Patrick Carnal

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 
          Death: Abt Jun 1789 - Caswell Co., North Carolina
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Moses Carnal (      -Abt 1773)
         Mother: Susannah (      -      )

Spouses and Children
1. *Mary (       -       )
                1. John Carnal (      -Bef 1789)
                2. Nancy Carnal (Abt 1761-      )
                3. Mary Carnal (Abt 1763-      )
                4. Mildred Carnal (Abt 1765-      )
                5. Richard Carnal (1766/1774-      )
                6. Patrick Carnal (Abt 1772-      )
                7. Hubbard Carnal (1770/1774-1840/1850)
                8. Archibald Carnal (Abt 1777-      )
                9. Fanny Carnal (Abt 1780-      )
                10. Flemming Carnal (Abt 1782-1850/1860)


I find Patrick Carnal in the records of Halifax Co. for the first time in 1779 when he purchases land. He is said to be of Caroline Co. He is not in Halifax Co. Plea Books 2 through 7 (1755--1773). He probably came to Halifax Co. from Caroline Co. between 1779 and 1782. The first extant Caroline Co. Personal Tax List is for 1783, and he is not in it. Barnett Carnal, who was probably his brother, was in Halifax Co. by 1770.

On November 1, 1779 Eadward Parker of Halifax Co. sold to Petrick Carnell of Carline Co. for £690 a tract of about 320 acres in Halifax Co. on the branches of Winns Cr. and bounded by Isaac Titsworth, Brandon, Robisson, the Countre Line. The witnesses are Barnett Carnell, Andrew Fergusson, Moses Turner and Ambrose Foster. (Halifax Co. Deed Records 11/379)

"I Patrick Carnal of Halifax County & State of Virginia for the Natural Love and Affection which I have and do bear unto Daughter Nancy Mitchell do give and grant unto her and the lawful begotten heirs of her body my Negro girl Diner". This deed of gift was signed by Patrick Carnall on February 6, 1787, and the witnesses are Lewis Mabry, Jno. Grey and Alexander Grey. (14/104)

On May 18, 1789 Patrick Carnal of Caswell Co., North Carolina sold to Henry Mitchell of Halifax Co. for £100, current money of Virginia, a tract in Halifax Co. on the branches of Winns Cr. containing by estimation 320 acres. It is described by metes and bounds and part of the boundary runs 120 chains along the country line (Virginia/North Carolina). The witnesses are Edmund Dixon, Douglass Oliver, Stephen Underdown, Richard Carnall and Randolph Buckley. The deed is signed Patrick Carnall LS. (14/470)

A census was taken in Virginia in 1785, including in Halifax Co. See

The following entries are on page 90 in the list of Theop's Carter. The columns are 'white souls', 'dwellings', 'other buildings'. Patrick Carnal and Henry Mitchell are contiguous.

Patrick Carnal 8 1 1
Henry Mitchell 4 1 0
Ephraim Stanfield 8 1 0


Person Co. was formed from the eastern part of Caswell Co. in 1791. Prior to 1777 both were part of Orange Co. The deed whereby Patrick Carnal first purchased land in Caswell Co. in 1785 says that he is of Halifax Co., Virginia. A deed of gift in 1787 also says that he is of Halifax Co. In 1789 he is of Caswell Co. in the deed in which he sold his land in Halifax Co. to his son-in-law Henry Mitchell. He may have moved about 1787. In any case he did not move very far.

The citations from Caswell Co. and Person Co. deed records for Patrick and his sons are taken from books of abstracts by Katharine Kerr Kendall.

On December 11, 1783 Thomas Miles of Caswell Co. sold to Patrick Carnall of Halifax Co. Virginia for £145 one negro boy named Isaac, 14 years of age, one bay mare, 2 black cows and other livestock, 1 black walnut talbe, 3 pewter dishes, 6 plates, 1 pot & a Dutch oven. Witnesses: Thos. White, Andrew Ferguson. (Caswell Co. Deed Records B/403)

On January 17, 1785 Josiah Cole of Caswell Co. sold to Patrick Carnal of Halifax Co., Virginia for £160 a tract of about 385 acres on both sides of the north fork of Cain Cr. adjacent to Joseph Gholston and Douglass Oliver. Witnesses: Ad. Murphey, John Brandon, Thos. Lipscomb. (Caswell Co. Deed Records C/32)

