Samuel Hinds

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Bef 1765
          Death: Abt 1825 - (Wayne Co., Kentucky)
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Joseph Hinds (1737-Abt 1815) 1 2
         Mother: Hannah (      -After 1812)

Spouses and Children
1. *Sarah (       - Bef 1820)
                1. Samuel Hinds Jr. (Abt 1791-      )
                2. Joel Hinds (Abt 1792-      )
                3. Charity Hinds (Abt 1794-      )
                4. Sarah Ann Hinds (Abt 1798-After 1860)
                5. Hannah Hinds (Abt 1803-After 1840)
                6. Lucretia Hinds (Abt 1805-After 1850)
                7. Levi M. Hinds (Abt 1805-1850/1860)
                8. Jenny Hinds (Abt 1808-      )
                9. Daughter Hinds (Abt 1810-      )
                10. Socrates Hinds (Abt 1816-1880)

2. Patsy Carrigan (Abt 1784 - After 1850)
       Marriage: 10 Aug 1820 - Wayne Co., Kentucky 3
                1. Abigail Hinds (Abt 1822-      )


<pre>1810 Wayne Co., Kentucky; stamped pg 366
Samuel Hinds 10201 -- 32101; no slaves
male female
1 <10 3
10-15 2
2 16-25 1
1 >45 1 </pre>

<pre>1820 Wayne Co., Kentucky; stamped pg 546
Samuel Hinds, Sen 110001 -- 01310; 2 in agriculture; no slaves
male female
1 <10
1 10-16 1
16-26 3
26-45 1
1 >45 </pre>

Nine entries away is his son Samuel Jun and 13 entries away in the opposite direction is his first cousin once removed Benjamine Hinds.

<pre>1830 Wayne Co., Kentucky
Martha Hinds 11101 -- 20001; no slaves
male female
1 < 5 2
1 5-10
1 10-15
1 20-30 1
30-40 </pre>

This census entry may or may not be Samuel Hinds's second wife Martha. Her age is wrong, and the children don't match perfectly.


According to the tax rolls of Wayne County, in 1801, and in subsequent years, Samuel Hinds is the owner of 200 acres on Meadow Creek, more often described as simply being on the Cumberland River. From 1801 to 1811 it is generally said to have been entered and surveyed to Samuel Hinds, but not yet patented. After 1812 it is generally said to be patented to him as well. In 1801, 1803 and 1804 he is the owner of an additional 50 acres on the Cumberland River entered, surveyed and patented to him. From 1811 to 1817 he is the owner of 17 acres surveyed and patented to him, which he may have sold to his first cousin Levi Hinds. On the tax roll he has from 1 to 4 horses. He is on the tax roll for the last time in 1825, and in 1826 his second wife Patsey Hinds appears for the first time. One assumes that he died about 1825.

The Kentucky Land Grants compiled by Willard Rouse Jillson indicates that a tract of 200 acres in Lincoln County on the Cumberland River was surveyed for Samuel Hinds on December 20, 1798. Fifty acres in Pulaski County on the Cumberland River were surveyed for him on March 6, 1800. Wayne County was formed in 1800 from Pulaski and Cumberland, and Pulaski County was formed in 1798 from Green and Lincoln.

On October 11, 1823 Samuel Hinds sold to Samuel Cowan for $100 a 5 acre tract which "begins on said southeast corner of a 200 acre survey which Hinds now lives on". (Bk D, pgs 27-28)


On July 30, 1802, Samuel Hinds purchased from his father for $100 a tract of 300 acres out of a large grant of 5000 acres on both sides of the Duck River in Maury County, Tennessee made by the State of North Carolina to his father. On May 25, 1805 Samuel Hinds and Sarah, his wife, of Wayne Co., Kentucky sold that tract to James Daniel for $150. On June 8, 1805 Sarah Hinds relinquished her dower rights. (Wayne Co., Kentucky Deed Records, Bk A, pgs 136-37, image 79/495).

