Benjamin Reese

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 
          Death: 1805 - Columbia Co., Georgia
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: William Reese (Abt 1716-      )

Spouses and Children
1. *Sarah James (       - After 25 May 1827)
                1. Richard Reese (      -Abt 1806)
                2. Martha Reese (      -      )
                3. Ephatha Reese (1786-1861)
                4. Jeremiah Reese (Abt 1790-      )
                5. Sarah Reese (Abt 1790-      )
                6. Benjamin Talliaferro Reese (      -After 1827)
                7. Talbot S. Reese (1790/1800-After 1830)
                8. James Reese (1794/1804-Bef 1827)
                9. Albert Reese (Abt 1800-1876)


There is clear documentary evidence that five brothers with surname Reese/Rees were in South Carolina in the second half of the 1700s. They were William, Benjamin, Hugh, Edwin, and Isham. Benjamin and Hugh migrated westward to Georgia. The other 3 remained in South Carolina.

Isham of the 5 brothers might be the same person as the Isham Reese born 8 Aug 1732 in Bristol Parish, Virginia. A counterargument is that none of the other four brothers is in the Bristol Parish christening records. The five brothers have to have a common father. He is probably the William Reese who with his brother Roger received a patent on land in Amelia Co. in 1738. See notes under Isham's brother William for the evidence.


Summaries of documents relating to land grants and early land transactions in South Carolina can be seen at

A document dated 17 Jun 1772 relates to a grant to Benjamin Rees of 100 acres on The High Hills of Santee in Craven Co., South Carolina. Another document refers simply to a grant of 100 acres in Craven Co. The two documents may refer to the same grant or to different grants. Other documents refer to Benjamin Rees as an owner of adjacent property.

Other documents refer to Benjamin's brothers Edwin Rees, Isham Rees, Hugh Rees, and William Rees.

According to Wikipedia, Craven Co., South Carolina was one of the 3 original counties established by the Lords Proprietor of the English colony of Carolana in 1682. The original Craven County's lands now lie in parts of Berkeley, Charleston, Georgetown, and Williamsburg counties. The watershed of the Santee River drains a large portion of the piedmont regions of South and North Carolina and enters the Atlantic Ocean about 40 miles north of Charleston. It is formed by the confluence of the Wateree River and the Congaree River about 140 miles NW of Charleston. According to Wikipedia, the High Hills of Santee is a long, narrow, hilly region in the western part of Sumter Co. which extends north almost to the Kershaw County line. The Wateree River is the western boundary of Sumter Co.

These other documents at the same website refer to Benjamin Reese:

Wesberry, John To Benjamin Rees, Deed Of Release. Date: 1773-1774
Rees, Benjamin To Hugh Rees, Lease And Release. Date: 1773-1774
Crawford, Thomas To Benjamin Rees, Lease And Release. Date: 1774
James, Sherwood To Benjamin Rees, Lease And Release. Date: 1778

Rees, Benjamin Vs Nathaniel Moore, Judgment Roll. Date: 1778

Rees, Benjamin, Petition Asking To Become A Citizen Of This State, Having Had His Estates Confiscated And Having Been Banished By Act Of The Assembly. (4 Pages)

Inhabitants Of S.C., In Behalf Of Benjamin Rees, Petition Citing The Many Services Of Benjamin Rees To The American Cause And Asking That His Citizenship And Property Be Restored To Him. (2 Pages; Oversize) Date: 1783

Inhabitants Of S.C., In Behalf Of Benjamin Rees, Petition Concerning His Actions During The British Occupation And Asking That His Citizenship And Property Be Restored To Him. (2 Pages; Oversize) Date: 1/23/1783


The will of Isham Rees establishes that William, Benjamin, Hugh, Isham, and Edwin are brothers. Edwin's will names his brothers Hugh and Isham as executors.


On June 29, 1786 Benjamin Rees of Wrightsborough in the County of Richmond purchased a large tract of 1285 acres in the township of Wrightborough, which was originally granted to Sir James Wright and then sold as his confiscated property (Columbia Co., Georgia Deed Records B165, image 194/457 at This tract appears to be in the northern part of what is now McDuffie Co., Georgia very near or on the boundary between Wilkes Co. and McDuffie Co. McDuffie Co. was created in 1870 from parts of Columbia and Warren Counties. Wrightsborough/Wrightsboro is 8 miles or so NW of Thomson, the county seat of McDuffie Co. Subsequent deeds suggest that the tract was on both sides of the boundary line between Columbia and Warren Counties.

Benjamin gradually sold this tract to others.

1791 Hugh Reese 210 acres (1 Sep 1791, Warren A93)
1795 Jacob Smith 100 acres (16 May 1795, Warren A129)
1795 Edmond Hays 200 acres (2 Jun 1795, Warren A153)
1792 Abraham Sanders 260/216 acres (17 Mar 1791, Columbia A126)
1799 Hugh Reese 236 acres (25 Feb 1799, Warren A554)
1799 Thomas Sell 57 acres (10 Sep 1799, Warren B460)
1801 Hugh Reese 47 acres (14 Feb 1801, Warren B6)
1803 Mary Pace 136.5 acres (25 Nov 1803, Warren B558)

Benjamin also bought lots in Wrightsborough and other land. His 1805 will indicates that he owned a substantial amount of land at that time, although the above numbers indicate that he sold all or almost all of the large tract. It is not clear where he was living when he died.

