James Haynes

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 
          Death: 1655 - Southold, Long Island, New York
 Cause of Death: 

Spouses and Children
1. *Mary (       -       )
                1. John Haynes (1639-      )
                2. James Haynes (1641-      )
                3. Benjamin Haynes (1643-      )
                4. Mary Haynes (1646-      )
                5. James Hinds (1648-1719)
                6. Jonathan Haynes (1648-      )
                7. Sarah Haynes (1648-      )
                8. Thomas Haynes (1651-      )


A record of the baptisms of James Haynes's 8 children in the First Congregational Church in Salem, Massachusetts can be seen at several websites. A handwritten copy of early baptisms is on pages 201-205 (images 140-144) in a section entitled "Record of Baptisms administred[sic] in the first Church in Salem, beginning AD 1636". This is a copy of earlier records and was made by Pastor Thomas Barnard, who was pastor from 1755 to 1776. The handwriting is easily readable, and the name is always 'Haynes'. The dates are Old Style. The second number is the month.


1639 28 6 John .s. of Brother Haynes.
1641 2 - 6 James .s. Brother Haynes
1643 27 - 6 Benjamin .s. Bror Haynes
1646 19 2 Mary .d. Bror Haynes
1647 27 - 12 James .s. Bro: Haynes.
1648 11 - 4 Jonathan & Sarah ch: of Bro: Haynes.
1651 4 - 3 Thomas .s. James Haynes

The same list with the same dates (except 26-6 for Benjamin) is on page 162 of The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume XXXVII, 1883, in an article entitled "Will of James Haines or Hindes, of Southold, Long Island, N. Y., 1652". The variation in form in different lines suggests that this list was copied from the original records and that it more faithfully represents the original records than the previous copy.

John, son of Broth Haines 28. 6. 1639.
James " Bro. " 2. 6. 1641.
Benj. " " " 26. 6. 1643.
Mary d " " 19. 2. 1646.
James s " " 27. 12. 1647.
Jona }
Sarah }child " " 11. 4. 1648.
Thos s of James Haynes 4. 3. 1651.


The same list is on page 6 of History and Genealogy of the Hinds Family by Albert Henry Hinds, published in 1899. "The records of the First Congregational church of Salem, Mass., show that this James Haines was a member as early as Dec. 25, 1637, and the baptism of his eight children are recorded as follows:" Months are indicated, not by numbers, but by names, and the names are wrong for the last 5 children because of a failure to realize that the dates are Old Style. See


These baptisms are also in "Salem Births" in Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849, Volume I -- Births, published in 1916, available at Internet Archive. The three oldest children are listed under 'Haines' on page 396, and the others are under 'Haynes' on page 416. In most cases the name of the father is not given.


Salem is in Essex Co.


The following will and inventory are on page 161 of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume XXXVII, 1883, in an article entitled "Will of James Haines or Hindes, of Southold, Long Island, N. Y., 1652".



JAMES HAINES removed from Salem, Mass., to Southold, L. I., about 1651-2, and was a cooper by profession. He is described in a deed made August 7, 1660, as "James Haynes late of Salem in the county of Essex," &c., which is of record at Southold. His name is written on the Salem church records Haines, Haynes, and Hindes. Hatfield, in his History of Elizabeth, N. J., states that John Haynes appears at Elizabeth among the first 65 settlers, Feb. 19, 1665. This John Hinds or Haines and his brother James were sons of James Hinds, of Salem, Mass., and Southold, L. I., and were bred coopers, &c. A John Hinds died at Elizabeth, N. J., 1749, and John Dayton was one of his executors.

We have failed to trace the first James Hindes or Haines beyond Salem, but he undoubtedly came from England.

I James Haynes being weake in bodie, but by divine Providence in p'fect memorie do make this my last will and testament:
Inpris. I doe give and bequeath that small estate the Lord hath been pleased to lend me to my loving wife Mary Haynes my children being Smale for to bring them upp withall, only my tooles that belong to my calling I give them all to my oldest sonn John Haynes.

2d: my will is that my children continue with my wife till they be twenty one years of age, th' older laboring to be a help to bring upp the younger, unless Providence order it otherwise that she shall dispose of herselfe in marriage and then shall see or have cause to put any of them to some honest trade or callinge.

I leave it to her & my loving ffriends Mr John Youngs, Sen: & John Herbert my overseers to dispose of, or in case she should not dispose of herself in marriage, that she finde not herselfe able to govern them, or that it bee not advantagious to the family to keep them all at home, then I leave it to her and my aforesaid overseers to dispose of them.--In testimony hereof I have sett my hand the 1 March 1652. Southold.
Signed and delivered in the p'sence of us.
Jo. Yongs John Herbert.

An Inventorie of the Goods & Chattels whereof James Haynes lately dyed possessed taken upon oath according to order in that behalfe the 18th of 9th m 1655.

Inpris houses & lands appertaining, 3 Cowes & 2 Steers £50.00.00
It. 1 Calfe, 2 hafers & 1 Steere 08.04.00
It. 14 goats & Kidds & 7 Swyne younge and old 10.12.00
It. 1 debt £7.--11 yds of Searge, 2 yds ½ n'g Searge 12.02.00
It. his wear'g cloaths, hatt, 5 pr Sheets, 12 Pillow cases 11.14.00
It. 2 Shirts--7 table napkins, 9 table Cloths & lynin cloths 03.08.10
It. fustian--pewter, warming pan & frying pan 03.02.00
It. a bedstead--feather bed & curtains 08.00.00
It. a chest & bedstead & all other household goods 09.17.00
It. 10 bushells of Indian corne & 7 bushells of Wheate 03.01.06
It. 6 bushells of Pease--3 loads of hay 03.04.00

Barnabas Horton
Thomas Moore

This will and inventory seems to have been recorded on the 5th of December, 1655, in the Southold Town Records, liber B, page 91, from which volume this copy was made, October 15, 1881. His widow Mary married in June, 1656, Ralph Dayton, at Southold.

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