William Hitt

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 18 Aug 1774 - Virginia
          Death: Abt 1852 - (Seneca Co., Ohio) ( about age 78) 1
 Cause of Death: 

         Father: John Hitt (Abt 1715-1782)
         Mother: Mary (Abt 1736-After 1802)

Spouses and Children
1. *Liddy (       - Bef 1829)
                1. Lucinda Hitt (1797-1881)
                2. Mary Hitt (1799-      )
                3. Nancy Hitt (1802-1875)
                4. Aaron Hitt (1804-      )
                5. William Russell Hitt (1806-1875)
                6. Garrett Thomson Hitt (1807-1889)
                7. Peter Hitt (1811-1892)
                8. George W. Hitt (1815-1873)
                9. Abner Hitt (1816-1864)
                10. Martha Hitt (1817-Bef 1848)
                11. Lydia Ann Hitt (1825-1906)

2. Malinda Rowly (Abt 1797 -       )
       Marriage: 10 Sep 1829 - Perry Co., Ohio 2 3
                1. Barbara Hitt (1830-Bef 1870)
                2. Margret C. Hitt (1833-Bef 1840)
                3. Sophia Hitt (1834-      )


<pre>1810 Fauquier Co., Virginia
William Hitt 30010 -- 12010; no slaves
male female
3 <10 1
10-15 2
1 26-44 1
>45 </pre>

He is 3 entries away from Charles Ayres.

<pre>1820 Fauquier Co., Virginia
William Hitt 301001 --- 20301; no slaves
male female
3 <10 2
1 16-18
16-26 3
1 >45 1 </pre>

He is next to his nephew Harrison Hitt.

<pre>1830 Perry Co., Ohio, Reading Township
William Hitt 00033001 -- 002202
male female
< 5
10-15 2
3 15-20 2
3 20-30
30-40 2
1 50-60 </pre>

<pre>1840 Seneca Co., Ohio
William Hitt 000000001 -- 0201011; 1 in agriculture
male female
< 5
5-10 2
15-20 1
30-40 1
40-50 1
1 60-70 </pre>

He is next to his son Abner Hitt.

<pre>1860 Seneca Co., Ohio, Seneca Township, p.o. Palo Alto; June 5; pg 13
Malinda Hitt 64 F Va $2500/$400
William Dean 17 M Oh </pre>

William is Malinda's grandson.

In 1870 Malinda Hett (72, F, Pa) is living in Seneca Co., Ohio in the household of her son-in-law Samuel Aulger.

1810 1820 1830 1840
Fauquier Fauquier Perry Seneca

<10 (4) 15-20 (14) Abner, b. 1816
<10 (5) 15-20 (15) George, b. 1815
<10 (9) 15-20 (19) Peter, b. 1811

<10 (3) 20-30 (23) Garrett T., b. 1807
<10 (4) William Russell, b. 1806, m. 1832
<10 (6) 16-18 (16) 20-30 (26) Aaron, b. 1804

26-44 (36) >45 (46) 50-60 (56) 60-70 (66) William, b. 1774

5-10 (6) Sophia, b. abt 1834
5-10 (10) Barbara, b. abt 1830
15-20 (15) Lydia A., b. 1825
<10 (3) 10-15 (13) Martha, b. 1817
<10 15-20
<10 (8) 16-26 (18) Nancy, b. 1802
10-15 (11) 16-26 (21) 30-40 (31) Mary, b. 1799
10-15 (13) 16-26 (23) 30-40 (33) Lucinda, b. 1797
26-44 >45 first wife
30-40 (33) 40-50 (43) second wife, b. 1797
The parenthesized numbers represent real ages to be compared with the age categories that appear in the census. By 1830 William Russell is no longer living in his father's household. He has a separate census entry in Culpeper Co., Virginia. The first wife's age in 1820 is presumably wrong since she had a child in 1825.


Of the sons of Peter Hitt, the immigrant, only John seems plausible. Peter left a will, and his brother Harman named his children in a power of attorney; thus we have reliable lists of their children. Henry left Fauquier Co. before William was born. William was too young to be left behind when Joseph left. Some grandchildren of Peter the immigrant are old enough to be William's father, but all of them left Virginia before William was old enough to remain behind. They would have taken William with them. I have chosen John by a process of elimination. Note that John's grandson (and thus William's nephew) Presley R. Hitt was in Perry Co., Ohio very early. Note also that in 1818 a William Hitt swore that John's granddaughter Susan Hitt (daugher of Peter) was over 21 years of age. If William is John's son, then he is Susan's uncle and would be a reasonable person to testify as to her age. In 1818 Susan's father is dead, and she has no brother named William. Susan does have a half first cousin named William who might be able to testify to her age.

John's widow Mary married a much younger man John Shaw in 1791. William is associated with John Shaw in Culpeper Co. John Shaw would be William's step-father. See below.

If William is John's son then Arthur Gladstone (married to Susannah) is William's brother-in-law. Thus William's sons Garrett Thomson and William Russell and their wives, Anzelana and Mahala Gladstone, were first cousins.


