Samuel Walton

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1689 - Byberry Twp., Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania
          Death: Abt 1758 - Rockhill Twp., Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania ( about age 69)
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Daniel Walton (Abt 1660-1719)
         Mother: Mary Lamb (      -      )

Spouses and Children
1. *Marcy Waterman (       -       )
       Marriage: 15 Feb 1710 - Byberry Mtg., Philadelphia Co., Pa

The following, slightly reformatted to improve readability, is from Byberry Waltons (Norman Walton Swayne, 1958), pgs 19-20:

25 SAMUEL WALTON (3), died probably 1758, son of 4 Daniel Walton & Mary Lamb of Byberry Twp, Phila. Co., Pa., married 12th mo 15th 1709[sic] at Byberry Mtg, Marcy Waterman, daughter of Margaret. 10th June 1760 Marcy Walton of Rockhill Twp, Phila. Co. filed in Bucks Co. a renunciation in the estate of her husband Samuel, dated 2nd Feb. 1758. In this she says Isaac is eldest son.

Abington Mtg minutes of 12th mo 27th 1715 say "Whereas Samuel Walton being guilty of divers gross actions, to ye great dishonor of God and great grief of his parents & friends, this meeting having Considered ye Scandle it hath brought upon truth, can do no less than give out their Testimony against him." Again 2nd mo 30th 1716, "A testimony was given against Samuel Wa1ton condemning his Vicious practices, And ordered to be published at our General meeting next at Abington and to be delivered to John Dunkin to be read at Byberry and Posted."

According to a Phila. deed book record March 17, 1716 Samuel Walton of Phila. Co. and wife Mary rec'd from Isaac Waterman six pounds for 25 pounds of old currency given to said Marcy by her mother Margaret when she was widow of John Jones, which said Isaac Waterman was obliged to pay by his marriage settlement settled upon him by her mother Margaret also his mother. The History of Byberry and Moreland says Samuel was disinherited by his father for disobedience to his mother, but inherited the estate of his brother Nathan, who died intestate, that Samuel settled near Quakertown, Bucks Co. and had four sons, Samuel, Benjamin, Abraham and Jacob, most of whom emigrated to the western country. Warren S. Ely, who wrote a Walton chapter for Ellwood Roberts' book on Richland Families, says Samuel Walton went to the Great Swamp district soon after 1719 and settled near the southern border of Richland, probably in Rockhill Twp, where he lived until his death. He names as sons the four above, with the exception of Samuel, and in addition Isaac, Jonathan, John and Enoch. However, the last three seem to be connected with Samuel by the 1789 will of 76 Jonathan Walton, which said they were eldest sons of Samuel. They obviously were so much younger than the other sons of 25 Samuel that Ely guesses they were by a 2nd wife. Apparently these three were not sons of 25 Samuel, but great grandsons, being sons of 184 Samuel son of 67 Abraham. It is supposed that Moses Walton, whose marriage out in 1737 was tentatively condoned by Abington Mtg, was another son of 25 Samuel, both from time and locality, and from the fact that Samuel's son Isaac had a son Moses, a name otherwise not known among the Waltons except for several descendants of the Moses first above. It seems a fair guess that a daughter of Samuel was Alice. Information from her will is under her. This probably is the Samuel who was warrantee in Bucks Co. Sep. 20, 1734 for 150 acres and Oct. 18, 1743 for 50 acres. It is possible the 1st and 3rd below were not children of Samuel, and likely there were others not found:

63 Alice d between 1806 and 1815 m 1st a Fairman, m 2nd 1727 George Phillips b 1706 d prob. ab 1756
64 Isaac m prob. 1736 Alice Davis
65 Moses d by 1764 m by 1737
66 Benjamin m Elizabeth
67 Abraham d between 1760 and 1766 m Mary b ab 1719 d 1807
68 Jacob d before 1786 m 1st by 1746 Elizabeth d by 1756, m 2nd by
1756 Sarah


U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 at;
Pennsylvania, Montgomery Co., Abington Monthly Meeting, "Marriages, 1685-1721":

Whereas Samuell Walton ye sonn of Daniell Walton of ye Township of Byberry husbandman and Marcy Waterman both of ye Countey of Philladellphia in the province of Pensyllvania: Haveing declared theyr Intention of Mariage w'th each other: According to ye good order _____ amongst frends: At ye Monthly Mettings of Abbington were aproved of: Did Accomplish theyr Marriag at the Meetting house of freinds at Byberry upon the 15th 12 mo 1709: as wittnesses those under written

There are 10 specific witnesses, including Daniell, Tho:, and Jeremiah Walton. It is said that there were many others.

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