Mary A. Sansberry

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 14 Apr 1855
          Death: 24 Apr 1904 -  ( at age 49) 2
         Burial: in Hickory Grove Cem., Delaware Co., Oklahoma
 Cause of Death: 

Spouses and Children
1. *Benjamin Franklin Lamar (18 Aug 1851 - 27 Sep 1897) 1 
                1. Jessie Lamar (1883-      )
                2. Ethel M. Lamar (1885-      )
                3. Lucius Lamar (1887-      )
                4. Maud S. Lamar (1889-      )
                5. Nettie M. Lamar (1890-      )
                6. Mildred J. Lamar (1894-      )
                7. Frank B. Lamar (1896-      )


<pre>1900 Indian Terr., Cherokee Nation, T26N R23E, ED 6; June 30; sheet 26A
Mary A. Lamar W Apr 1855 45 Wd/9/8 Tn Tn Tn Farmer
Ethel M. " dau In ? 1885 15 S IT Al Tn
Jessie " dau In Apr 1883 17 S IT Al Tn
Lucians " son In Feb 1887 13 S IT Al Tn
Maud S. " dau In Jan 1889 11 S IT Al Tn
Nettie M. " dau In Dec 1890 9 S IT Al Tn
Mildred J. " dau In Aug 1894 5 S IT Al Tn
Frank B. " son In Nov 1896 3 S IT Al Tn </pre>

Each child is a Cherokee as is their father; each child has 15/16 white blood.


The ages in the following census card compared with the birthdates provided by the US census of 1900 indicate that it was prepared about 1900. It is card number 44. The introduction of "Index to the Cherokee Rolls" (Valorie Millican, 2002) states that the "Cherokee by Blood ages were calculated to September 1, 1902.", but here that does not seem to be the case.

<pre> Cherokee Nation -- Cherokee Roll
Delaware District, post office Fairland, I. T.

1 180 Mary Lamar 45 F IW 1880 Delaware 180
2 152 Mabel " dau 17? F 1/16 1896 " 1762
3 153 Jessie " dau 15 F 1/16 1896 " 1763
4 154 Lucius " son 13 M 1/16 1896 " 1764
5 155 Maud " dau 11 F 1/16 1896 " 1765
6 156 Nettie " dau 8 F 1/16 1896 " 1766
7 157 Mildred " dau 6 F 1/16 1896 " 1767
8 158 Frankie " son 3 M 1/16 </pre>

The second column is the Dawes Roll Number, and the last 4 columns are percent Indian, tribal enrollment year, district, and number. The part entitled "Tribal Enrollment of Parents" indicates that Mary's father was "Jack Sanberry, dead, non citz" and that her mother was "Jane Standsberry, dead, non citz" and that the childrens' father was "B. F. Lamar, dead, Cherokee". Further comments are

a) Testimony of April 18, 1903 shows marriage on Dec 21, 1902 of No. 3 to Robert A. Ballard
b) No. 3 on Cherokee Card No. 3523
c) No. 2 is wife of Robert Cooley
d) No. 2 on card # 113
e) Married 2-1-05 [may or may not relate to No. 2]
f) No. 3 on 1896 Roll as Jesse Lamar
g) No. 4 on 1896 Roll as Lucius Lamar
h) No. 1 on 1896 Roll Page 580 No. 312 Delaware District
i) No. 1 died April 24, 1904. Affadavit filed March 15, 1907
j) other comments illegible


1 Cemeteries and Burial Places of Delaware County, Oklahoma, Vol II, pg 10. Repository: Clayton Library, Houston, Texas.

2 "Find-a-Grave," Memorial # 5488821.

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