On May 5, 1805 Samuel Hinds and his wife Sarah of Wayne Co., Kentucky sell to James Daniel of the same county and state for $150 to them in hand paid a tract of 300 acres in the Middle District on Duck river being part of a grant of 5000 acres the patent for which was issued to Joseph Hinds, Senr. July 10, 1788. The tract being conveyed is described by metes and bounds. Beginning at a stake in the northern boundary of the 5000-acre tract 212 poles west of the NE corner of the 5000-acre tract, thence west 173.2 poles, thence south 280 poles to a stake on William Macklin's line, thence east 173.2 poles, thence north to the beginning. Signed by Samuel and Sarah Hinds. Witnessed by James Nicholas and John Daniel. Sarah Hinds relinquished her rights of dower. (Maury Co., Tennessee Deed Records, Book A, pg 41, image 27/717)


If Samuel Hinds left a will, it is not extant. So who were his children? Consider the following 2 deeds recorded in Wayne Co., Kentucky. Remember that he died about 1825.

28 Sep 1830; recorded 14 Oct 1830; Bk E, pgs 239-240
Grantors: the following heirs and legal representatives of Samuel Hinds, dec'd.
Grantee: William H. McGee of Fentress Co., Tennessee.
$300 for their undivided interest and part as heirs and legal representatives of Samuel Hinds, deceased, in and to a certain tract of land, namely, 100 acres on the waters of Meadow Creek being part of 200 acres patented to said Samuel Hinds by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and being all of said tract of 200 acres that belonged to Samuel Hinds at his death and on which he resided.
More specifically the grantors are
1) Joel Hinds and wife Pemince,
2) Hannah Hinds of Fentress Co., Tennessee,
3) Samuel Reece and wife Charity, late Charity Hinds,
4) Daniel Hunt and Lucreasy, his wife, late Hinds (Lucretia in the acknowledgement),
5) Jinney Hinds of Pulaski Co. (Jane in the acknowledgement), and
6) Levi Hinds and Martha Ann, his wife, of Wayne Co.

26 Jul 1840; recorded 18 Dec 1840; Bk H, pgs 301-03
The following legal heirs of Samuel Hinds, deceased, to Samuel D. Hutchison as a consequence of a suit brought by Hutchison against the heirs.
A tract of about 50 acres (54 acres + 3 quarters + 12 1/2 poles) on the waters of Simpson's Creek and Meadow Creek.
The heirs are
1) Samuel Hinds, Jr.
2) Joel Hinds
3) William H. McGee & Sarah McGee, his wife, late Hinds
4) Jane Hinds
5) Hannah Hinds
6) Levi M. Hinds
7) Samuel Reece & Charity Reece, his wife, late Hinds
8) Daniel Hunt & Lucretia Hunt, his wife, late Hinds
9) Matthew Gray & Abigail Gray, his wife, late Hinds

Note that the grantee in the first deed, William H. McGee, is also an heir of Samuel Hinds by virtue of his wife. Since only 6 heirs participated in the first deed, William H. McGee had only a partial interest in the 100 acres which he purchased for $300 (presumably $50 to each of the 6 heirs). In any event he sold whatever part he owned for $400 on 1 Oct 1830 only 3 days after his purchase. (Bk E, pg 241) Specifically William McGee and Sarah Ann, his wife, of Fentress Co., Tennessee sold to Samuel Cowan of Wayne Co. a tract of 100 acres "being Eighth undivided interest and part as heirs and Representatives of Samuel Hinds, dec'd". The wording suggests that he sold only the part his wife had inherited, not the part he had just purchased, but the price suggests that he sold his entire interest. Why "one eighth"? I don't know.