A part of the 1806 Columbia Co. Tax Digest can be seen on image 72/331 at Benjamin Reese lives in Capt. David Langston's District #9. He owns 22 slaves, a tract of 190 acres in Washington Co., a tract of 1040 acres on Town Creek in Columbia Co. bounded by Bli__er and Scott, 3 lots and 1 house in Wrightsborough, a house and lot in Georgetown, and 17 lots at Longbluff.


The will of Benjamin Rees can be seen in Columbia Co., Georgia Probate Records at, "Wills, Perry - Z 1789-1930", images 75-78/698. The following is a slightly different version that can be seen at "Georgia, U.S., Willa and Probate Records, 1742-1992" at, Columbia > Wills, Vol A, H, W, X, 1790-1851, pgs 58-60, imsges 198-199. The will makes a specific bequest to 6 sons and 3 daughters. Only 5 of the sons are to receive land. James is left out. The balance of the estate is to be divided among only 7 of the 9 children. James and Sarah are omitted.

In the name of God Amen, I Benjamin Rees of Columbia County and State of Georgia Planter being Sick and weak bodily but of Sound Mind Memory and understanding do make and publish this my last Will and testament in manner and form following
First of all I give and bequeath unto my Son Risha Rees one hundred dollars to be paid ought of my Estate one year after my decease
Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Martha Bull one Negro Girl named Cate
Also I give and bequeath unto my son Jeremiah Rees one Negro boy named dick
Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ephatha Rees one Negro Girl named Nelly
Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Rees one Negro Girl named Milla
Also I give and bequeath unto my Son Talliferro Rees one Negro Girl named Derry
Also I give and bequeath unto my Son James Rees one Negro boy named Jordin
Also I give and bequeath unto my Son Tolbert Rees one Negro boy named Jamy
Also I give and bequeath unto my Son Albert one Negro boy named John
Also I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sarah Rees one third part of all my remaining property both Persinal & Real
Also I nominate and appoint my Executors to lay of one hundred acres of land whare they may think it most convenient for five of my Sons as follows to Wit Risha Rees one hundred acres of land Jeremiah Rees one hundred acres of land Toliferro Rees one hundred acres Tabert Rees one hundred acres Albert Rees one hundred acres which Said land or lands is not be to Sold nor disposed of in no manner whatever untill my youngest Son comes to the age of twenty one years then the said land or lands above mentioned together with the ballance of my Estate both real and personal to be equally divided Amongst the under named children Risha, Martha, Jerry, Ephatha, Toliferro Tolbert and Albert. Also it is to be understood that the above named five Sons are each of them to keep and continue in peaceable possession of thare above mentioned land each one to receive his land at the age of twenty one years which is to be a part of there dividin
I do nominate and appoint my beloved wife Sarah Rees Jesse Bull, and Adam Jones Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former Will and Wills by me heretofore made in Witness whereof I hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Eleventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & five
Signed Sealed & delivered by the above named Benjamin Rees as and for his last Will and testament in the presents of us who have hereunto Subscribed our names as Witnesses thareto in the presents of the Said testator and in presents of each other
Benj. Rees (seal)
Thomas White
Wylie Davis
Mathew Mecrary

This will was proved in open court January 7, 1806 by the oaths of the three subscribing witnesses.


The following two deeds provide additional information about the children of Benjamin Rees and his wife Sarah, who after her husband's death married Robert Walton. Risha and James are not mentioned in the 1827 deed; presumably they have died.

6 Jun 1811; Robert Walton and Sarah, his wife, of Columbia Co. in consideration of the natural love and affection which they have and bear unto Jeremiah Rees, Talliferro Rees, Talbott Rees, & Albert Rees and also for divers other causes and considerations give and grant to them the goods, chattels, and personal estate that fell or may fall to them the said Robert Walton by intermarriage with Sarah Rees then widow of Benj'm Rees, dec'd; various conditions; basically Sarah retains a life estate; witnesses J. Hardin, Tho's White J.P. 'Tolliferro' and 'Tolbert' appears in another list. (Columbia Co., Georgia Deed Records, P202, image 617/793)

25 May 1827; Because Sarah Walton, formerly the wife of Benjamin Rees, dec'd, and the mother of Jeremiah Rees, Talliferro Rees, Talbot Rees, and Albert Rees has indicated that she is not satisfied with the deed of gift signed by her and her present husband Robert Walton and wants all of the property that fell to her in the division of her husband's estate to be divided equally among all of her children at the time of her death, the four children just mentioned relinquish all their claim to any property mentioned in the deed of gift. The complete list of children is Martha Bull, Jeremiah Rees, Ephatha Bowdre, Sarah Amos, Tolliferro Rees, Talbot S. Rees, and Albert Rees. Signed Jere'h Rees, B. T. Rees, Talbot S. Rees, Talbot S. Rees for Albert Rees. (Columbia Co., Georgia Deed Records, Y309, image 174/702)

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