On October 25, 1787 William Smith of Caswell Co. sold to Patrick Carnal of Caswell Co. for £160 a tract of about 280 acres on the middle fork of Cain Cr. adjacent to Carnal's line, Goodrich Going, James Robertson and Rachel Gold. Witnesses: Ad. Murphey, H. Haralson. (E/252)

On November 27, 1794 the land in Person Co. on which Patrick Carnal lived when he wrote his will was divided among his male heirs in accordance with the will:

to Richard Carnal 101 acres adjacent to Douglas Olliver
to Hubbard Carnal 100 1/2 acres
to Flemming Carnal 103 1/2 acres
to Arch'd Carnal 102 1/2 acres adjacent to Jospeh Gholston, Douglass Olliver

The total value is £171; each son gets £42 15s. (Person Co. Deed Records B/14)


Caswell Co., North Carolina Record of Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates, Book B, pgs 273-74 (LDS microfilm 18418):

In the Name of God Amen I Patrick Carnal of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina being Very low and weak but in Perfect Mind and Memory Thanks be given to Almighty God for it and nothing Doubting and knowing but that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in form following -----
Item my Will and Desire that all my Just Debts be paid by my Executors hereafter Mentioned ----
Item I lend unto my beloved Wife Mary Carnal my whole Estate to wit my Negroes, Stock of all kinds except one Dun Coloured Coult, likewise my Land and plantation Utensils and all my Houshould furniture untill my youngest son Flemin Carnal arises unto the ages of fifteen and then my Will and Desire is that half of my Estate to be sold and the Money arising therefrom Shall be equally Divided between my sons and Daughters and the Other half I lend unto my wife During her life or widowhood and at her Decease her Dower to be Eaqually Divided Amongst my son Richard Carnal Patrick, Hubbard, Archibald, and Flemin Carnal Nancy Mitchel Mary White Mildred Olliver and Phanny Carnal -- Item I give unto my son Patrick Carnal his choice of my Negro Fellows besides his eaqual part with the rest also I give to him my said son Patrick the Tract of Land I bought of William Smith Containing 208 Acres after his Mothers Death or Widowhood also I give to him my said son one Dun Coloured Horse Coult -- Item I give the rest of my Lands whereon I now live Containing 385 Acres after the Death of my Wife or Widowhood to my four sons Richard Hubbbard Archibald and Flemin Carnal to be eaqually Divided amongst them
-- Item
Item I give unto my Daughter Phanny Carnal one good Feather bed and Sufficient furniture when of age or Marryed
My Will and Desire is that my youngest Children be Sufficiently Schooled out of my Estate by my Executors.
And I do ratify and confirm this my last Will and Testament and no Other and disallow and disanul all Other Will or Wills by me heretofore made To which I do appoint my beloved wife and my beloved son Richard Carnal Henry Mitchel and Thomas White my sons in law to be whole & Sole Executors to Carry this my Will and Testament into Effect -- In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Affixt my seal this nineteenth day of may Anno Dom. 1789.
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced
and Declared in presence of
Patrick Carnal (seal)
Thomas Miles
Randolph Buckley
Stephen Underdown

July Court 1789
The Execution of this Will was duly proved in open Court by the Oaths Thomas Miles Randolph Buckley and Stephen Underdown three Subscribing witnesses thereto and on Motion Ordered to be recorded
At the same time Mary Carnall Widow and relect to the said Deceased Quallifyd Executrix and Richard Carnal Henry Mitchel and Thomas White Quallifyd Executors, Letters Testamentary issued Accordingly

Test A. E. Murphey CC


On page 299 of Will Book B there is an appraisement of the property of Patrick Carnal, dec'd, dated September 24, 1789 and signed by Goodloe Warrin, Stephen Olliver and Robert Moore. It was presented to the October Court. The total value is £446 14/8. Included are

1 Negro fellow Jim £93 6/8
1 Negro fellow Jim £86 13/4
1 Negro fellow Frank £86 13/4
25 pigs of various kinds with a total value of £14 25/4
7 horses, mares & colts with a total value of £69 6/8
about 16 head of cattle with a total value of £27 6/8

There are 26 other items of lesser value, mostly household items.