1782 is the first year that a list of men required to pay a tax on personal property is available for Fauquier Co., Virginia. I have seen the lists through 1819. A man 16 years or older is considered to be tithable and often appears in the list in his father's household for several years before he has an entry of his own. I don't find any entry that would reasonably correspond to this William Hitt until 1810. He is there in 1810 and in 1812-19. He usually has 2 or 3 horses. See notes under William Hitt (1785-), son of John's son John.

This William Hitt is not in Fauquier Co. prior to 1810 because he is in Culpeper Co. In 1791 William's step-father John Shaw is a second tithable in his father Archibald Shaw's household in Fauquier Co. In 1792 John Shaw has an entry of his own which is contiguous with that of his father. From 1793 onward John Shaw is in Culpeper Co.

In more detail the entries are as follows. Brackets indicate contiguous entries. The columns are 1) white tithables, 2) blacks over 16, 3) blacks between 12 and 16, and 4) horses. There are 2 districts in Culpeper Co. and William Hitt is always in the same district as John Shaw.


Fauquier Co.:

1790 Archibald Shaw 1 0 0 2

1791 Archibald Shaw 2 0 0 2 John Shaw

1792 [Archibald Shaw 1 0 0 2
1792 [John Shaw 1 0 0 1

Culpeper Co.:

1793 [Archibald Shaw 1 0 0 1
1793 [John Shaw 1 1 0 1

1794 [John Shaw 1 0 0 2
1794 [Archibald Shaw 1 0 0 1
1794 William Hitt 1 0 0 1

1795 [John Shaw 2 0 0 2
1795 [Archibald Shaw 1 0 0 2

1796 [Archibald Shaw 2 0 0 4
1796 [John Shaw 1 0 0 2

1797 [Archeless Shaw 2 0 0 1
1797 [John Shaw 1 0 0 3
1797 William Hitt 1 0 0 0

1798 [Archabald Shaw 1 0 0 3
1798 [John Shaw 1 0 0 1
1798 William Hitt 1 0 0 1

1799 [Archabald Shaw 1 0 0 3
1799 [John Shaw 1 0 0 1

1800 Archibald Shaw 1 0 0 3

1801 [John Shaw 1 0 0 2
1801 [5x
1801 [Archibald Shaw 2 0 0 3
1801 William Hitt 1 0 0 1

1802 John Shaw 1 0 0 1
1802 [Archibald Shaw Sen'r 1 0 0 2
1802 [Archibald Shaw Jn'r 1 0 0 0
1802 William Hitt 1 0 0 2

1803 John Shaw 1 0 0 0
1803 Archabald Shaw 2 0 0 2
1803 William Hitt 1 0 0 1

1804 John Shaw 1 0 0 1
1804 Archabald Shaw 2 0 0 2
1804 William Hitt 1 0 0 1

1805-1810 ---- missing

1811 [Jno. Shaw 1 2 0 2
1811 [12x
1811 [Nealy Shaw 1 0 0 2
1811 [Jas. Shaw 1 0 0 0

1812 [Jno. Shaw 1 2 0 3
1812 [11x
1812 [Neale Shaw 1 0 0 0
1812 [Jas. Shaw 1 0 0 0

William Hitt first shows up in 1794. In the 11 year period between 1794 and 1804, he can be accounted for 8 times (1794, 1795, 1797, 1798, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804). In 1795 he does not have an entry of his own, but he may be the second tithable in the household of John Shaw. He is unaccounted for 3 times (1796, 1799, and 1800). In 1796 he MIGHT be the second tithable in the household of Archibald Shaw, but probably not since Archibald has a second tithable on several occasions when William Hitt has his own entry.

In 1793 maybe William has not as yet become tithable in the eyes of the tax assessors, or maybe he is just inexplicably absent as in 1796, 1799, and 1800.

In 1810 and later William Hitt is in Fauquier Co. He is in the 1810 census in Fauquier Co.

In 1803 the entry of William Hitt is contiguous with that of his nephew John Hitt, son of his half-brother John.


The obituary of William's son Peter implies that the family moved from Virginia to Perry Co., Ohio in about 1828. They stayed in Perry Co. 4 years.


Perry Co., Ohio Marriage Records:

I do hereby Certify that on the 8th of September A.D. 1829 by Virtue of a License from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Perry County Daniel Anderson and Isabella Hopper were Legally joined in Marriage by me a Justice of the Peace in and for said County. Also William Hitt and Malinda Rowly on the 10th September 1829. Given under my hand the 12th September 1829. M. D. Brook J.P.


The Germanna Foundation has a typewritten document created by James Boyd Hitt, probably between 1942 and 1947. It begins "The following brief record is from the old family bible which belonged to James A. Hitt, My father. (this is written by James Boyd Hitt)". It is signed "James B. Hitt". There are various handwritten annotations including 'living' beside several names. No such annotation is beside the name and birth date of Clement D. Hitt. I deduce that the document was created after his death. He died in 1942, and James Boyd Hitt died in 1947.

The document contains the names and birth dates of William Hitt, his 14 children, the 2 sons of Garrett Thompson Hitt, the children of James Alexander Hitt, the son of William Arthur Hitt, the children of Clement D. Hitt, and the children of James Boyd Hitt. The names and dates are presumably from the Bible. The commentary was presumably written by James Boyd Hitt.