Abigail Gray is 26 in the 1850 census and 39 in 1860, and thus was born about 1821--1824 and was about 16--19 in 1840. One possibility is that she is the daughter of a son of Samuel Hinds, who by 1840 is dead. Another possibility is that Samuel's second wife was young enough to bear him a child just before he died. That child would be Abigail. From the 1850 census it is clear that Abigail's mother was named Martha Hinds. There is a Martha Hinds on the Wayne Co. tax roll 4 times between 1829 and 1835 (1831 and 1832 are missing; she is absent in 1830). In Book I of the Wayne Co. Deed Records on pages 271-73 we find that on April 9, 1846 Martha Hinds for $50 relinquished to Polly Cowan her right of dower in 150 acres on which Polly Cowan then lived, having brought suit against the widow and heirs of Samuel Cowan for her right of dower in that land. Who is this Martha Hinds? I conclude that she is the same person as Samuel Hinds' second wife Patsy Carrigan They married in 1820. She was young enough to bear him a child. She appears on the tax roll twice as Patsey Hinds in 1826 and in 1827. On October 11, 1823 Samuel Hinds sold to Samuel Cowan for $100 a 5 acre tract on the corner of the 200 acre tract where he lived. (Bk D, pgs 27-28) Samuel Hind's wife would have had dower rights in that property, but she is not named with her husband in the deed. She also did not participate with the other heirs in the sales of September 1830 and July 1840. Samuel Cowan married Polly Hutchison on January 23, 1818.

The suit mentions Martha Hinds's right of dower in 150 acres. That means that Samuel Cowan bought 150 acres from Samuel Hinds. The tax records for 1833 and for 1834 show that Samuel Cowan owned two tracts on Meadow Creek, one of 196 acres and another of 150 acres. He purchased the 196 acre tract August 25, 1820 (C/170). In 1834 the 150 acre tract is said to have been entered, surveyed and patented in the name of S. Hinds. D/27, E/239 and E/241 indicate that Samuel Cowan bought about 105 acres from Samuel Hinds. It is not clear how Cowan acquired the rest of the 150 acres.

On 25 Aug 1846 Matthew W. Gray and Abigail Gray, his wife, of Johnson Co., Illinois appointed Socrates Hinds of Wayne Co. to sell their interest in "an undivided tract about 12 miles from Monticello on the road to Somerset, where Samuel Hinds lived and died". They hold in fee simple a title in right of Abigail. (Book K, pgs 152-53)

On 6 Aug 1847 Mary M. McGee sold to James Cowan for $50 a 1/11th interest in all the lands which descended to her from Samuel Hinds, dec'd, on the waters of Cumberland River. She says that she is the daughter and only heir of Samuel McGee, deceased, who married a daughter of Samuel Hinds. (Bk K, pg 56)

These last 2 deeds suggest that Samuel Cowan had only a partial interest in the 150 acre tract that his widow lived on and that Samuel D. Hutchison owned most but not all of the tract that he purchased from the heirs of Samuel Hinds (H/301). The phrase "1/11th interest" suggests that there were 11 heirs, which suggests that Samuel Hinds had 11 children who were either alive or whose heirs were alive at the time of his death. E/239 and H/301 account for only 9. It is possible that Samuel McGee married Jane = Jinney. I think it is more likely that he married some other daughter whose name we do not know. I have not found a marriage record for him in either Wayne or Pulaski County. The nameless daughter is a tenth child. Socrates Hinds is a slightly problematic but possible 11th child.

The census after 1850 provides approximate birth years for Samuel Jr., Joel, Sarah Ann, Levi M., Socrates, and Abigail. For the other children we can make a guess based on marriage dates and the censuses before 1850.


Samuel Hinds was an executor of the last will and testament of John Bond, signed in Knox Co., Tennessee June 17, 1795. The following two entries (copied from Ken Hind's database) from East Tennessee's Forgotten Children, Apprentices from 1778 to 1911 by Alan N. Miller indicate that John Bond died before October 1795 and that Samuel Hinds became the guardian of his son Joseph.

Name -- Date -- Age -- Master -- Notes
Bond, Joseph 28 Oct 1795 16 yr Hinds, Samuel Orphan
Sharp, Elizabeth 3 Nov 1796 11 yr Hinds, Samuel Orphan


1 Kenneth Hinds,

2 db: tvdavis.

3 June Baldwin Bork, "Wayne Co., Ky. Marriages & Vital Records 1801--1860," Vol 1, pg 141. Repository: Clayton Library, Houston, Texas.

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