The 1850 census gives us an approximate age for Archibald and Flemming. Their father's will in 1789 states specifically that Fanny and Flemming are not of age, and his desire that his youngest children be sufficiently schooled from the proceeds of his estate suggests that more than 2 are still not of age. From the census Hubbard was born 1770-1774 and Archibald 1777. Archibald married in 1799 2 years after Hubbard. Richard and Patrick married in 1789 and in 1790 respectively; Mary and Mildred married in the early 1780's. If Mary was 18 when she married, she was born in 1763. If we order the children in the order of marriage, the order of the sons follows that of their father's will. We can conjecture the following order and birth years. The third column is evidence from the census. The girls are in the order in which they appear in the will.

A 1793 deed of gift from Patrick's wife Mary to her children implies that they had a son John. He presumably died before his father since he is not mentioned in his father's will, and when he died he was old enough to own property. See notes under Mary.
Nancy 1761
Mary 1763
Mildred 1765
Richard 1768 1766-1774
Patrick 1772
Hubbard 1774 1770-1774
Archibald 1777 1777
Fanny 1780
Flemming 1782 1782

These birth years suggest that Patrick Carnal died relatively young. He may have been as young as 50.


Moses Carnal died in Caroline Co., Viriginia in 1773 and a subsequent lawsuit in 1784 identified Patrick and William Carnal as his executors. There is a Patrick Carnal in the Personal Tax List of Caroline Co. from 1783 through 1826 and in the Land Tax List from 1784 through 1824. It is clear that he is a son of the William Carnal who died about 1799 and from whom he inherited a tract of 93 acres. He is not a plausible candidate for the executor of Moses's estate. There is no other Patrick Carnal in the tax lists. Who then is the executor? There were 4 lawsuits from June 1784 to August 1786 in Caroline Co. involving a Patrick Carnal. In one case he and William Carnal are identified as executors of Moses Carnall, dec'd. I think that it is likely that the Patrick Carnal of the lawuits is the Patrick Carnal of Caroline Co. who bought land in Halifax Co. in 1779 and who subsequently died in Caswell Co., North Carolina in 1789. One would normally assume that he moved to Halifax Co. when he bought land there in 1779, but that does not have to be the case. He may have remained in Caroline Co. 2 or 3 more years, and even after moving he may have had unresolved business affairs in Caroline Co.

A John Carnal died in Caroline Co. in 1780 and his executor was Patrick Carnal. This John may have been Moses's brother, in which case Moses's son Patrick was the executor of his uncle John or, alternatively, John's son Patrick was the executor of his uncle Moses. Another possibility is that there were 2 distinct Patricks. In other words we really don't know who the father was of the Patrick Carnal who died in Caswell Co., North Carolina.

The following citations are from two series of abstracts of Caroline Co., Virginia records, one by John Frederick Dorman (1732-1770) and another by Ruth and Sam Spiracio (1765-1787).

On October 9, 1766 Patrick Carnell proves a deed of gift. (Caroline Order Book 1765-1767, pg 412)

On June 11, 1784 William Carnal & Patrick Carnal, executors of Moses Carnal, dec'd, plaintiffs against George & William Arnolds, defendants. In debt. Plaintiffs to recover £17 2s plus costs, but judgment, except costs, to be discharged by the payment of £8 11s with legal interest from November 8, 1783 until paid. (Caroline Co. Order Book 1781-1785, pg 375)

On June 11, 1785 Patrick Carnal, plaintiff, against John Yarbrough & Thomas Harris, defendants. In debt. Harris did not appear. If he does not appear at next court a judgement will be entered against him and Moses Carnal, the Security for his appearance. "And as to the defendant Yarbrough this suit abates by the Sheriff's return." (Caroline Co. Order Book 1785-1787, pg 67)

On November 11, 1785 two defendants did not appear in Court, and a judgment is rendered against them and Patrick Carnal and Anthony Winston, securities for their appearance. (Caroline Co. Order Book 1785-1787, pg 191)

On August 11, 1786 Patrick Carnal, plaintiff, against Thomas Harris, defendant. In debt. The defendant did not appear though solemnly called. Court decrees that the plaintiff recover £20, the debt in the declaration, plus costs from the defendant and Moses Carnal, the Security for his appearance, but the judgment is to be discharged by the payment of £10 with legal interest from December 5, 1784. (Caroline Co. Order Book 1785-1787, pg 297)

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