The first part of the document (here between asterisks) is as follows:
William Hitt was born Oct. 1774 (my great grandfather)
Lucy Hitt " Aug. 15 1797
Polly Hitt " July 13 1799
Nancy Hitt " March 28 1802
Aaron Hitt " July 23 1804
Garrett Thompson Hitt (father of James A. Hitt)
Born in Culpepper Co. Virginia Feb. 17, 1807
Moved to Senaca Co. Ohio in 1834.-thence to Williams Co.
Ohio 1838. Married to Anzelina Gladstone, Born in
Farquahr Co. Va. July 22, 1804
William Russell Hitt Born Jan 22, 1809
(settled in Perry Co. Ohio)
Peter Hitt Born March 9, 1811 (settled in Vermont)
Abner Hitt " Aug. 27, 1813 (Perry Co. Ohio)
George W. Hitt " March 27, 1813
Martha Hitt " Aug. 19, 1817
Lydia Ann Hitt " March 23, 1820
Barbra Hitt " Oct. 17, 1830
Margret C. Hitt " Nov. 22, 1833
Sophia Hitt " March 28, 1834

There are several discrepancies between these dates and corresponding dates based on other evidence. It would be very useful to be able to examine the Bible itself. In the case of George W. Hitt the '3' in '1813' is written over another character, probably a '6'. Based on the above description the Bible itself might be William's Bible inherited by Garret T. and then by James A., or it might be Garrett's Bible inherited by James A., or it might be a Bible bought by James A.


Seneca Co., Ohio Will Book 2, pgs 106-07:

The Last Will and Testament of William Hitt Late of the county of Seneca and State of Ohio deceased Produced at the Probate Court of said county on the 22nd day of January AD 1853 was duly proven and with the proof reduced to writing ordered to be recorded reads as follows to wit.

In the name of the Benevolent Father of all I William Hitt do make & publish this my last will & testament
Item 1st I give & bequeath to my beloved wife Malilida in lieu of her dower the farm on which we now reside situate in Seneca Township Seneca County Ohio containing about seventy or Eighty acres during her widowhood also all personal property household furniture kitchen furniture farming utensils monies Credits and Effects of Every kind and name whatever --- So long as she may Continue to remain my widow
Item 2nd I also give & bequeath to my beloved wife one bay mare, one stove one clock one stand & six windsor Chairs as her property forever and at her disposal at or before her death as she may Choose or think proper
Item 3rd After my wife shall no more be my widow or shall have died then All my property remaining unconsumed shall be Equally divided between all my Children share & [share] alike to wit Lucy Roley Nancy McCormick, Aaron Hitt, Garrett Thomson Hitt William Russel Hitt, Peter Hitt, Martha Dean, but she Martha having deceased her share shall be divided between the children she had, to wit, Eliza Ann Dean William Henry Dean & John Dean are to have her share to be equally Divided between them share & share alike
George Hitt Lydia Ann Patterson Mary Tiffany Barbary Hitt Sophia Hitt and Abner Hitt are to have share & share alike of all my property remaining unconsumed at the Death of my wife or the End of her widowhood
I do hereby appoint Ingman Roley Executor of this my last will & testament. I do hereby revoke all former wills by me made
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 30th Day of March 1848 ---

William Hitt (seal)
Signed & acknowledged
by said William Hitt as his last will & testament in our presence & signed by us in his presence
Andrew Eby
Ziba A. Letson


William Hitt died sometime between March 1848 when he signed his will and January 1853 when the will was submitted for probate. 1852 is just a guess.


Seneca Co., Ohio Deed Records, Volume 58, pgs 477-78:

On May 4, 1872 William Galbraith filed a petition in the Court of Common Pleas of Seneca Co. against the following defendants:

Nancy McCormack,
Garrit Hitt,
William R. Hitt,
Peter Hitt,
Eliza Row,
Nelson Row,
George Hitt,
William Patterson,
Lydia Patterson,
John Tiffany,
James Wilson,
George Wilson,
John Wilson,
Mary J. Wilson,
Hannah M. Wilson,
Thomas E. Wilson,
James Aulger,
Martha Aulger,
Laura Aulger,
Barbata Aulger
William Aulger,
Catharine Hushberger, and
Laura Hitt.

In response the court ordered the sheriff to sell at public auction a tract of about 70 acres in Seneca Township, Seneca Co., Ohio being that part of the SW 1/4 of Section 13 of T1N R14 lying north of the Sandusky River.

The sheriff sold the tract on January 20, 1873 to John Redfox for $2730 and on March 10, 1873 delivered to him a sheriff's deed.

Presumably the proceeds were distributed among the plaintiff and the defendants, but the deed makes no mention of any distribution.


1 "Find-a-Grave," Memorial # 150652535.

2 Ohio, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1774-1993, Repository: http://www.ancestry.com.

3 "Familysearch.org," "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016", database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XZG8-BYL : 29 September 2021), William Hitt and Malinda Rowly, 1829; image 122/229.

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