Roger Reese

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1660 - Charles City Co., Virginia
          Death: in Virginia
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: Roger Reese (Abt 1635-      )

Spouses and Children
                1. Roger Reese (Abt 1680-Bef 1739)
                2. William Reese (      -Bef 1738)
                3. Richard Reese (      -1723)

The name 'Roger Rees' or some variation occurs in public records in Charles City Co. and Prince George Co., Virginia several times between 1660 and 1694. The first occurence of another Reese in public records is William in 1711. The immigrant Roger Rees is assumed to have been born in about 1640 or before. If William (and Richard) were sons of the immigrant, it would be strange for them not to appear in public records until 1711. Hence the introduction of this Roger Rees, son of the immigrant and father of William and Richard. Birth years are just estimates for the purpose of creating a plausible model.

Public records are far from complete.

Charles City Co., Virginia Order Books are available at FamilySearch for 1655-65, 1672-73, 1677-79, 1685, and 1687-95. Prince George Co. was formed in 1703 from all of Charles City Co. south of the James River.

August 1692, page 410, image 374/480:

At a court held August 3, 1692 at Westover, Roger Rees and Thomas Anderson are assigned to appraise the estate of Charles Williams, dec'd.

August 1693, page 465, image 402/480:

At a court held August 3, 1693 at Westover, Danll Higdon & Rogr Reece report an appraisal.

October 1693, page 469, image 404/480:

At a court held at Westover October 3, 1693, Roger Reece and Thomas Anderson are ordered to appraise the goods of the estate of Wm Taylor, dec'd.

August 1694, page 507, image 425/480:

At a court held August 3, 1694 at Westover, Roger Rees, Daniel Higdon, and John Poythros are on a jury.

"Virginia Tax Records", "Virginia Quit Rent Rolls, 1704: Prince George County" at; A Rent Roll of all the Lands held in the County of Prince George for the year 1704:

Roger Reace Senr -- 100 acres
Roger Reace Junr -- 100 acres
Tho: Anderson -- 450 acres
5 other Andersons


The very detailed biography of Thomas Anderson at

states that Thomas and Roger Rees were associates. Twice they were ordered by the court to appraise an estate. Thomas's daughter Mary married Roger's son Roger.

'Roger Reese' and 'Daniell Higdon' appear together in several public records. The two men appear to be closely associated. Just as there were 2 (or more) generations of Roger Reeses, there may have been 2 generations of Daniell Higdons.


There is a 38-year gap between the following patent and the 1721 patent in Prince George Co. to Roger Reese, the son of this Roger Reese. Prince George Co. was formed in 1703 from all of Charles City Co. south of the James River. The long gap suggests that this patent is to the father rather than to the son. The details can be seen at the website of the Library of Virginia ( as of Nov 2024). Highlight "Virginia Land Office patent and grants volumes" below the search box and search for a name.

Danniell Higdon and Roger Reese, April 16, 1683, page 274; unto __ Danniell Higdon and __ Roger Reese an irregular tract of 265 acres one rod and 13 poles lying and being in the County of Charles City and in the Parish of Westover and on the south side of the James River -- beginning at a corner dogwood on the lower Kings field Branch, thence along the line of Richard Pace, crossing the upper Kings field Branch . . . crossing the Black water path . . . to John Williamson's corner . . . crossing Scotch Branch . . .on the line of Col. Edward Hill . . .

For a description of the process of obtaining a patent see


On 30 Oct 1686 a Francis Ree patented 326 acres on the northwest side of upper Chipoakes Creek. Today Chippokes Creek is said to be in Surry Co. Surry Co. is adjacent to Prince George Co., and it might be that Francis Ree is really Francis Rees and that he is related to Roger. Or they may be totally unrelated.

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