Hubbard Carnal

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1770-1774 - (Caroline Co., Virginia)
          Death: 1840-1850 -  ( at age 70) 1
         Burial: in Carnell Cem.. Humphreys Co., Tennessee
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Patrick Carnal (      -Abt 1789)
         Mother: Mary (      -      )

Spouses and Children
1. *Elizabeth Dixon (Abt 1775 - 1850-1860)
       Marriage: 21 Jan 1797 - Caswell Co., North Carolina 2


<pre>1800 Person Co., North Carolina, Hillsborough
Hubbard Curnal 10210 -- 10100; 3 slaves
male female
1 <10 1
2 16-25 1
1 26-44
>45 </pre>

He is in the sequence Rich'd Curnal, 2x, Hubbard Curnal, 18x, Pattriark Curnal, 3x, Thos. White, 4x, Archebal Curnal.

<pre>1810 Person Co., North Carolina
Hubb'rd Carnal 11010 -- 41010; 8 slaves
male female
1 <10 4
1 10-15 1
1 26-44 1
>45 </pre>

He is next to Richard Carnal.

<pre>1820 Humphreys Co., Tennessee
Hubbard Kernel 110101 --- 30301; 5 in agriculture; 3 slaves
male female
1 <10 3
1 10-16
1 16-26 3
1 >45 1 </pre>

<pre>1830 Humphreys Co., Tennessee
Hubbard Cearnal 01010001 -- 0021101; 5 slaves
male female
< 5
1 5-10
10-15 2
1 15-20 1
20-30 1
40-50 1
1 50-60
60-70 </pre>

<pre>1840 Humphreys Co., Tennessee, District No 5
Hubbard Cearnall 100101001 -- 000010001; 9 slaves
male female
1 < 5
1 15-20
20-30 1
1 30-40
1 60-70 1 </pre>

In 1850 Elizabeth Cearnall (75, NC) is living in Humphreys Co., Tennessee in the household of her son John W. Cearnall (43, NC, $1500, Farmer).


The citations from Caswell Co. and Person Co. deed records for Hubbard and his brothers are taken from books of abstracts by Katharine Kerr Kendall.

On November 27, 1794 Hubbard Carnal received 100 1/2 acres in Person Co. when his father's land was divided among his male heirs. (Person Co. Deed Records B/14) See notes under his father.

On September 2, 1797 Jospeh Gholston of Pennsylvania Co., Virginia sold to Hubbard Carnal of Person Co. for £75 a tract of 107 acres adjacent to Goodloe, Warren, Thomas White and Patrick Carnal. Witnesses: Thos. Wood, William Glenn, William Brandon. (C/78)

On September 4, 1797 Hubbard Kernal sold to the lawful heirs of Jeremiah Waren, dec'd, for £8 7/6 a tract of 9 3/4 acres on Warren's Mill Cr. of Hico, adjacent to Warren. The deed is signed Hubbard Carnal and the witnesses are H. Haralson, Rich'd Carnal. (C/50)

On May 13, 1801 Hubbard Carnal sold to Richard Carnal for £60 a tract of 100 1/2 acres adjacent to Pat Carnal and Fleming Carnal, it being what he received when his father's land was divided among his sons. (C/280)

In October 1819 Hubbard Carnal sold to Hardin Winfrey of Milton, Caswell Co, for $241.70 a tract of 90 acres on a branch. Witnesses: Durret Stanfield, James Franklin, John Garner. (E/188)


1 "Find-a-Grave," Memorial # 32866371.

2 "North Carolina Marriage Bonds 1741--1868," Repository:

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