy Parker
Married June 12, 1906 to
Mamie McDonald Swan Jan. 3, 1879 Mississippi
Marshall Edward Parker Oct. 16, 1907 Louisville, Ky.
Robert Franklin Parker Oct. 6, 1912 Waterman, Tex.
Con. on next page
Marshall Edward Parker
Married Sept. 3, 1933 to
Victoria Robertson No data Georgia
Elizabeth Judson Parker Dec. 5, 1934 Anderson, Texas
Robert Franklin Parker
Married Sept. 1, 1935 to
Bertha Mae Silvey May 26, 1915 Velasco, Texas
Robert Franklin Parker July xx, 1939 Navasota, Texas
Mary Alice Parker Aug. xx, 1940 Lafayette, La
Errors and commentary:
1) Lewis Parker
a) Lewis Parker was born in Kentucky.
b) Jennie Hinkle was born in or near Red Oak, Ellis Co., Texas on November 2, 1874.
c) Her daughter Mattie Dimice, my Aunt Dimice, told me that her mother (my grandmother) had told her (my aunt) that she (my aunt) was born about a mile from where her mother (my grandmother) had been born.
d) Katie Parker was born not in Wichita Falls, but in Iowa Park, a town close to Wichita Falls, according to her daughter Snow.
e) Margoria Dimice Parker should be Marjorie Dimice Parker.
f) Billie was born in 1914, not in 1912, and David was born in 1917, not in 1914. Maggie Lewis was born September 14, 1900. Nelle was born Feb 23, not Feb 2.
g) Horace B. Blackburn, Kate's husband, was born December 17, 1892 not in 1894.
h) Maurene Evans, wife of Walter M. Parker was born April 17, 1910, not June 16.
2) Mary Evelyn Parker
a) The death information for Henry Wyatt Brown (her son) has been added in handwriting, as has the birth date of Garnett Dowell.
b) The 19 in May 19, 1940 as the birth date of Garnett Dowell Brown may be wrong, since the paper is broken at that point due to a fold.
c) Henry Wyatt Brown is buried in Anderson, Texas, not in Navasota.
3) Eliza Lockett Parker
a) The death certificate of her daughter Lyda Parker Rhew says that she was born December 26, 1910 rather than December 6, 1910 and that she died February 17, 1932 rather than March 17, 1932.
b) The death certificate of C. R. Rhew says that he died October 27, 1929 in Terrell, Texas rather than October 28, 1929 in Dallas, Texas.
c) Tombstone of Mary Eliza says she died March 25 rather than March 27.
Marshall Emory Parker's wife Catharine Grinstead was a 3rd cousin once removed in the Hinds line of Sarah E. Wade, the wife of Marshall Emory's older brother Lewis R. Parker.
Kentucky, County Marriage Records, 1783-1935 at
Madison Co. 1859-1954, image 344/473, pg 178:
Marshall E. Parker, resident of Pulaski Co., Ky, 22 years old, 1st marriage, farmer, born in Wayne Co., Ky and Kate Grinstead of Madison Co., Ky, 20 years old, first marriage, born in Lincoln Co., Ky
To be married at J. P. Grinstead's, Madison Co., Ky on January 7, 1863.
Western Christian Advocate, February 15, 1923, page 14:
M. E. Parker was born at Monticello, Wayne County, Kentucky, January 7, 1841, and fell on sleep Tuesday Jan. 9, 1923. He was converted at the age of eleven and joined the M. E. Church, South. His father was a member of the Kentucky Conference and on his twenty-second birthday he married Kate Grinstead, whose father was also a member of that conference. In the fall of 1882 they moved to Honey Grove, Texas, where they lived for thirty-one years with the exception of four years spent in Denison. Two days before the death of Bro. Parker he and his beloved companion celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary. Of late years they made their home with a son, Dr. M. E. Parker, of Navasota, Texas. Eight children were born to them, all of whom lived to be grown. The eldest, a daughter, died in her nineteenth year. The remaining children are: Mrs. C. R. Rhew, Dallas; Mrs. H. W. Brown, Lubbock, Mrs. M. P. Rhew, Anderson; Lewis Parker, Lucille, New Mexico; J. H. Parker, Rockwall; R. L. Parker, Paragould, Ark., and Dr. M. E. Parker, of Navasota, Texas. Bro. Parker was a veteran of the Civil War, having served through the entire four years in the Union Army. He was sergeant of Company I, 49th Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers. It was during the time they resided in Denison that the writer came into such intimate fellowship with this dear ascended friend. Bro. Parker was a frequent and always welcome visitor to the parsonage. The friendship formed during the early years of our first pastorate in that city ripened into a love deep-rooted and abiding. He loved the Church and was deeply interested in every plan that meant the widening of Christ's kingdom. His faith in God was beautiful. He knew the meaning of perfect trust. Each day he walked with his Lord and as the journey lengthened his intimacy with the Master became sweeter. To this aged servant of God the going down of life's sun was like the end of a perfect day. He served his generation well. In such a life his children have their richest heritage. The memory of his kindly deeds will be a storehouse filled with rarest jewels. His straight and simple faith will be an inspiration to sons and daughters and aged companion whom he leaves behind. Dear friend and brother beloved we have said, "Good Bye" to you but on that bright and cloudless morning we shall speak words of greeting and in those words there will be no suggestion of farewell. The writer conducted the funeral service in the Methodist Church at Honey Grove, Thursday, January 11. Just at the twilight hour we laid him to rest. The flower banked mound from which we turned away in that beautiful city of the dead was the emblem and the symbol of the crown immortal that now wreathes his brow.
Paris, Texas E. L. EGGER
1 Maggie Parker, Descendents of M. E. Parker and Kate Grinstead, about 1942; unpublished.
2 Texas Death Certificates, Repository: Clayton Library, Houston, Texas.
3 H. Neal Parker, Visit to Oakwood Cemetery, Honey Grove, Texas.
4 "Find-a-Grave," Memorial # 71353091.
5 Pulaski County Historical Society, "Pulaski County, Kentucky Cemetery Records," 1976, vol 1, pg 340. Repository: Clayton Library, Houston, Texas.
6 H. Neal Parker, Visit to Lewis Parker Cemetery, Pulaski Co., Ky, June 2008.
7 "Kentucky Marriages 1851-1900," Repository:
8 "," "Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954," database with images, FamilySearch (, Marshall E Parker and Kate Grinstead, 7 Jan 1863; citing Marriage, Madison, Kentucky; FHL microfilm 183,317.
9 H. Neal Parker, Visit to Linwood Cemetery, Paragould, Arkansas, June 2008.
H. Neal Parker, Visit to Cemetery, Anderson, Grimes Co., Texas, abt 1983.
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