Roger Reese Jr.

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Bef 1710 - Virginia
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: William Reese (      -Bef 1738)

Spouses and Children
                1. Charles Reese (1733-After 1791)


"Births from the Bristol Parish Register of Henrico, Prince George, and Dinwiddie Counties, Virginia, 1720-1798" at, Bristol Parish Register, pages 82-86, images 85-89/137:

Martha datr of Roger & Eliza Reese born ffeby 9th 1730 bapt May 21st 1732.
Charles Son of Roger & Eliza Reese Born 3d apr 1733 Bapt 30th dcer.


Just a guess based on the birth date of his oldest known child.


In December 1740 and in August 1756 Roger Reece, Jr. received 2 patents on a total of 715 acres in Prince George Co., Virginia. In June 1738 he and his brother William jointly received a patent on 326 acres in Amelia Co. The details can be seen at the website of the Library of Virginia ( as of Nov 2024). Highlight "Virginia Land Office patent and grants volumes" below the search box and search for a name.

William Reece and Roger Reece, June 16, 1738, pages 23-24; unto William Reece and Roger Reece (Sons of William Reece late of the County of Prince George dec'd) one certain Tract or Parcel of Land containing 326 acres lying and being in the County of Amelia on the upper Side of N__nmissen Creek [probably Namozine Creek, currently the boundary between Dinwiddie Co. on the east and Amelia Co. on the west; Amelia Co. was created in about 1735 from parts of Prince George Co. and Brunswick Co.; Dinwiddie Co. was created in 1752 from Prince George Co.]

This 326-acre tract was surveyed for William and Roger's father 12 years earlier on 23 Mar 1725/26. By 1744 Roger was the sole owner of the tract. He sold it in two parts, in 1744 and in 1746. The 1744 deed shows that Namozine Creek is one of the boundaries.

On December 20, 1744, Roger Reece of Prince George Co. sells to Jas. Kirkland of the same place for and in consideration of 1900 pounds of good merchantable tobacco to him in hand paid a tract of 126 acres being a part of a larger tract of 326 acres lying and being in Amelia Co. which was granted to the said Roger Reece and William Reece by patent dated June 16, 1738. Metes and bounds. Namusiend Creek is one of the boundaries. Witnesses are Charles Hamlin, Richd Reece, and William Hamlin. Signed Roger Reese.
(Amelia Co. Deed Records, Book 2, page 93, film #7893730, image 351/601

On July 8, 1746, Roger Reese and Elizabeth, his wife, of Prince George Co. sell to Edward Dudley for diverse good causes and considerations and for and in consideration of 16 pounds current money to them in hand paid a tract of 200 acres lying and being in Amelia Co on the upper side of Nammisseen Creek being part of a larger tract granted by patent to William Reese and Roger Reese. The witnesses are Mattw Wills, Charles Hamlin, and Wm Hamlin Jun. Signed Rogger[sic] Reese and Eliza (her E mark) Reese.
(Amelia Co. Deed Records, Book 2, page 419, film #7893730, image 525/601

Roger Reece Junior, December 1, 1740, page 889, 35 shillings; unto Roger Reece Junior a tract of 315 acres lying and being in the County of Prince George on the upper side of White Oak Swamp -- beginning at Robert William's lower corner in Roger Reece's upper end line,
thence W40N 132 poles to a corner white oak,
thence W9N 148 poles to a corner faced pointing,
thence S10W 166 poles to a corner pine,
thence E13S 172 poles to a corner pine,
thence E40S 74 poles to a corner red oak,
thence E13S 96 poles to a corner pine,
thence N10E 94 poles to Roger Reece's line,
thence along the same W13N 69 poles to his corner white oak,
thence N10E 62 poles to beginning.

A grant to Richard Taylor in 1740 adjoins this grant of 315 acres to Roger Reece, Jr. and Hugh Reece's 1743 grant of 323 acres on Cook's Branch. Hugh's land and the land of Roger, Jr. are very close together but not contiguous. We can conclude that Cook's Branch is close to White Oak Swamp. In fact, Davis R. Reese says that his atlas shows that Cook's Branch run southward into Butterwood Creek, which is south of White Oak Creek.

Roger Reece Junior, August 16, 1756, page 240, 40 shillings; unto Roger Reece Junior a tract of 400 acres lying and being in the County of Dinwiddie on the head of White Oak Swamp -- beginning at Claiborne's upper corner . . . to a corner pine over Butterwood Road . . . to Ellington's line

On a modern map the headwaters of White Oak Creek are in the westernmost part of Dinwiddie Co. about 2 miles east of where Namozine Creek (northeastern boundary of Nottoway Co.) meets the north-south straight line boundary of Nottoway Co. The creek runs mostly east and slightly south roughly 15 miles before it flows into Butterwood Creek, which flows into Stony Creek, which flows into the Nottoway River. Dinwiddie Co. was formed in 1752 from Prince George Co.


The 1738 land grant cited above identifies Roger Reece as a son of William Reece of Prince George County, now deceased.


Summaries of documents relating to land grants and early land transactions in South Carolina can be seen at

"Persuant to a precept by William De Brahm Esq Surveyor General, dated the 3d day of March 1756, I have admeasured and laid out unto Roger Rees a plantation or tract of land containing three hundred acres in Craven County on the North side of Santee River, at a place commonly called the High Hills: Bounding to the N.E. (partly) on land laid out for George Sanders: butting and bounding to the S.E. on land laid out for James Brunson, and bounded on all other sides by vacant land: and hath such form shape and marked trees as in the above delineated plat. Certified this 11th day of March 1756 John Evans D S
ord. b_ 6th April 1762,
for William Rees."

An October 29, 1772 deed from William Rees to Edwin Rees (two of the 5 brothers who were probably sons of old William) makes it clear that this tract was patented to William Rees. William was Roger's nephew. In fact, there is a patent record dated July 13, 1762. Probably, Roger Jr. died before that date.


A tract of 300 acres laid out to Roger, Jr. in 1756 was patented to his nephew William July 13, 1762. Probably Roger, Jr. died between 1756 and 1762.

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