William Reese

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1716 - Prince George Co., Virginia
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: William Reese (      -Bef 1738)

Spouses and Children
                1. William Reese (Abt 1738-1810)
                2. Hugh Reese (1742-1825)
                3. Isham Reese (      -1801)
                4. Edwin Reese (      -1782)
                5. Benjamin Reese (      -1805)


Just a guess based on the birth year of the probable oldest child.


In June 1738 William and his brother Roger jointly received a patent on 326 acres in Amelia Co. The details can be seen at the website of the Library of Virginia (https://lva-virginia.libguides.com/land-grants as of Nov 2024). Highlight "Virginia Land Office patent and grants volumes" below the search box and search for a name.

William Reece and Roger Reece, June 16, 1738, pages 23-24; unto William Reece and Roger Reece (Sons of William Reece late of the County of Prince George dec'd) one certain Tract or Parcel of Land containing 326 acres lying and being in the County of Amelia on the upper Side of N__nmissen Creek [probably Namozine Creek, currently the boundary between Dinwiddie Co. on the east and Amelia Co. on the west; Amelia Co. was created in abour 1735 from parts of Prince George Co. and Brunswick Co.; Dinwiddie Co. was created in 1752 from Prince George Co.]

This 326-acre tract was surveyed for William and Roger's father 12 years earlier on 23 Mar 1725/26. Presumably William sold his share to his brother Roger rather soon, because Roger sold the whole tract in two pieces in 1744 and in 1746.


On April 24, 1747, William Rees & Penelope, his wife, of the County of Lunenburg for and in consideration of £41 6s 6p sell to Evan Thomas of the same place 870 acres, more or less, out of a tract of 1270 acres purchased by William Rees of the County of Lunenburg on April 24, 1746 from John Lidderdale of the City of Williamsburg, merchant. The 1270-acre tract is part of a large tract of 16993 acres lying on both sides of Little Roanoke River and Ward Fork in Lunenburg Co. patented in 1744 to Alexander Spalding and John Lidderdale. Signed William Reese and Penelope Reese. (Lunenburg Co. Deed Records, Book 1, page 180, image 104/533)

Lunenburg Co., Virginia Court Records at FamilySearch, "Order books, 1746-1752", file # 7895932, page 188, image 133/595:

At a court held for Lunenburg Co., Virginia on May 4, 1747, an indenture of bargain and sale between William Rees and Penelope his wife and Evan Thomas was proved in open court by the oaths of the subscribing witnesses.

Little Roanoke River is probably Roanoke Creek on a modern topographical map. The area between Ward's Fork Creek and Roanoke Creek appears to be slightly south of Charlotte Court House in the central part of modern Charlotte Co.

On January 1, 1750, William Rees of the County of Lunenburg for and in consideration of 50 pounds to him in hand paid sells to John Ruhin of the County of Surry a tract of land containing 400 acres on the west side of Ward's Fork in Lunenburg Co. Signed William Rees. William's wife Mary relinquishes her rights of dower. (Book 2, page 225, image 389/533)

Lunenburg Co., Virginia Court Records at FamilySearch, "Order books, 1746-1752", file # 7895932, page 380, image 519/595:

At a court held for Lunenburg Co., Virginia on April 2, 1751, an indenture of bargain and sale between William Reese and John Ruffin was acknowledged by the said William and Penelope, his wife.


In the Lunenburg Co. Order Books from 1746 to 1762, William Reese is mentioned several times. He is not mentioned after 1751 (Lunenburg Co. Court Records at FamilySearch, "Order books, 1746-1752"). Charlotte Co. was created from Lunenburg Co. in 1764, and Bedford Co. (including modern Campbell Co.) was created from Lunenburg Co. in 1753.

May 1747, page 188, image 133/595 -- deed from William Rees and Penelope his wife proved in open court
July 1747, page 238, image 158/595 -- "Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant and William Reese his Common Bail"
February 1748/49, page 105, image 381/595 -- Israel Pickens, Richard Dudgeon, James Anderson, and William Reese or any 3 them ordered to appraise the estate of John Miles, dec'd
July 1750, page 288, image 473/595 -- James Anderson, Alexander Joyce, William Rees, and James Francis or any 3 of them ordered to appraise the estate of George Henry, dec'd
July 1750, page 297, image 477/595 -- William Reese on a jury
July 1750, page 325, image 491/595 -- Richard Treadaway, a witness for John Stewart in his suit against William Rees, to be paid by said John for two days attendance
July 1750, page 334, image 496/595 -- petition of John Stewart against William Reese for a debt; dismissed
April 1751, page 380, image 519/595 -- William Reese and wife Penelope acknowledge a deed
April 1751, page 438, image 548/595 -- Stewart against Rease; suit dismissed

"Virginia Tax Records", "Lunenburg County Tithable List Taken by William Caldwell in 1749" at Ancestry.com:

William Reese -- 1 tithable, no slaves


Since William does not appear in Lunenburg Co., Virginia records after 1751, and since his brother Roger, Jr. had a tract of land surveyed in South Carolina in 1756 and was probably in South Carolina somewhat before that, and because William's five sons went to South Carolina (his son William patented the land surveyed for Roger), it is plausible that William went to South Carolina with his sons and died there.

It is also possible that the patentee of the aforementioned land was William the father rather than William the son.

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